Nops largus
Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121
: 58-61
58-61 |
Neotrops donaldi
comb. nov.
Grismado, Cristian J. & Ramírez, Martín J., 2013, The New World Goblin Spiders Of The New Genus Neotrops (Araneae: Oonopidae), Part 1, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 (383), pp. 1-150
: 108-114
108-114 |
Dissomphalus bilobatus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 45-46
45-46 |
Dissomphalus dilatatus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 56
56 |
Dissomphalus cervoides
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 30
30 |
Dissomphalus plaumanni
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 54
54 |
Dissomphalus pronus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 39
39 |
Dissomphalus teobus
sp. nov.
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 52-53
52-53 |
Dissomphalus ubracus
sp. nov.
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 65-66
65-66 |
Estoloides perforata
Santos-Silva, Antonio, Wappes, James E. & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2018, Descriptions and synonymies in American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 4375 (4), pp. 451-501
: 453-454
453-454 |
Hylomyrma dentiloba
Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical ant genus Hylomyrma Forel, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), with the description of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 5055 (1), pp. 1-137
: 40-43
40-43 |
Scybalocanthon moniliatus
Silva, Fernando A. B. & Valois, Marcely, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the genus Scybalocanthon Martínez, 1948 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), Zootaxa 4629 (3), pp. 301-341
: 327-328
327-328 |
Coilodes castaneus
Basílio, Daniel Silva, Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Zagury, Cherman, Mariana Alejandra & Almeida, Lúcia Massutti de, 2023, A look beyond the colour: taxonomic revision of Coilodes Westwood, 1846 (Coleoptera, Hybosoridae), with the description of six new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 914 (1), pp. 1-53
: 11-14
11-14 |
Hesus flaviventris
Heiss, E., 2009, Review of the Neotropical genus Hesus STÅL 1862 with description of a new species (Heteroptera, Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (1), pp. 343-357
: 348
348 |
Ecclisister costaericae
stat. nov.
Tishechkin, Alexey K., Kronauer, Daniel J. C. & Beeren, Christoph Von, 2017, Taxonomic Review and Natural History Notes of the Army Ant-Associated Beetle Genus Ecclisister Reichensperger (Coleoptera: Histeridae: Haeteriinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2), pp. 279-288
: 281-284
281-284 |
Cyclocaccus monticola
Hisamatsu, Sadatomo, Bayless, Victoria M. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2016, Revision ofCyclocaccusSharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 825-870
: 825-870
825-870 |
Euparius ajax
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 22-23
22-23 |
Probolomyrmex boliviensis
Oliveira, Aline M. & Feitosa, Rodrigo M., 2019, Taxonomic revision of the genus Probolomyrmex Mayr, 1901 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Proceratiinae) for the Neotropical Region, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 61-94
: 68-70
68-70 |
Cyclocaccus clinei
sp. nov.
Hisamatsu, Sadatomo, Bayless, Victoria M. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2016, Revision ofCyclocaccusSharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 825-870
: 825-870
825-870 |
Batriscydmaenus tishechkini
sp. nov.
Parker, Joseph & Owens, Brittany, 2018, Batriscydmaenus Parker and Owens, New Genus, and Convergent Evolution of a “ Reductive ” Ecomorph in Socially Symbiotic Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (2), pp. 219-229
: 223-224
223-224 |
Eutyphlus thoracicus
Owens, Brittany E. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2016, Revision ofEutyphlusLeConte (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), with Description of a New Species and Phylogenetic Placement within the Tribe Trichonychini, The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (1), pp. 1-29
: 1-29
1-29 |
Monstera obliqua
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 127-130
127-130 |
Zelus panamensis
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Zelus panamensis
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Branchiomma conspersum
Tovar-Hernández, María Ana & Knight-Jones, Phyllis, 2006, Species of Branchiomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the Caribbean Sea and Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 1189 (1), pp. 1-37
: 18-20
18-20 |
Clavaspis virolae
sp. nov.
Wei, Jiufeng, Schneider, Scott A., Normark, Roxanna D. & Normark, Benjamin B., 2021, Four new species of Aspidiotini (Hemiptera, Diaspididae, Aspidiotinae) from Panama, with a key to Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1047, pp. 1-25
: 1
1 |
Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, Prado, Lívia Pires do & Brandão, Carlos Roberto Ferreira, 2017, Catalogue of the Dolichoderinae, Formicinae and Martialinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) types deposited at the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 57 (23), pp. 295-311
: 298-299
298-299 |
Davidsonaspis tovomitae
sp. nov.
Wei, Jiufeng, Schneider, Scott A., Normark, Roxanna D. & Normark, Benjamin B., 2021, Four new species of Aspidiotini (Hemiptera, Diaspididae, Aspidiotinae) from Panama, with a key to Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1047, pp. 1-25
: 1
1 |
Clavaspis selvatica
sp. nov.
Wei, Jiufeng, Schneider, Scott A., Normark, Roxanna D. & Normark, Benjamin B., 2021, Four new species of Aspidiotini (Hemiptera, Diaspididae, Aspidiotinae) from Panama, with a key to Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1047, pp. 1-25
: 1
1 |
Rungaspis neotropicalis
sp. nov.
Wei, Jiufeng, Schneider, Scott A., Normark, Roxanna D. & Normark, Benjamin B., 2021, Four new species of Aspidiotini (Hemiptera, Diaspididae, Aspidiotinae) from Panama, with a key to Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1047, pp. 1-25
: 1
1 |
Acanthoctenus chickeringi
sp. nov.
Arizala, Stephany, Labarque, Facundo Martín & Polotow, Daniele, 2021, Revision of the Neotropical spider genus Acanthoctenus (Araneae: Ctenidae Acanthocteninae), Zootaxa 4920 (1), pp. 1-55
: 39-43
39-43 |
Pygoda irrorata
Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, Nascimento, Agata Tyanne Silva & Nunes, Benedito Mendes, 2018, Revision of Pygoda Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Edessinae) with description of four new species, Zootaxa 4461 (2), pp. 205-232
: 214-216
214-216 |
Amapacylapus englemani
Wolski, Andrzej, 2017, Taxonomic review of the plant bug genera Amapacylapus and Cylapus with descriptions of two new species and a key to the genera of Cylapini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 57 (2), pp. 399-455
: 413-414
413-414 |
Guyalna panamensis
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 28
28 |
Nereis riisei
Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., León-González, Jesús Angel De & Conde-Vela, Víctor M., 2021, Revision of the species confused with “ Nereis falsa ” de Quatrefages, 1866 (Annelida, Nereididae), European Journal of Taxonomy 779, pp. 1-70
: 28-38
28-38 |
Temnocerus pusillus
Hamilton, R. W., 2010, Central American Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (128), pp. 1-42
: 32-33
32-33 |
Temnocerus confertus
Hamilton, R. W., 2010, Central American Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (128), pp. 1-42
: 9-11
9-11 |
Pujoliclerus gilvus
sp. nov.
Opitz, Weston, 2014, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Checkered Beetle GenusPujoliclerusPic (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Peloniinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 68 (4), pp. 727-756
: 727-756
727-756 |
Potisangaba panama
sp. nov.
Napp, Dilma Solange & Martins, Ubirajara R., 2009, Novos táxons em Heteropsini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 49 (4), pp. 73-80
: 75-76
75-76 |
Pyticara championi
Opitz, Weston, 2015, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Enopliinae GISTEL (Coleoptera Cleridae). Part IV. The New World genus Pyticara SPINOLA, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 711-730
: 716-718
716-718 |
Cyrtocapsus elutipes
Henry, Thomas J., 2022, Revision of the New World Plant Bug Genus Cyrtocapsus (Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae: Eccritotarsini), with New and Revised Synonymies, Lectotype Designations, and Descriptions of 12 New Species, Zootaxa 5154 (1), pp. 1-48
: 16-17
16-17 |
Branchiomma bairdi
Tovar-Hernández, María Ana & Knight-Jones, Phyllis, 2006, Species of Branchiomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the Caribbean Sea and Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 1189 (1), pp. 1-37
: 13-17
13-17 |
Parvimysis ornata
sp. nov.
Wittmann, Karl J., 2020, Revision of the genus Parvimysis (Mysida, Mysidae) with descriptions of five new species from coastal waters of the Caribbean, Zootaxa 4742 (1), pp. 1-30
: 18-20
18-20 |
Marmosa (Exulomarmosa) isthmica
Voss, Robert S., 2022, An Annotated Checklist Of Recent Opossums (Mammalia: Didelphidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 (455), pp. 1-77
: 11
11 |
Metaleptobasis foreli
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2013, <p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>, Zootaxa 3738 (1), pp. 1-155
: 35-37
35-37 |
Zelus minutus
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Zelus minutus
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Xynocoris parvus
comb. nov.
Garbelotto, Thereza De A., Campos, Luiz A. & Grazia, Jocelia, 2014, Xynocoris, new genus of Ochlerini from Central and South America (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae), Zootaxa 3869 (3), pp. 281-305
: 285-287
285-287 |
Palliolatrix pulchra
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2006, Descriptions of Palliolatrix gen. n. and seven new species from Middle America (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1319 (1), pp. 15-28
: 26
26 |
Taphura cernuunca
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2017, Generic redescription, seven new species and a key to the Taphura Stål, 1862 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadetttinae: Taphurini), Zootaxa 4324 (3), pp. 451-481
: 457-461
457-461 |
Camarochilus americanus
Weirauch, Christiane, Forero, Dimitri & Schuh, Randall T., 2020, Taxonomic revision of Camarochilus Harris (Hemiptera: Pachynomidae), American Museum Novitates 2020 (3959), pp. 1-32
: 10-12
10-12 |
Ozophora englemani
Vega-Badillo, Viridiana, Hernández-Ortiz, Vicente, Valenzuela-González, Jorge E., Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio & Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel, 2024, Catalogue of the types of Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, and Strepsiptera in the IEXA Entomological Collection at Instituto de Ecología, A. C, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 401-452
: 430
430 |
Taphura cernuunca
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 52
52 |
Heraeus illitus
Dellapé, Pablo M., Melo, María C. & Henry, Thomas J., 2016, A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (1), pp. 29-134
: 67-68
67-68 |
Clytia paulensis
Calder, Dale R., 2019, On a collection of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the southwest coast of Florida, USA, Zootaxa 4689 (1), pp. 1-141
: 55-56
55-56 |
Strumigenys schulzi
dos Santos-Neto, Esperidião Alves, Chaul, Júlio Cezar Mário & Delabie, Jacques Hubert Charles, 2024, New Species and New Records of Strumigenys Smith, 1860 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from the Neotropical schulzi Species Group, Taxonomy (New York) 4 (3), pp. 633-648
: 640-641
640-641 |
Sarcopromusca sarcophagina
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 22
22 |
Monstera adansonii
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 24-28
24-28 |
Megalomma heterops
Tovar-Hernández, María Ana & Carrera-Parra, Luis F., 2011, Megalomma Johansson, 1925 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from America and other world-wide localities, and phylogenetic relationships within the genus 2861, Zootaxa 2861 (1), pp. 1-71
: 35-37
35-37 |
Ummidia erema
Godwin, Rebecca L. & Bond, Jason E., 2021, Taxonomic revision of the New World members of the trapdoor spider genus Ummidia Thorell (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Halonoproctidae), ZooKeys 1027, pp. 1-165
: 1
1 |
Macropygium spinolae
Silva, Layse Mitsue Harada Da & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2021, Revision of Macropygium Spinola, 1837 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Ochlerini) with the revalidation of three species and the description of one new species, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 605-627
: 617-619
617-619 |
Architis tenuis
Santos, Adalberto J., 2007, A revision of the Neotropical nursery-web spider genus Architis (Araneae: Pisauridae), Zootaxa 1578 (1), pp. 1-40
: 7-11
7-11 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) decius
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 267-268
267-268 |
Physimerus antennarius
Lanuza-Garay, Alfredo, Chirú, Lerida & Farnum-Castro, Francisco, 2023, First Record of Physimerus Antennarius Harold, 1875 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini), a Cerambycid-Like Flea Beetle, from Panama, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (2), pp. 203-207
: 205-206
205-206 |
Hydrochus leei
Perkins, Philip D., 2021, Taxonomy of Central American water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae), Zootaxa 4974 (3), pp. 459-503
: 476
476 |
Lutnes testaceus
comb. nov.
