Falconina crassipalpis ( Chickering, 1937 )

García, Fabián & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2023, Taxonomic revision of the soldier spider genus Falconina Brignoli, 1985 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Corinninae), Zootaxa 5343 (3), pp. 201-242 : 226-227

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.3.1

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Plazi (2023-09-11 10:54:50, last updated 2024-11-29 16:08:01)

scientific name

Falconina crassipalpis ( Chickering, 1937 )


Falconina crassipalpis ( Chickering, 1937) View in CoL

Figs 19–21 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 , 24 View FIGURE 24

Corinna crassipalpis Chickering, 1937: 22 , figs 15, 21, 65, 66 (♂ holotype and ♀ allotype from Barro Colorado Island , Panama, deposited in MCZ [♂ 20925; ♀ 28235], both examined by photographs).

Corinna crassipalpis Chickering, 1973: 372 , fig. 17

Falconina crassipalpis Bonaldo, 2000: 78 View in CoL ; Alayón-García & de Armas, 2003: 12 (possible misidentification).

Note. This species was recorded from San Antonio de los Baños, Habana, Cuba by Alayón-García & Armas (2003). However, adult specimens from that country were not available for examination.Additional material examined ( IBSP 236874, IBSP 233839, IBSP 169764, IBSP 237079, IBSP 236886, IBSP 236893, IBSP 236867, IBSP 233815) from different Cuban localities were identified as F. gracilis . The record of F. crassipalpis from Cuba is thus possibly a misidentification.

Diagnosis. Males of Falconina crassipalpis resemble those of F. adriki sp. nov. by the RTA composed of only two lobes, the dorsal one being absent, and by the laminar, sculptured tegular process. They differ by the presence of a dorsal process on the ventral lobe of the RTA and by the sub-rectangular tegular process, with a basal membranous sector ( Figs 19A–B View FIGURE 19 , 20A–B View FIGURE 20 , 21A–B View FIGURE 21 ). Females resemble those of F. andresi sp. nov., F. gracilis , and F. albomaculosa by the M-shaped median notch of the posterior margin of the epigynal plate ( Figs 20C View FIGURE 20 , 21C View FIGURE 21 ). They differ by the margins of posterior vulvar plate oval, as wide as the margins of the epigynal plate (in ventral view), and dorsally, by the posterior vulvar plate with the anterior margin projected laterally ( Fig. 21D View FIGURE 21 ).

Description. Male (MCZ): Carapace dark brown, smooth, with granulation laterally. Chelicerae and labium dark brown. Endites yellowish-brown. Sternum yellowish-brown. Legs dark yellowish. Abdomen elongated, with two strong stripes. Scutum greyish-brown. Total length 5.659. Carapace 2.661 long, 2.224 wide. Clypeus height 0.133. Eye diameters:AME 0.138, ALE 0.113, PME 0.097, PLE 0.107. Interocular distances:AME-AME 0.113, AME-ALE 0.047, PME-PME 0.214, PME-PLE 0.162, ALE-PLE 0.036, PME-AME 0.096. Chelicerae with three promarginal teeth, the second two times longer, and five retromarginal teeth, the most proximal to fang three times smaller than others. Sternum 0.965 long, 0.901 wide. Leg measurements: I—2.021, 0.618, 2.098, 1.660, 1.462, 9.859; II—1.944, 0.701, 1.670, 1.469, 1.307, 7.091; III—1.944, 0.704, 1.670, 1.469, 0.888, 6.675; IV—2.