Gibson, Gary A. P., 2018, Revision of Lutnes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4415 (2), pp. 330-356
: 350-355
350-355 |
Zammara smaragdula
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 11
11 |
Proarna invaria
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 24-25
24-25 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) serrata
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 279
279 |
Pygoda ramosa
sp. nov.
Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, Nascimento, Agata Tyanne Silva & Nunes, Benedito Mendes, 2018, Revision of Pygoda Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Edessinae) with description of four new species, Zootaxa 4461 (2), pp. 205-232
: 219-221
219-221 |
Azteca instabilis
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 35-37
35-37 |
Azteca lallemandi
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 56
56 |
Monstera alcirana
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 32-35
32-35 |
Muraena argus
Smith, David G., 2012, A checklist of the moray eels of the world (Teleostei: Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) 3474, Zootaxa 3474, pp. 1-64
: 30-32
30-32 |
Caulleriella convexacapa
sp. nov.
Blake, James A. & Dean, Harlan K., 2019, New Species of Cirratulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Caribbean Sea, Zootaxa 4671 (3), pp. 301-338
: 308-309
308-309 |
Neanthes galetae
Villalobos-Guerrero, Tulio F., Kara, Jyothi & Idris, Izwandy, 2021, Redescriptions of Neanthes Kinberg, 1865 (Annelida: Errantia: Nereididae) species from worldwide regions, European Journal of Taxonomy 760 (1), pp. 101-135
: 109-114
109-114 |
Pyura vittata
Rocha, Rosana M. & Counts, Bailey Keegan, 2019, Pyura (Tunicata: Ascidiacea: Pyuridae) on the coasts of Panama, Zootaxa 4564 (2), pp. 491-513
: 509-512
509-512 |
Cyclocaccus stonyx
sp. nov.
Hisamatsu, Sadatomo, Bayless, Victoria M. & Carlton, Christopher E., 2016, Revision ofCyclocaccusSharp (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 825-870
: 825-870
825-870 |
Osoriellus debilis
comb. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354
: 264-266
264-266 |
Osoriellus carinicollis
comb. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354
: 297-298
297-298 |
Renda bicarinata
sp. nov.
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 13-15
13-15 |
Cleptommation chibchani
sp. nov.
Engel, Michael S., 2013, Revision of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Cleptommation (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Journal of Melittology 2013 (22), pp. 1-26
: 18-23
18-23 |
Renda mesoamericana
sp. nov.
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 39-41
39-41 |
Eleusis nigerrima
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, The Neotropical species of the genus Eleusis LAPORTE, 1835 with description of the new genus Eleusima (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (2), pp. 275-318
: 286-287
286-287 |
Renda clavicornis
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 47-49
47-49 |
Megalopinus seminudus
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 662-663
662-663 |
Neolindus basisinuatus
Guzman, Yoan Camilo, Tokareva, Alexandra, Koszela, Katarzyna & Żyła, Dagmara, 2024, Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 942, pp. 1-76
: 70
70 |
Xenopygus punctatus
comb. nov.
Chatzimanolis, Stylianos & Caron, Edilson, 2016, New species and synonymies in Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini), Zootaxa 4200 (1), pp. 131-142
: 137
137 |
Isostichopus maculatus subsp. phoenius
Borrero-Pérez, Giomar H., Solís-Marín, Francisco A. & Lessios, Harilaos, 2024, Understanding the color variability and resolving taxonomic confusion in the sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea): a revision of the genus Isostichopus, European Journal of Taxonomy 949 (1), pp. 1-96
: 50-62
50-62 |
Cyrtoneuropsis praenubila
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 46
46 |
Symplocos naniflora
Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Monstera pinnatipartita
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 138-139
138-139 |
Passiflora coloranigra
sp. nov.
Kuethe, J. R. & Meerman, Jan, 2022, Describing Passiflora coloranigra, a striking new species of Passiflora supersection Laurifoliae (Passifloraceae) from Panama, Phytotaxa 561 (2), pp. 191-198
: 192-195
192-195 |
Helina leucocephala
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 65
65 |
Neomuscina atincta
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 49
49 |
Helina angustipennis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 61
61 |
Graphomya panamensis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 77
77 |
Limnophora altaneira
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 84
84 |
Cyrtoneuropsis fuscisquama
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 43
43 |
Morellia dendropanacis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 11
11 |
Helina prolatifrons
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 67
67 |
Neomuscina pictipennis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 52
52 |
Neodexiopsis emmesa
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 111
111 |
Neomuscina currani
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 50
50 |
Neomuscina capalta
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 50
50 |
Agenamyia exotica
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 83
83 |
Dolichophaonia tachnoides
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 60
60 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) brevis
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 266
266 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) exacta
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 270-271
270-271 |
Schildia microthorax
Dikow, Torsten & Bayless, Keith M., 2009, Taxonomic revision of the genus Schildia Aldrich, 1923 (Diptera: Asilidae: Leptogastrinae) with the description of new extant and extinct species, Insect Systematics & Evolution 40, pp. 253-289
: 280-282
280-282 |
Megaloprepus caerulatus
Feindt, Wiebke & Hadrys, Heike, 2022, The damselfly genus Megaloprepus (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae): Revalidation and delimitation of species-level taxa including the description of one new species, Zootaxa 5115 (4), pp. 487-510
: 498-500
498-500 |
Glenognatha spherella
Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183
: 129-134
129-134 |
Glenognatha foxi
Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183
: 109-116
109-116 |
Euparius polius
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 23-24
23-24 |
Zelus banksi
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Piesocorynus obliquus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 40
40 |
Guyalna woldai
sp. nov.
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 28-32
28-32 |
Coniceromyia brachypoda
sp. nov.
Ament, Danilo César, Kung, Giar-Ann & Brown, Brian V., 2020, Forty-one new species of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an identification key, and new distributional records for the species of the genus, Zootaxa 4830 (1), pp. 1-61
: 6-7
6-7 |
Microzygops nigrofasciatus
Hespenheide, Henry A., 2018, A Review of Microzygops Champion, 1906 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae), with Description of a New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (1), pp. 113-117
: 113-116
113-116 |
Eugonus robustus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 12
12 |
Nemotrichus pilicornis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 22
22 |
Dohrniphora denticotyla
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V. & Kung, Giar-Ann, 2010, 2699, Zootaxa 2699, pp. 1-142
: 67
67 |
Phaenithon jucundus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 16-17
16-17 |
Lejeunea tamasii
Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von, 2016, Early Land Plants Today: Index of Liverworts & Hornworts 2013 - 2014, Phytotaxa 269 (3), pp. 133-185
: 149
149 |
Batesiana tuberculata
Skelley, Paul E. & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2022, A Second Species of Batesiana Chalumeau, 1983 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 76 (4), pp. 612-618
: 615-618
615-618 |
Zelus banksi
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Neopleurophora balbii
sp. nov.
Ament, Danilo Cesar & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the genus Neopleurophora Brown (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of thirty seven new species, Zootaxa 3657 (1), pp. 1-93
: 42
42 |
Dohrniphora taura
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V. & Kung, Giar-Ann, 2010, 2699, Zootaxa 2699, pp. 1-142
: 15
15 |
Neaporia deanna
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 18-19
18-19 |
Euparius clitelliger
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 23
23 |
Neopleurophora odontopyga
sp. nov.
Ament, Danilo Cesar & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the genus Neopleurophora Brown (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of thirty seven new species, Zootaxa 3657 (1), pp. 1-93
: 57-59
57-59 |
Ichnea divisa
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 40-41
40-41 |
Phaenithon semigriseus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 18
18 |
Epimetopus panamensis
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 24
24 |
Phaenithon curvipes
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 14-15
14-15 |
Dohrniphora megobscena
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V. & Kung, Giar-Ann, 2010, 2699, Zootaxa 2699, pp. 1-142
: 30-31
30-31 |
Aulacus elongatus
sp. nov.
Smith, David R., 2008, Aulacidae of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Hymenoptera), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2), pp. 267-355
: 286-287
286-287 |
Coniceromyia auristriata
Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 4086 (1), pp. 1-87
: 13-16
13-16 |
Ichnea frenata
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 42-45
42-45 |
Dohrniphora dentiloba
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V. & Kung, Giar-Ann, 2010, 2699, Zootaxa 2699, pp. 1-142
: 67-68
67-68 |
Coniceromyia broadheadi
Ament, Danilo César, Kung, Giar-Ann & Brown, Brian V., 2020, Forty-one new species of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an identification key, and new distributional records for the species of the genus, Zootaxa 4830 (1), pp. 1-61
: 55
55 |
Zelus amblycephalus
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Embates consimilis
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2005, The Middle American species of Embates Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1100 (1), pp. 1-151
: 1-151
1-151 |
Phaenithon bajulus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 13
13 |
Homocloeus femoralis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 48-49
48-49 |
Zelus amblycephalus
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Phaenithon nigropunctum
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 17
17 |
Phaenithon pardalis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 17
17 |
Phaenithon laevipennis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 17
17 |
Dohrniphora anisoseta
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V. & Kung, Giar-Ann, 2010, 2699, Zootaxa 2699, pp. 1-142
: 112-114
112-114 |
Nops ursumus
Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121
: 64
64 |
Sadala rufa
Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80
: 17-21
17-21 |
Orasema cozamalotl
sp. nov.
Burks, Roger A., Heraty, John M., Dominguez, Chrysalyn & Mottern, Jason L., 2018, Complex diversity in a mainly tropical group of ant parasitoids: Revision of the Orasema stramineipes species group (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4401 (1), pp. 1-107
: 30-33
30-33 |
Scutops chapmani
Freitas, Geovânia & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Scutops Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Periscelididae), Zootaxa 5244 (5), pp. 401-427
: 404
404 |
Saica erubescens
María, Valentina Castro-Huertas & Melo, María Cecilia, 2024, Saica Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Reduviidae, Emesinae, Saicini): taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis with morphological characters, Zoosystema 46 (32), pp. 813-845
: 825
825 |
Zelus vespiformis
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Zelus vespiformis
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) piscicaudata
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 273-274
273-274 |
Pachyolpium isolatum
Romero-Ortiz, Catalina, García, Fabian & Villarreal, Eduardo, 2019, Checklist of the false scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Colombia, with new records and a key to the identification of the families, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 107-139
: 119-120
119-120 |
Castro-Huertas, Valentina & Melo, María Cecilia, 2025, Reassessment of the Saicini phylogeny and evolution of hairy attachment structures on tarsi (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 203 (1), pp. 1-20
: 12
12 |
Saica recurvata
María, Valentina Castro-Huertas & Melo, María Cecilia, 2024, Saica Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Reduviidae, Emesinae, Saicini): taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis with morphological characters, Zoosystema 46 (32), pp. 813-845
: 829-830
829-830 |
Saica rubripes
María, Valentina Castro-Huertas & Melo, María Cecilia, 2024, Saica Amyot & Serville, 1843 (Reduviidae, Emesinae, Saicini): taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis with morphological characters, Zoosystema 46 (32), pp. 813-845
: 830
830 |
Meri zeteki
sp. nov.
Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80
: 76-77
76-77 |
Meri formosus
comb. nov.
Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80
: 43-45
43-45 |
Hyboptera auxilidora
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 98
98 |
Fidicina mannifera
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 20-21
20-21 |
Hyphessobrycon panamensis
Ota, Renata R., Carvalho, Fernando R. & Pavanelli, Carla S., 2020, Taxonomic review of the Hyphessobrycon panamensis species-group (Characiformes: Characidae), Zootaxa 4751 (3), pp. 401-436
: 422-426
422-426 |
Paraclius panamensis
comb. nov.
Soares, Matheus M. M., Capellari, Renato S. & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2023, New or little-known Neotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) (II): genus Hercostomus Loew excluded from the Neotropics, Zootaxa 5254 (2), pp. 181-208
: 197-198
197-198 |
Kawakatsua pumila
sp. nov.
Sluys, Ronald & Laumer, Christopher, 2019, A new genus and species of a terrestrial cavernicolan planarian from Barro Colorado Island, Panama (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Cavernicola), Zootaxa 4586 (1), pp. 187-193
: 188-192
188-192 |
Philornis rettenmeyeri
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 33
33 |
Gymnognathus hedys
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 29
29 |
Ulia poecilogastra
Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166
: 103-107
103-107 |
Azteca schimperi
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 58-60
58-60 |
Piesocorynus aspis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 37
37 |
Phaenithon discifer
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 15-16
15-16 |
Eugenys panamensis
Jaume-Schinkel, Santiago & Kvifte, Gunnar Mikalsen, 2024, Revision of the genus Eugenys Quate, 1996 (Diptera: Psychodidae), with the description of three new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 935, pp. 81-100
: 90
90 |
Phaenithon perfectus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 17
17 |
Falconina crassipalpis
García, Fabián & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2023, Taxonomic revision of the soldier spider genus Falconina Brignoli, 1985 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Corinninae), Zootaxa 5343 (3), pp. 201-242
: 226-227
226-227 |
Himantigera silvestris
Fachin, Diego Aguilar & Hauser, Martin, 2018, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Himantigera James, 1982 (Diptera: Stratiomyidae: Sarginae), including the description of two new species and a key to the known species, Zootaxa 4531 (4), pp. 451-498
: 461-467
461-467 |
Gymnognathus coronatus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 28
28 |
Macgrathphora longifurca
sp. nov.
Brown, Brian V., 2022, Two new genera of phorid flies, Macgrathphora and Aurisetiphora, from Costa Rica (Diptera: Phoridae), with recommendations for naming new genera in the family, Zootaxa 5115 (4), pp. 571-581
: 575-577
575-577 |
Epicadus taczanowskii
Machado, Miguel, Teixeira, Renato Augusto & Lise, Arno Antonio, 2018, There and back again: More on the taxonomy of the crab spiders genus Epicadus (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 4382 (3), pp. 501-530
: 516-519
516-519 |
Milichiella lacteipennis
Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166
: 84-94
84-94 |
Dissomphalus rettenmeyeri
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 57-58
57-58 |
Gymnognathus claudia
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 28
28 |
Eugenys cymosa
Jaume-Schinkel, Santiago & Kvifte, Gunnar Mikalsen, 2024, Revision of the genus Eugenys Quate, 1996 (Diptera: Psychodidae), with the description of three new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 935, pp. 81-100
: 85
85 |
Ariadna isthmica
Giroti, André Marsola & Brescovit, Antonio Domingos, 2018, The taxonomy of the American Ariadna Audouin (Araneae: Synspermiata: Segestriidae), Zootaxa 4400 (1), pp. 1-114
: 71-74
71-74 |
Dissomphalus ettus
sp. nov.
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 31-33
31-33 |
Titanattus cretatus
Bustamante, Abel A. & Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., 2017, Systematics of Thiodinini (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4362 (3), pp. 301-347
: 339
339 |
Epicadus heterogaster
Machado, Miguel, Teixeira, Renato Augusto & Lise, Arno Antonio, 2018, There and back again: More on the taxonomy of the crab spiders genus Epicadus (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 4382 (3), pp. 501-530
: 513-514
513-514 |
Dissomphalus borus
sp. nov.
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 61
61 |
Masteria spinosa
Passanha, Victor & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, On the Neotropical spider Subfamily Masteriinae (Araneae, Dipluridae), Zootaxa 4463 (1), pp. 1-73
: 44-46
44-46 |
Azteca gnava
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 34-35
34-35 |
Cometes turnbowi
sp. nov.
Hovore, Frank T. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2007, Novas Espécies De Cometes Audinet- Serville, 1828 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 47 (5), pp. 75-96
: 94
94 |
Epicadus tigrinus
sp. nov.
Machado, Miguel, Teixeira, Renato Augusto & Lise, Arno Antonio, 2018, There and back again: More on the taxonomy of the crab spiders genus Epicadus (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 4382 (3), pp. 501-530
: 519-522
519-522 |
Gymnognathus lyrestes
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 31
31 |
Anisepyris azaghali
sp. nov.
Barbosa, Diego N. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2018, Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species, Zootaxa 4416 (1), pp. 1-258
: 87
87 |
Azteca velox
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 50-52
50-52 |
Toxonotus pistor
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 51
51 |
Thyroptera discifera
Pine, Ronald H., Zamora, Gianfranco Gómez, Reid, Fiona A. & Timm, Robert M., 2023, Roosting habits of disk-winged bats, especially Thyroptera discifera, Therya 14 (1), pp. 5-13
: 11
11 |
Pristalaucus serendipia
sp. nov.
Smith, David R., Cambra, Roberto A. & Añino, Yostin J., 2023, A new species of Pristaulacus Kieffer from Panama (Hymenoptera: Aulacidae), Zootaxa 5315 (1), pp. 94-96
: 94-96
94-96 |
Amazunculus panamensis
sp. nov.
Marques, Dayse W. A., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Rafael, José A., 2019, Revision of the genus Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with description of six new species, Zootaxa 4577 (3), pp. 439-472
: 462-463
462-463 |
Psychoda buxoides
Cordeiro, Danilo Pacheco, 2020, First record to Brazil of one genera and seven species of Psychodidae (Diptera) with further new records for 10 countries on the Neotropics, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 60, pp. 1-10
: 4
4 |
Trichoanoreina panamensis
sp. nov.
Wappes, James E. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2020, Taxonomic contributions to Neotropical Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) including a new genus, five new species and a new synonym, Insecta Mundi 2020 (769), pp. 1-21
: 6-7
6-7 |
Azteca forelii
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 32-33
32-33 |
Homocloeus pardalis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 49
49 |
Gymnognathus thecla
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 33
33 |
Adesmus windsori
Groll, Elisa Von, 2017, Catalogue of Coleoptera type specimens housed in the collection of the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Zootaxa 4318 (3), pp. 439-473
: 453
453 |
Argia elongata
sp. nov.
Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93
: 14-21
14-21 |
Neolindus campbelli
Guzman, Yoan Camilo, Tokareva, Alexandra, Koszela, Katarzyna & Żyła, Dagmara, 2024, Twenty-one new species of the Neotropical rove beetle genus Neolindus Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 942, pp. 1-76
: 70-71
70-71 |
Rinorea callejasii
sp. nov.
Hoyos-Gómez, Saúl E., Callejas Posada, Ricardo & Wahlert, Gregory A., 2024, Seven new species of Rinorea (Violaceae) from the Neotropics, PhytoKeys 242, pp. 241-271
: 241-271
241-271 |
Glenognatha globosa
Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183
: 78-85
78-85 |
Glenognatha minuta
Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183
: 148-153
148-153 |
Sparianthis chickeringi
comb. nov.
Rheims, Cristina A., 2020, Revision of the spider genus Sparianthis Simon, 1880 (Araneae, Sparassidae Sparianthinae), Zootaxa 4890 (2), pp. 151-191
: 164-166
164-166 |
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Cifuentes, Yeimy & Bertani, Rogerio, 2022, Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the tarantula genera Tapinauchenius Ausserer, 1871, Psalmopoeus Pocock, 1985, and Amazonius n. gen. (Theraphosidae, Psalmopoeinae), Zootaxa 5101 (1), pp. 1-123
: 70-73
70-73 |
Thaumasia argenteonotata
Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64
: 9-11
9-11 |
Trichanthera gigantea
Daniel, Thomas F., 2015, Synopsis of Trichanthera (Acanthaceae: Ruellieae: Trichantherinae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (1), pp. 1-23
: 9-16
9-16 |
Symplocos panamensis
Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Morellia affinis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 10
10 |
Criodion cinereum
Lanuza-Garay, Alfredo, Herrera, David Ezequiel, Marin, Margarita & Santos Murgas, Alonso, 2016, The Genus Criodion (Audinet-Serville, 1833) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): First Record for Panama, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7968-7968
: 7968
7968 |
Criodion cinereum
Lanuza-Garay, Alfredo, Herrera, David Ezequiel, Marin, Margarita & Santos Murgas, Alonso, 2016, The Genus Criodion (Audinet-Serville, 1833) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): First Record for Panama, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7968-7968
: 7968
7968 |
Nannotrigona mellaria
Rasmussen, Claus & Gonzalez, Victor H., 2017, The neotropical stingless bee genus Nannotrigona Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini): An illustrated key, notes on the types, and designation of lectotypes, Zootaxa 4299 (2), pp. 191-220
: 203-206
203-206 |
Monstera spruceana
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 158
158 |
Carineta cinara
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 41
41 |
Lophostoma kalkoae
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Phyllostomidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 444-583
: 503
503 |
Prodilis sabrina
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 78-79
78-79 |
Curarea cuatrecasasii
Ortiz, Rosa del C., 2018, A taxonomic revision of Curarea Barneby & Krukoff (Menispermaceae), PhytoKeys 100, pp. 9-89
: 33-36
33-36 |
Neaporia irma
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 14-15
14-15 |
Parinesa minuta
sp. nov.
Escalona, H. E. & Slipinski, A., 2012, Revision of the Neotropical ladybird genus Parinesa Gordon (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), Zootaxa 3198 (1), pp. 29-53
: 49
49 |
Marmosa (Micoureus) adleri
Voss, Robert S., 2022, An Annotated Checklist Of Recent Opossums (Mammalia: Didelphidae), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 (455), pp. 1-77
: 15
15 |
Prodilis janie
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 99-100
99-100 |
Neaporia penny
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 30
30 |
Miconia quinquenervia
comb. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 110-114
110-114 |
Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) frontalis
Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67
: 17-22
17-22 |
Tachygerris opacus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 248
248 |
Potamobates anchicaya
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 245
245 |
Rhagovelia joceliae
sp. nov.
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 228-233
228-233 |
Epimetopus latisoides
sp. nov.
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 25-26
25-26 |
Brachymetra albinervus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 247
247 |
Epimetopus robustus
sp. nov.
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 24
24 |
Rhagovelia elegans
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 239-240
239-240 |
Hydraena (Hydraenopsis) panbrevis
sp. nov.
Perkins, Philip D., 2023, New Neotropical and Nearctic species of water beetles in the genera Hydraena Kugelann and Ochthebius Leach, a key to North American genera and subgenera of the family, new distribution records, and a synopsis of ecology, behavior and morphology related to aquatic life (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), Zootaxa 5367 (1), pp. 1-86
: 45-47
45-47 |
Microvelia albonotata
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 240
240 |
Telmatometra ujhelyii
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 245
245 |
Metrobates laudatus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 244
244 |
Rhagovelia rosensis
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 240
240 |
Pseudophallus mindii
Dallevo-Gomes, Caio I. A., Mattox, George M. T. & Toledo-Piza, Mônica, 2020, Taxonomic review of the pipefish genus Pseudophallus Herald, with the description of a new species (Syngnathiformes: Syngnathidae), Zootaxa 4859 (1), pp. 81-112
: 96-98
96-98 |
Hyboptera apollonia
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 94-97
94-97 |
Triaeris stenaspis
Platnick, Norman I., Dupérré, Nadine, Ubick, Darrell & Fannes, Wouter, 2012, Got Males?: The Enigmatic Goblin Spider Genus Triaeris (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2012 (3756), pp. 1-36
: 22-30
22-30 |
Oonopoides pallidulus
comb. nov.
Platnick, Norman I. & Berniker, Lily, 2013, The goblin spider genus Oonopoides in North and Central America (Araneae, Oonopidae), American Museum Novitates 2013 (3788), pp. 1-38
: 33-37
33-37 |
Eleusis fauveli
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, The Neotropical species of the genus Eleusis LAPORTE, 1835 with description of the new genus Eleusima (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (2), pp. 275-318
: 282-283
282-283 |
Megalopinus adjectus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 639-641
639-641 |
Notionotus perijanus
syn. nov.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Liza M. & Short, Andrew Edward Z., 2022, Revision of the water scavenger beetle genus Notionotus Spangler, 1972 in the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Enochrinae), ZooKeys 1109, pp. 141-191
: 141
141 |
Dysmerus caseyi
stat. nov.
Thomas, Michael C., 2009, A review of the genus Dysmerus Casey (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae), Insecta Mundi 2009 (74), pp. 1-30
: 7-8
7-8 |
Globotrichus harti
sp. nov.
Lord, Nathan P. & Ivie, Michael A., 2016, Several New Genera and Species of New World Synchitini (Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Colydiinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (4), pp. 715-753
: 715-753
715-753 |
Lithocharodes andersoni
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2024, Additions to Neotropical species of the genera Lithocharodes Sharp, 1881 and Somoleptus Sharp, 1881 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Contributions to Entomology 74 (1), pp. 13-34
: 13
13 |
Diochus perplexus
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62
: 41-55
41-55 |
Neorhabdopsis panamae
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, New Neotropical genera and species of the tribe Osoriini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (1), pp. 173-196
: 179
179 |
Megalopinus elegans
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 673
673 |
Megalopinus momus
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 635-636
635-636 |
Megalopinus quadrimaculatus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 715-716
715-716 |
Osoriellus punctatellus
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354
: 283
283 |
Megalopinus venustus
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 672-673
672-673 |
Megalopinus morosus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 716
716 |
Diochus brunneus
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62
: 28-29
28-29 |
Megalopinus mexicanus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 750-751
750-751 |
Megalopinus flavotogatus
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 643-644
643-644 |
Diochus schaumii
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62
: 30-32
30-32 |
Megalopinus flavivestis
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 642-643
642-643 |
Osoriellus micros
comb. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354
: 278-279
278-279 |
Trichogramma soberania
sp. nov.
Woelke, Jozef B., Fursov, Viktor N., Gumovsky, Alex V., Rijk, Marjolein de, Estrada, Catalina, Verbaarschot, Patrick, Huigens, Martinus E. & Fatouros, Nina E., 2019, Description and biology of two new egg parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared from eggs of Heliconiini butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) in Panama, Journal of Natural History 53 (11), pp. 639-657
: 650-654
650-654 |
Trichogramma chagres
sp. nov.
Woelke, Jozef B., Fursov, Viktor N., Gumovsky, Alex V., Rijk, Marjolein de, Estrada, Catalina, Verbaarschot, Patrick, Huigens, Martinus E. & Fatouros, Nina E., 2019, Description and biology of two new egg parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared from eggs of Heliconiini butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) in Panama, Journal of Natural History 53 (11), pp. 639-657
: 647-649
647-649 |
Metaleptobasis daiglei
sp. nov.
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2022, Metaleptobasis daiglei sp. nov. from Panama (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 5196 (3), pp. 433-442
: 434
434 |
Monstera pittieri
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 144
144 |
Monstera filamentosa
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 80-83
80-83 |
Dissomphalus arbeius
sp. nov.
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 40-41
40-41 |
Dissomphalus pilus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 43-44
43-44 |
Hyetussa longithorax
comb. nov.
Bustamante, Abel A. & Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., 2017, Systematics of Thiodinini (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4362 (3), pp. 301-347
: 317-318
317-318 |
Azteca flavigaster
new species
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 30-31
30-31 |
Azteca chartifex
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 23-25
23-25 |
Merosargus cingulatus
Fachin, Diego Aguilar, Amaral, Edna Maria & Falaschi, Rafaela Lopes, 2024, Puparium of Merosargus cingulatus Schiner, 1868 and Ptecticus lanei James, 1941 (Diptera: Stratiomyidae: Sarginae), with new geographical records for the species and a list of all known immatures of the subfamily, Zootaxa 5406 (3), pp. 421-440
: 424-427
424-427 |
Milanion (Milanion) furvus
sp. nov.
Zhang, Jing, Cong, Qian & Grishin, Nick V., 2023, Supplementary Materials and Appendix, Insecta Mundi 2023 (26), pp. 1-115
: 22
22 |
Ichnea marginella
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 48-52
48-52 |
Miconia magnifolia
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 91-95
91-95 |
Microvelia fantastika
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 241-242
241-242 |
Platyvelia brachialis
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 237
237 |
Hydrometra caraiba
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 235
235 |
Limnogonus hyalinus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 247
247 |
Microvelia mimula
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 244
244 |
Lipogomphus leucostictus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 235
235 |
Mesovelia zeteki
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 234
234 |
Mesovelia mulsanti
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 234
234 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) ranapungens
sp. nov.
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 160-163
160-163 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) peruviana
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 72-75
72-75 |
Ptychoderes nebulosus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 53-54
53-54 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) blanda
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 81-84
81-84 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) puella
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 166-169
166-169 |
Orasema evansi
sp. nov.
Burks, Roger A., Heraty, John M., Dominguez, Chrysalyn & Mottern, Jason L., 2018, Complex diversity in a mainly tropical group of ant parasitoids: Revision of the Orasema stramineipes species group (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4401 (1), pp. 1-107
: 33-47
33-47 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) quadrivittata
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 155-159
155-159 |
Corethrella (Corethrella) edwardsi
Published, First, 2008, The Frog-Biting Midges of the World (Corethrellidae: Diptera), Zootaxa 1804, pp. 1-456
: 153-155
153-155 |
Thaumasia heterogyna
Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64
: 15-16
15-16 |
Phoneutria depilata
Hazzi, Nicolas A. & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2021, Morphological and molecular evidence support the taxonomic separation of the medically important Neotropical spiders Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909) and P. boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae), ZooKeys 1022, pp. 13-50
: 13
13 |
Cynomops freemani
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Molossidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 598-672
: 639
639 |
Megalopinus libidinosus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 738
738 |
Astraptes centralis
sp. nov.
Zhang, Jing, Cong, Qian & Grishin, Nick V., 2023, Supplementary Materials and Appendix, Insecta Mundi 2023 (26), pp. 1-115
: 14-15
14-15 |
Phaenithon albosparsus
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 13
13 |
Hypoxys eburatulus
comb. nov.
Nunes, Benedito Mendes, Campos, Lourival Dias, Mendonca, Maria Thayane Da Silva, Cunha, Eduardo Victor De Paiva & Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, 2020, Revision of Hypoxys Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae), Zootaxa 4742 (3), pp. 401-441
: 413-414
413-414 |
Glyptoma opacum
Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, The neotropical genus Glyptoma ERICHSON, 1839 with descriptions of new species and a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 297-325
: 302-303
302-303 |
Megalopinus kolbei
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 669
669 |
Megalopinus amoenatus
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 647
647 |
Willemia panamaensis
sp. nov.
García-Gómez, Arturo & Palacios-Vargas, José G., 2019, Description of a new species of Willemia (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) from Panama with key to Willemia species occurring in the Americas, Zootaxa 4674 (5), pp. 564-570
: 565-568
565-568 |
Petalops thoracicus
Brailovsky, Harry, 2021, Illustrated key to the species included in the genus Petalops Amyot & Serville 1843 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Acanthocephalini), with description of four new species and new distributional notes, Zootaxa 4985 (4), pp. 564-573
: 572
572 |
Rhagovelia perija
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Crumière, Antonin Jean Johan, Mondragón-F, Silvia Patricia, Morales, Irina, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2021, Description of a new species and new records of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera Heteroptera) from Panama and Colombia, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 226-251
: 240
240 |
Epimetopus thermarum
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 53-55
53-55 |
Embates discissus
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2005, The Middle American species of Embates Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1100 (1), pp. 1-151
: 1-151
1-151 |
Titanattus paganus
Bustamante, Abel A. & Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., 2017, Systematics of Thiodinini (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), with description of a new genus and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4362 (3), pp. 301-347
: 339
339 |
Phanocles ploiaria
comb. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), Zootaxa 5444 (1), pp. 1-454
: 197-201
197-201 |
Louteridium costaricense
Daniel, Thomas F. & Tripp, Erin A., 2018, Louteridium (Acanthaceae: Acanthoideae: Ruellieae: Trichantherinae): Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Reproductive Biology, and Conservation, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65 (2), pp. 41-106
: 75-76
75-76 |
Myobulla berti
sp. nov.
Diez, Yander L., Hernández, Claudia Sanjuan, Reygel, Patrick, Roosen, Paulien & Artois, Tom, 2018, First record of Polycystididae (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia) from Cuba, with the description of a new genus and five new species, and remarks and the description of one new species from Panama, Zootaxa 4514 (1), pp. 107-125
: 120-123
120-123 |
Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) fimbriata
Mérida-Rivas, Jorge A., Hinojosa-Díaz, Ismael A., Ayala-Barajas, Ricardo, Pozo, Carmen & Vandame, Rémy, 2022, Revision of carpenter bees of the subgenus Neoxylocopa Michener (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Mexico and Mesoamerica, Zootaxa 5158 (1), pp. 1-67
: 7-16
7-16 |
Ichnea aequinoctialis
Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65
: 29-32
29-32 |
Protoneura cara
Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76
: 20-22
20-22 |
Parosus portobelo
sp. nov.
Makranczy, György, 2014, Review of the genus Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 77-133
: 120-122
120-122 |
Actinopus robustus
Miglio, Laura Tavares, Pérez-Miles, Fernando & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2020, Taxonomic Revision of the Spider Genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae), Megataxa 2 (1), pp. 1-256
: 197-202
197-202 |
Polietina nigra
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 19
19 |
Brachylinga concava
sp. nov.
Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A., 2006, A Revision of the New World Genera Brachylinga Irwin and Lyneborg and Lysilinga Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) with the Description of a New Genus, Elcaribe Webb, Zootaxa 1288 (1288), pp. 1-241
: 70-73
70-73 |
Platycesta depressa
comb. nov.
Viswajyothi, Keezhpattillam & Clark, Shawn M., 2021, A New Genus to Accommodate Central and South American Beetles with Broadly Explanate Elytra, Formerly Assigned to Monocesta Clark and Coelomera Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Galerucini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (2), pp. 473-484
: 474-483
474-483 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) clodius
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 266
266 |
Osoriellus salvini
comb. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2014, The Neotropical species of the genus Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 64 (2), pp. 231-354
: 286
286 |
Peperomia callejasii
nom. nov.
Deshmukh, Umakant Bhoopati, 2021, A new name for Peperomia parvicaulis Callejas (Piperaceae), Phytotaxa 500 (1), pp. 51-51
: 51
51 |
Volatinia jacarini subsp. pacifica
LeCroy, Mary, 2012, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 10. Passeriformes: Emberizidae: Emberizinae, Catamblyrhynchinae, Cardinalinae, Thraupinae, And Tersininae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (368), pp. 1-125
: 28
28 |
Tachyphonus rubrifrons
LeCroy, Mary, 2012, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 10. Passeriformes: Emberizidae: Emberizinae, Catamblyrhynchinae, Cardinalinae, Thraupinae, And Tersininae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (368), pp. 1-125
: 74-75
74-75 |
Miconia approximata
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 51-57
51-57 |
Meri arraijan
sp. nov.
Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80
: 36-37
36-37 |
Miconia spiciformis
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 130-132
130-132 |
Ficopomatus miamiensis
Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, 2008, Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids, Zootaxa 1722, pp. 1-61
: 19-21
19-21 |
Fortipalpa panamensis
sp. nov.
Supeleto, Fernanda A., Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2022, Revision of Fortipalpa Kasparyan & Ruíz-Cancino, (Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), Zootaxa 5219 (6), pp. 501-533
: 515-518
515-518 |
Siderus diringeri
sp. nov.
Faynel, Christophe, Fåhraeus, Christer, Ramirez, Juan-Jose & Robbins, Robert K., 2024, The genus Siderus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in French Guiana: four newly discovered species and conspicuous male genitalia polymorphism, Zootaxa 5519 (1), pp. 38-58
: 45-47
45-47 |
Saprositellus santaritae
sp. nov.
Stebnicka, Zdzisława Teresa, 2003, The Genus Saprositellus Balthasar, with Descriptions of Three New Neotropical Species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Odontolochini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 57 (4), pp. 451-457
: 455-456
455-456 |
Dissomphalus unitus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 55-56
55-56 |
Listropsoralges marmosae
Grootaert, Patrick, 2013, Revision of the family Listropsoralgidae Fain, 1965 (Acariformes: Sarcoptoidea) - skin parasites of marsupials and rodents 3611, Zootaxa 3611 (1), pp. 1-69
: 15-19
15-19 |
Selenaspidopsis browni
Wei, Jiufeng, Schneider, Scott A., Normark, Roxanna D. & Normark, Benjamin B., 2021, Four new species of Aspidiotini (Hemiptera, Diaspididae, Aspidiotinae) from Panama, with a key to Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1047, pp. 1-25
: 1
1 |
Austinixa artankeri
sp. nov.
Theil, Emma Palacios & Felder, Darryl L., 2020, Phylogeny of the genus Austinixa Heard & Manning, 1997, inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers, with descriptions of three new species and redescription of Austinixa felipensis (Glassell, 1935) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae), Zootaxa 4778 (1), pp. 101-134
: 115-119
115-119 |
Austinixa roblesi
sp. nov.
Theil, Emma Palacios & Felder, Darryl L., 2020, Phylogeny of the genus Austinixa Heard & Manning, 1997, inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers, with descriptions of three new species and redescription of Austinixa felipensis (Glassell, 1935) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae), Zootaxa 4778 (1), pp. 101-134
: 123-126
123-126 |
Hesione panamena
Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2018, Revision of Hesione Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (Annelida, Errantia, Hesionidae), Zoosystema 40 (12), pp. 227-325
: 279-283
279-283 |
Thaumasia senilis
Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64
: 7-9
7-9 |
Anolis elcopeensis
sp. nov.
Poe, Steven, Scarpetta, Simon & Schaad, Eric W., 2015, A new species of Anolis (Squamata: Iguanidae) from Panama, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 94) 9 (1), pp. 1-13
: 4-10
4-10 |
Salmoneus camaroncito
Anker, Arthur, 2020, Two new species and new records in the alpheid shrimp genera Salmoneus Holthuis 1955 and Deioneus Dworschak, Anker & Abed-Navandi, 2000 in theAtlantic Ocean (Malacostraca: Decapoda), Zootaxa 4786 (3), pp. 345-368
: 352
352 |
Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) agenor
Montoya-Molina, Santiago & Vaz-De, Fernando Z., 2021, Taxonomic review of the Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) agenor species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 734, pp. 1-64
: 8-12
8-12 |
Azteca pittieri
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 43-45
43-45 |
Neomuscina instabilis
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 51
51 |
Thaumasia velox
Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. & Carico, James E., 2012, 3567, Zootaxa 3567, pp. 1-64
: 13-15
13-15 |
Teramocerus suturalis
Mantilleri, Antoine, 2016, Two New Species and New Records of Acratini (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Brentidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (2), pp. 243-248
: 248
248 |
Dissomphalus curvifoveatus
Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72
: 40
40 |
Narayanan, S. Prasanth, Sathrumithra, S., Christopher, G., Thomas, A. P. & Julka, J. M., 2016, Checklist of the earthworms (Oligochaeta) of Kerala, a constituent of Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India, Zootaxa 4193 (1), pp. 117-137
: 124
124 |
Monstera lentii
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 105
105 |
Liogenys macropelma
Cherman, Mariana A., Basílio, Daniel S., Mise, Kleber M., Frisch, Johannes, Smith, Andrew B. T. & Almeida, Lúcia M., 2021, Liogenys Guerin-Méneville, 1831 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae Diplotaxini) of northern South America and Central America: taxonomic overview with four new species, Zootaxa 4990 (2), pp. 201-226
: 212-214
212-214 |
Goeldia mexicana
Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2024, Unraveling the mysteries of Goeldia Keyserling, 1891: revision, description of seven new species and first record from USA (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Zootaxa 5428 (2), pp. 151-193
: 174-175
174-175 |
Monstera harrisoniorum
sp. nov.
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 99-100
99-100 |
Embates kunicus
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2005, The Middle American species of Embates Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1100 (1), pp. 1-151
: 1-151
1-151 |
Hyperplatys rileyi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2022, Description of two new Panamanian species of Acanthocinini and notes on Eleothinus abstrusus Bates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 5178 (3), pp. 256-264
: 257-259
257-259 |
Nealcidion cephaliferum
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 250-251
250-251 |
Sternacutus cupelloi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 255-258
255-258 |
Duplominona basidilatata
sp. nov.
Curini-Galletti, Marco, Carcupino, Marcella, Stocchino, Giacinta A., Leasi, Francesca & Norenburg, Jon L., 2020, New species of Duplominona Karling, 1966 (Platyhelminthes, Proseriata) from the Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 482-498
: 484-486
484-486 |
Duplominona trimera
sp. nov.
Curini-Galletti, Marco, Carcupino, Marcella, Stocchino, Giacinta A., Leasi, Francesca & Norenburg, Jon L., 2020, New species of Duplominona Karling, 1966 (Platyhelminthes, Proseriata) from the Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 482-498
: 488-490
488-490 |
Duplominona veracruzensis
sp. nov.
Curini-Galletti, Marco, Carcupino, Marcella, Stocchino, Giacinta A., Leasi, Francesca & Norenburg, Jon L., 2020, New species of Duplominona Karling, 1966 (Platyhelminthes, Proseriata) from the Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 482-498
: 492
492 |
Duplominona hyperhystricina
sp. nov.
Curini-Galletti, Marco, Carcupino, Marcella, Stocchino, Giacinta A., Leasi, Francesca & Norenburg, Jon L., 2020, New species of Duplominona Karling, 1966 (Platyhelminthes, Proseriata) from the Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 4881 (3), pp. 482-498
: 487-488
487-488 |
Cheilolejeunea norisiae
Gil-Novoa, Jorge Enrique & Costa, Denise Pinheiro, 2023, Synopsis of the species of Cheilolejeunea (Marchantiophyta, Lejeuneaceae) in the Pacific dominion and Páramo province of tropical America, Phytotaxa 587 (2), pp. 73-120
: 101
101 |
Hesus mexicanus
Heiss, E., 2009, Review of the Neotropical genus Hesus STÅL 1862 with description of a new species (Heteroptera, Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (1), pp. 343-357
: 349
349 |
Michalisquilla parva
comb. nov.
Ahyong, Cara Van Der Wal and Shane T., 2017, Expanding diversity in the mantis shrimps: two new genera from the eastern and western Paci c (Crustacea: Stomatopoda: Squillidae), Nauplius (e 2017012) 25, pp. 1-12
: 3
3 |
Pomatoleios undetermined
Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, 2008, Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids, Zootaxa 1722, pp. 1-61
: 33-34
33-34 |
Abana ochracea
Sauceda-V, Jefferson, Malenovský, Igor & Takiya, Daniela M., 2025, Species delimitation and taxonomic revision of Abana Distant, 1908 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Proconiini): Intraspecific color variation and pseudocryptic diversity in Andean sharpshooters, Zootaxa 5596 (1), pp. 1-60
: 31-34
31-34 |
Reinhardorhynchus pacificus
sp. nov.
Diez, Yander L., Monnens, Marlies, Aguirre, Rosa Isabel, Yurduseven, Rana, Jouk, Philippe, Van Steenkiste, Niels W. L., Leander, Brian S., Schockaert, Ernest, Reygel, Patrick, Smeets, Karen & Artois, Tom, 2021, Taxonomy and phylogeny of Koinocystididae (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia) with the description of three new genera and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4948 (4), pp. 451-500
: 476-478
476-478 |
Petrolisthes armatus
Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur, 2021, An annotated and illustrated checklist of the porcelain crabs of Panama (Decapoda: Anomura), Zootaxa 5045 (1), pp. 1-154
: 67-70
67-70 |
Ulloaia perpusillia
Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur, 2021, An annotated and illustrated checklist of the porcelain crabs of Panama (Decapoda: Anomura), Zootaxa 5045 (1), pp. 1-154
: 136
136 |
Pisidia magdalenensis
Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur, 2021, An annotated and illustrated checklist of the porcelain crabs of Panama (Decapoda: Anomura), Zootaxa 5045 (1), pp. 1-154
: 122-127
122-127 |
Pristaulacus maculatus
Smith, David R., 2008, Aulacidae of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Hymenoptera), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2), pp. 267-355
: 298-300
298-300 |
Piezobarra sparsilis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 43
43 |
Dialium guianense
Junior, Marcus José De Azevedo Falcão, Pinto, Rafael Barbosa & Mansano, Vidal De Freitas, 2016, A Taxonomic Revision of the genus Dialium (Leguminosae: Dialiinae) in the Netotropics, Phytotaxa 283 (2), pp. 123-142
: 126-129
126-129 |
Onchidella binneyi
Dayrat, Benoît, Zimmermann, Sara & Raposa, Melissa, 2011, Taxonomic revision of the Onchidiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific, Journal of Natural History 45 (15 - 16), pp. 939-1003
: 943-962
943-962 |
Cephaloleia orchideivora
sp. nov.
Sekerka, Lukáš, Windsor, Donald & Staines, Charles L., 2013, A new species of Cephaloleia from Panama with description of larva and first record of orchid-feeding in Cephaloleiini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (1), pp. 303-314
: 305-313
305-313 |
Prodilis qedi
sp. nov.
González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374
: 343-344
343-344 |
Nexophallus panamensis
sp. nov.
González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374
: 367-369
367-369 |
Dispio panamensis
sp. nov.
Delgado-Blas, Víctor Hugo & Díaz-Díaz, Oscar, 2016, Redescription of two species and five new species of Dispio Hartman, 1951 (Spionidae: Polychaeta) from the eastern Pacific Coast and Caribbean Sea, with a review of the genus, Zootaxa 4178 (2), pp. 151-181
: 171-179
171-179 |
Reinhardorhynchus ruffinjonesi
comb. nov.
Diez, Yander L., Monnens, Marlies, Aguirre, Rosa Isabel, Yurduseven, Rana, Jouk, Philippe, Van Steenkiste, Niels W. L., Leander, Brian S., Schockaert, Ernest, Reygel, Patrick, Smeets, Karen & Artois, Tom, 2021, Taxonomy and phylogeny of Koinocystididae (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia) with the description of three new genera and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4948 (4), pp. 451-500
: 463-466
463-466 |
Branchiomma coheni
sp. nov.
Tovar-Hernández, María Ana & Knight-Jones, Phyllis, 2006, Species of Branchiomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from the Caribbean Sea and Pacific coast of Panama, Zootaxa 1189 (1), pp. 1-37
: 24-27
24-27 |
Zammara calochroma
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 8
8 |
Radiatus panamensis
sp. nov.
Zhang, Jing, Cong, Qian & Grishin, Nick V., 2023, Supplementary Materials and Appendix, Insecta Mundi 2023 (26), pp. 1-115
: 73
73 |
Scolytodes bicarinatus
sp. nov.
Jordal, Bjarte H., 2018, Hidden gems in museum cabinets: new species and new distributional records of Scolytodes (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 4504 (1), pp. 76-104
: 97-98
97-98 |
Casearia isthmica
sp. nov.
de Mestier, Astrid, Campos Pineda, Ernesto, Cedeno Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2023, A new species of Casearia Jacq. (Salicaceae) from Central Panama and insights into its phylogenetic position within the genus, PhytoKeys 236, pp. 97-112
: 97
97 |
Euptychia favonius
sp. nov.
Nakahara, Shinichi, Vega, German & Willmott, Keith R., 2016, Description of a new species of Euptychia Hübner, 1818 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the western Andes, Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 358-366
: 360-365
360-365 |
Miconia radicans
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 114-117
114-117 |
Ocyochterus gilloglyi
sp. nov.
Polhemus, Dan A., 2021, Two new species of Ocyochterus (Heteroptera: Ochteridae) from Ecuador and Panama, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 34-44
: 40-44
40-44 |
Edmonds, W. D. & Zidek, J., 2010, A taxonomic review of the neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff, 1924 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (129), pp. 1-111
: 60-64
60-64 |
Lithocharodes ashei
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2021, The Neotropical species of the genus Lithocharodes SHARP, 1876 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Xantholinini), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 71 (1), pp. 29-85
: 34
34 |
Megalopinus armativentris
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 759-760
759-760 |
Glyptoma crassicorne
Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, The neotropical genus Glyptoma ERICHSON, 1839 with descriptions of new species and a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 297-325
: 306-308
306-308 |
Megalopinus flavocingulatus
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 795-796
795-796 |
Glyptoma laeviceps
Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, The neotropical genus Glyptoma ERICHSON, 1839 with descriptions of new species and a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 297-325
: 301-302
301-302 |
Megalopinus cuspiduliger
sp. nov.
Puthz, V., 2012, Über die neuweltlichen Megalopinus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (24. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopsidiinen), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 613-834
: 740-741
740-741 |
Anastrepha nigra
sp. nov.
Norrbom, Allen L. & Korytkowski, Cheslavo A., 2009, A revision of the Anastrepha robusta species group (Diptera: Tephritidae) 2182, Zootaxa 2182 (1), pp. 1-91
: 37-38
37-38 |
Xenops genibarbis subsp. ridgwayi
LECROY, MARY & SLOSS, RICHARD, 2000, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 3. Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, And Rhinocryptidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (257), pp. 1-88
: 34
34 |
Philornis zeteki
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 35
35 |
Hylomyrma jeronimae
sp. nov.
Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical ant genus Hylomyrma Forel, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), with the description of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 5055 (1), pp. 1-137
: 52-55
52-55 |
Stapecolis latus
sp. nov.
Garbelotto, Thereza De A., Campos, Luiz A. & Grazia, Jocelia, 2016, Stapecolis, new genus of Ochlerini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae), Zootaxa 4137 (4), pp. 545-552
: 549-550
549-550 |
Anthurium suffusum
sp. nov.
Ortiz, Orlando O. & Croat, Thomas B., 2016, New Species of Anthurium section Calomystrium from Costa Rica and Panama, Phytotaxa 257 (1), pp. 34-50
: 46
46 |
Orthotylus tafoensis
Forero, Dimitri, 2009, Description of One New Species of Chileria and Three New Species of Orthotylus, with Nomenclatural and Distributional Notes on Neotropical Orthotylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylini), American Museum Novitates 3642, pp. 1-50
: 40-43
40-43 |
Amithao anthracinus
sp. nov.
Ratcliffe, Brett C., 2013, A Revision Of The Neotropical Genus Amithao Thomson, 1878 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 67 (3), pp. 265-292
: 272-273
272-273 |
Renda fulgida
sp. nov.
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 33-34
33-34 |
Monstera anomala
sp. nov.
Zuluaga, Alejandro & Cameron, Kenneth M., 2018, Two new species of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) with entire leaves from Panama and Costa Rica, Phytotaxa 334 (1), pp. 1-9
: 2-5
2-5 |
Brachiacantha isthmena
sp. nov.
Nestor-Arriola, Jorge Ismael, Toledo-Hernandez, Victor Hugo, Solis, Angel, Gonzalez, Guillermo & Vetrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, The Brachiacantha Dejean, 1837 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) of Central America, ZooKeys 1024, pp. 157-196
: 157
157 |
Alisotrichia eisbergae
sp. nov.
Harris, Steven C. & Armitage, Brian J., 2023, The Trichoptera of Panama XXII. Sixteen new microcaddisfly species (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), ZooKeys 1174, pp. 35-74
: 35
35 |
Scutops spinophallus
sp. nov.
Freitas, Geovânia & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Scutops Coquillett, 1904 (Diptera: Periscelididae), Zootaxa 5244 (5), pp. 401-427
: 421
421 |
Guatteria darienensis
sp. nov.
Guerrero, Susana Arias, Sanchez, Dario Sanchez, Maas, Paul J. M. & Erkens, Roy H. J., 2014, Guatteria darienensis (Annonaceae), a new species from Panama and Colombia, Phytotaxa 173 (2), pp. 149-156
: 150-153
150-153 |
Architis robusta
Santos, Adalberto J., 2007, A revision of the Neotropical nursery-web spider genus Architis (Araneae: Pisauridae), Zootaxa 1578 (1), pp. 1-40
: 31-32
31-32 |
Espeson dybasi
sp. nov.
Irmler, U., 2012, The Neotropical species of the genera Pseudespeson L, 1994 and Espeson S, 1882 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62 (2), pp. 331-360
: 337-338
337-338 |
Monstera integrifolia
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 100-102
100-102 |
Parosus newtoni
sp. nov.
Makranczy, György, 2014, Review of the genus Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 77-133
: 116-120
116-120 |
Parosus minutus
sp. nov.
Makranczy, György, 2014, Review of the genus Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 77-133
: 114-116
114-116 |
Monstera standleyana
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 161-164
161-164 |
Diomus sekerkai
sp. nov.
González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374
: 357-359
357-359 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) enigmatica
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 269-270
269-270 |
Cotycicuiara lingafelteri
sp. nov.
Wappes, James E. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2020, Taxonomic contributions to Neotropical Lamiinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) including a new genus, five new species and a new synonym, Insecta Mundi 2020 (769), pp. 1-21
: 2-3
2-3 |
Parotocrania panamae
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), Zootaxa 5444 (1), pp. 1-454
: 139-146
139-146 |
Odontocheila fraternum
sp. nov.
Moravec, Jiří & Duran, Daniel P., 2013, Taxonomic and nomenclatorial revision within the Neotropical genera of the subtribe Odontochilina. 6. Odontocheila fraternum sp. nov., a new species sister to O. gilli (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (2), pp. 585-599
: 594-597
594-597 |
Symplocos costaricana
Kelly, Lawrence M., Almeda, Frank & Fritsch, Peter W., 2016, A taxonomic revision of Mexican and Central American Symplocos (Symplocaceae), Phytotaxa 264 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Anaptomecus longiventris
Jaeger, Peter, Rheims, Cristina & Labarque, Facundo, 2009, On the huntsman spider genera Sparianthina Banks, 1929 and Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 from South and Central America (Araneae, Sparassidae), ZooKeys 16 (16), pp. 115-147
: 138-141
138-141 |
Anaptomecus temii
sp. nov.
Jaeger, Peter, Rheims, Cristina & Labarque, Facundo, 2009, On the huntsman spider genera Sparianthina Banks, 1929 and Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 from South and Central America (Araneae, Sparassidae), ZooKeys 16 (16), pp. 115-147
: 141-143
141-143 |
Cheliplana longissima
sp. nov.
Gobert, Stefan, Diez, Yander L., Monnens, Marlies, Reygel, Patrick, Van Steenkiste, Niels W. L., Leander, Brian S. & Artois, Tom, 2021, A revision of the genus Cheliplana de Beauchamp, 1927 (Rhabdocoela: Schizorhynchia), with the description of six new species, Zootaxa 4970 (3), pp. 453-494
: 463
463 |
Reinhardorhynchus soror
sp. nov.
Diez, Yander L., Monnens, Marlies, Aguirre, Rosa Isabel, Yurduseven, Rana, Jouk, Philippe, Van Steenkiste, Niels W. L., Leander, Brian S., Schockaert, Ernest, Reygel, Patrick, Smeets, Karen & Artois, Tom, 2021, Taxonomy and phylogeny of Koinocystididae (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia) with the description of three new genera and twelve new species, Zootaxa 4948 (4), pp. 451-500
: 478-479
478-479 |
Diochus inornatus
Irmler, Ulrich, 2017, A review of the Neotropical genus Diochus ERICHSON, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 67 (1), pp. 1-62
: 13-14
13-14 |
Neotrichia vibrans
Harris, Steven C., Armitage, Brian J. & Rios Gonzalez, Tomas A., 2024, The Trichoptera of Panama XXIV. Fifteen new species and two new country records of the caddisfly genus Neotrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), with a key to all known Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1188, pp. 47-90
: 47
47 |
Yunga cartwrighti
Sauceda-V, Jefferson & Takiya, Daniela M., 2023, On the sharpshooter genus Yunga Melichar, 1924 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae): descriptions of a new species from Panama and of the internal female terminalia of Y. cartwrighti Young, 1968 and Y. coriacea Stål, 1864, Zootaxa 5389 (4), pp. 434-444
: 440-441
440-441 |
Griburius boucardi
Sassi, Davide, 2023, Revision of the Griburius scutellaris (Fabricius, 1801) species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Zootaxa 5315 (6), pp. 501-548
: 516-518
516-518 |
Embates aliquantulus
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2005, The Middle American species of Embates Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1100 (1), pp. 1-151
: 1-151
1-151 |
Dorachosa explicata
Sanborn, Allen F., 2018, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Panama including the description of six new species, three new combinations, one new synonymy, and nine new records, Zootaxa 4493 (1), pp. 1-69
: 51-52
51-52 |
Quichuamyia aplanatantennae
sp. nov.
Brammer, Colin A., 2005, Quichuamyia, a new Neotropical genus of Stratiomyidae (Insecta: Diptera), Zootaxa 990 (1), pp. 1-14
: 3-9
3-9 |
Floromadane pictulus
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2009, Floromadane, a new genus of baridine weevils associated with Rubiaceae in Costa Rica and Panama (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 59 (1), pp. 239-246
: 245
245 |
Zelus lewisi
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Phanaeus panamensis
sp. nov.
Moctezuma, Victor & Halffter, Gonzalo, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Phanaeus endymion species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with the descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 747, pp. 1-71
: 36-39
36-39 |
Renda brendelli
sp. nov.
Márquez, Juan, 2010, Revision of the genus Renda Blackwelder, 1952 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Xantholinini) 2686, Zootaxa 2686 (1), pp. 1-61
: 45
45 |
Embates intermedius
sp. nov.
Prena, Jens, 2005, The Middle American species of Embates Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1100 (1), pp. 1-151
: 1-151
1-151 |
Prodilis natasha
sp. nov.
Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158
: 71-72
71-72 |
Zelus lewisi
sp. n.
Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150
: 8150
8150 |
Lagopezus tenuicornis
Orellana, Samanta & Barrios, Héctor, 2021, Catalogue of the Anthribidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of Panama, including new country records and a key to genera, Zootaxa 4904 (1), pp. 1-71
: 37
37 |
Liogenys quadridens
Cherman, Mariana A., Basílio, Daniel S., Mise, Kleber M., Frisch, Johannes, Smith, Andrew B. T. & Almeida, Lúcia M., 2021, Liogenys Guerin-Méneville, 1831 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae Diplotaxini) of northern South America and Central America: taxonomic overview with four new species, Zootaxa 4990 (2), pp. 201-226
: 214-215
214-215 |
Prado, Lívia P. & Brandão, Carlos Roberto F., 2013, A Catalogue Of Cephalotini Ant Types (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) Deposited In The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53 (20), pp. 285-293
: 289-290
289-290 |
Muisca heppneri
Opitz, Pitz Pinola Weston, 2018, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Subfamily Peloniinae O (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Part IX. Taxonomic revision of the New World genus Muisca S, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 587-653
: 618
618 |
Enoclerus reductesignatus
sp. nov.
Rifkind, Jacques, 2017, New species of Mutillid Mimicking Enoclerus Gahan (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) from Mexico and Central America, Zootaxa 4231 (3), pp. 409-420
: 415-416
415-416 |
Isostichopus fuscus
Borrero-Pérez, Giomar H., Solís-Marín, Francisco A. & Lessios, Harilaos, 2024, Understanding the color variability and resolving taxonomic confusion in the sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea): a revision of the genus Isostichopus, European Journal of Taxonomy 949 (1), pp. 1-96
: 63-72
63-72 |
Haliotrematoides mastigion
sp. nov.
Kritsky, Delane C., Tingbao, Yang & Yuan, Sun, 2009, Dactylogyrids (Monogenoidea, Polyonchoinea) parasitizing the gills of snappers (Perciformes, Lutjanidae): Proposal of Haliotrematoides n. gen. and descriptions of new and previously described species from marine fishes of the Red Sea, the eastern and Indo-west Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, Zootaxa 1970 (1970), pp. 1-51
: 39-40
39-40 |
Dardanus sinistripes
Parente, Manuel Ayón & Hendrickx, Michel E., 2009, 2323, Zootaxa 2323, pp. 1-71
: 5-13
5-13 |
Wormaldia hedamafera
Armitage, Brian J., Harris, Steven C., Blahnik, Roger J. & Thomson, Robin E., 2016, The Trichoptera of Panama IV. New records for caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from the Republic of Panama, Insecta Mundi 2016 (511), pp. 1-13
: 4-5
4-5 |
Oxysarcodexia similata
Souza, Carina Mara De, Pape, Thomas & Thyssen, Patricia Jacqueline, 2020, Oxysarcodexia Townsend, 1917 (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) - a centennial conspectus, Zootaxa 4841 (1), pp. 1-126
: 96
96 |
Miconia bractiflora
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 69-73
69-73 |
Miconia latidecurrens
sp. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 83-85
83-85 |
Miconia albertobrenesii
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 41-46
41-46 |
Miconia evanescens
comb. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 76-80
76-80 |
Miconia laxivenula
comb. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 85-90
85-90 |
Miconia variabilis
nom. nov.
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 132-139
132-139 |
Toledo-Piza, Mônica, Baena, Eduardo G., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., Menezes, Naércio A., Ândrade, Marcelo, Benini, Ricardo C., Bertaco, Vinicius A., Birindelli, José Luís O., Boden, Gert, Buckup, Paulo A., Camelier, Priscila, Carvalho, Fernando R., Castro, Ricardo M. C., Chuctaya, Junior, Decru, Eva, Derijst, Eddy, Dillman, Casey B., Ferreira, Katiane M., Merxem, Dimitri G., Giovannetti, Victor, Hirschmann, Alice, Jégu, Michel, Jerep, Fernando C., Langeani, Francisco, Lima, Flávio C. T., Lucena, Carlos A. S., Lucena, Zilda Margarete S., Malabarba, Luiz R., Malabarba, Maria Cláudia S. L., Marinho, Manoela M. F., Mathubara, Kleber, Mattox, George M. T., Melo, Bruno F., Moelants, Tuur, Moreira, Cristiano R., Musschoot, Tobias, Netto-Ferreira, André L., Ota, Rafaela P., T. Oyakawa, Osvaldo, Pavanelli, Carla S., Reis, Roberto E., Santos, Osmar, Serra, Jane Piton, Silva, Gabriel S. C., Silva-Oliveira, Cárlison, Souza-Lima, Rosana, Vari, Richard P. & Zanata, Angela M., 2024, Checklist of the species of the Order Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230086) 22 (1), pp. 1-548
: 69-77
69-77 |
Leptorhyparus gilli
Skelley, Paul E., 2021, A new species of Leptorhyparus Howden, 2003 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Rhyparini) in amber from the Dominican Republic, with comments on extant species, Insecta Mundi 2021 (892), pp. 1-7
: 4
4 |
Rosalba morrisi
sp. nov.
Santos-Silva, Antonio, Galileo, Maria Helena M., Joly, Luis J. & Tavakilian, Gérard L., 2018, The genus Rosalba Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini), Zootaxa 4387 (2), pp. 201-258
: 210-211
210-211 |
Azteca pilosula
new status
Longino, J. T., 2007, A taxonomic review of the genus Azteca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Costa Rica and a global revision of the aurita group., Zootaxa 1491, pp. 1-63
: 57-58
57-58 |
Heteragrion mitratum subsp. atroterminatum
Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés & Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, 2017, The genus Heteragrion (Odonata: Zygoptera) in Northwestern Colombia, with the description of Heteragrion tatama sp. nov., Zootaxa 4347 (3), pp. 553-571
: 564
564 |
Pspehenops bifidus
sp. nov.
Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, 2017, Two new species of Psephenops Grouvelle (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Psephenidae) from Panama, Zootaxa 4323 (1), pp. 109-118
: 110-113
110-113 |
Pspehenops triangularis
sp. nov.
Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, 2017, Two new species of Psephenops Grouvelle (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Psephenidae) from Panama, Zootaxa 4323 (1), pp. 109-118
: 114-115
114-115 |
Cacostola nearnsi
sp. nov.
Wappes, James E. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2019, New species and taxonomic notes for Cacostola Fairmaire and Germain, 1859 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Onciderini), Insecta Mundi 741 (741), pp. 1-20
: 10-12
10-12 |
Limnophora snyderi
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 89
89 |
Lucilia rognesi
sp. nov.
Whitworth, Terry, 2014, A revision of the Neotropical species of Lucilia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Zootaxa 3810 (1), pp. 1-76
: 46-47
46-47 |
Phanocles maximus
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H. & Conle, Oskar V., 2024, Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXVI: Taxonomic review of Cladomorformia tax. n., a lineage of Diapheromerinae stick insects, with the descriptions of seven new genera and 41 new species (Phasmatodea: Occidophasmata: Diapheromerinae), Zootaxa 5444 (1), pp. 1-454
: 188-191
188-191 |
Syringogaster brunnea
Marshall, S. A., Buck, M., Skevington, J. H. & Grimaldi, D., 2009, A revision of the family Syringogastridae (Diptera: Diopsoidea), Zootaxa 1996 (1), pp. 1-80
: 28-30
28-30 |
Castolus rafaeli
sp. nov.
Forero, Dimitri & Mejía-Soto, Andrés, 2021, A striking sexually dimorphic new species of Castolus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Reduviidae) from Colombia, with new records from Neotropical countries and taxonomic notes on the genus, Zootaxa 5048 (4), pp. 538-560
: 541-548
541-548 |
Parafluda banksi
Hagopián, Damián, Bustamante, Abel A., Laborda, Álvaro & Simó, Miguel, 2024, Two new species of Sarinda Peckham & Peckham, 1892, with an update on Sarindini in Uruguay (Araneae: Salticidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 925 (1), pp. 100-134
: 128-131
128-131 |
Monstera coclensis
sp. nov.
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 49
49 |
Mesembrinella bicolor
Whitworth, Terry L. & Yusseff-Vanegas, Sohath, 2019, A revision of the genera and species of the Neotropical family Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea), Zootaxa 4659 (1), pp. 1-146
: 117-119
117-119 |
Stenus longiventris
Puthz, Volker, 2015, Neotropische Stenus-Arten mit seitlich gerandetem Abdomen und gelappten Tarsen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 344. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1601-1727
: 1652-1653
1652-1653 |
Parosus taliaferroae
sp. nov.
Makranczy, György, 2014, Review of the genus Parosus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (1), pp. 77-133
: 128-130
128-130 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) monstrosa
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 273
273 |
Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) singularis
sp. nov.
Leon, Stephanie & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, Scratching the surface? Taxonomic revision of the subgenus Schizoptera (Odontorhagus) reveals vast undocumented biodiversity in the largest litter bug genus Schizoptera Fieber (Hemiptera: Dipsocoromorpha), Zootaxa 4184 (2), pp. 255-284
: 280
280 |
Anelosimus jucundus
Agnarsson, Ingi, 2006, A revision of the New World eximius lineage of Anelosimus (Araneae, Theridiidae) and a phylogenetic analysis using worldwide exemplars, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (4), pp. 453-593
: 490-499
490-499 |
Hyboptera tuberculata
Erwin, Terry L. & Henry, Shasta C., 2017, Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1872 of the Cryptobatida group of subtribe Agrina: A taxonomic revision with notes on their ways of life (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), ZooKeys 714, pp. 61-127
: 107-113
107-113 |
Thraulodes zonalis
Kluge, Nikita J., 2020, Systematic position of Thraulodes Ulmer 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and descriptions of new and little-known species, Zootaxa 4756 (1), pp. 1-142
: 79-83
79-83 |
Neoconger vermiformis
Smith, David G., Marceniuk, Alexandre P., Rotundo, Matheus M., Carvalho, Cintia O. & Caires, Rodrigo A., 2024, A review of the genus Neoconger (Anguilliformes: Moringuidae), with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 109-128
: 122-123
122-123 |
Paypayrola panamensis
sp. nov.
Ballard, Harvey E., 2022, A new Paypayrola (Violaceae) from Panama, with notes about the species complexes for the genus, Phytotaxa 542 (3), pp. 283-292
: 288-289
288-289 |
Orasema arimbome
sp. nov.
Burks, Roger A., Heraty, John M., Dominguez, Chrysalyn & Mottern, Jason L., 2018, Complex diversity in a mainly tropical group of ant parasitoids: Revision of the Orasema stramineipes species group (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4401 (1), pp. 1-107
: 16-19
16-19 |
Neotrichia codaza
sp. nov.
Harris, Steven C., Armitage, Brian J. & Rios Gonzalez, Tomas A., 2024, The Trichoptera of Panama XXIV. Fifteen new species and two new country records of the caddisfly genus Neotrichia (Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae), with a key to all known Panamanian species, ZooKeys 1188, pp. 47-90
: 47
47 |
Polyplectropus laminatus
Chamorro, Maria Lourdes & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2010, 2582, Zootaxa 2582, pp. 1-252
: 174-176
174-176 |
Smith, David G., Marceniuk, Alexandre P., Rotundo, Matheus M., Carvalho, Cintia O. & Caires, Rodrigo A., 2024, A review of the genus Neoconger (Anguilliformes: Moringuidae), with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 109-128
: 120-122
120-122 |
Milichiella cinerea
Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166
: 63-69
63-69 |
Miconia neomicrantha
Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174
: 97-106
97-106 |
Eugenia tain
sp. nov.
Flores, Rodolfo, Holst, Bruce K. & Ibáñez, Alicia, 2022, Two new species of Myrtaceae from the western Caribbean forests of Panama, Phytotaxa 568 (1), pp. 61-71
: 66-69
66-69 |
Eschweilera donosoensis
sp. nov.
Batista, Juvenal E. & Mori, Scott A., 2017, Two New Species of Eschweilera (Lecythidaceae) from rainforest on the Caribbean slope of Panama, Phytotaxa 296 (1), pp. 41-52
: 43-46
43-46 |
Petrolisthes lazarus
sp. nov.
Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo, Santana-Moreno, L. Daniel & Anker, Arthur, 2020, A new species of the porcelain crab genus Petrolisthes from the Pacific coast of Panama, with taxonomic notes on closely related species (Decapoda: Anomura Porcellanidae), Zootaxa 4858 (4), pp. 576-588
: 577-587
577-587 |
Petrolisthes lazarus
Ferreira, Luciane Augusto De Azevedo & Anker, Arthur, 2021, An annotated and illustrated checklist of the porcelain crabs of Panama (Decapoda: Anomura), Zootaxa 5045 (1), pp. 1-154
: 98
98 |
Lasiancistrus caucanus
Armbruster, Jonathan W., 2005, The loricariid catfish genus Lasiancistrus (Siluriformes) with descriptions of two new species, Neotropical Ichthyology 3 (4), pp. 549-569
: 553-555
553-555 |
Monstera minima
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 116-117
116-117 |
Avicennia germinans
Daniel, Thomas F., 2016, Avicennia (Acanthaceae: Avicennioideae) in North America and Mesoamerica, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63 (5), pp. 163-189
: 171-183
171-183 |
Blakea echinata
sp. nov.
Almeda, Frank & Penneys, Darin S., 2018, Blakea echinata (Melastomataceae: Blakeeae): a new species from the Caribbean rainforest of Panama, Phytotaxa 372 (1), pp. 104-110
: 105-108
105-108 |
Epimetopus simplex
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 23-24
23-24 |
Epimetopus microporus
sp. nov.
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 27-28
27-28 |
Epimetopus costaricensis
Perkins, Philip D., 2012, 3531, Zootaxa 3531, pp. 1-95
: 29
29 |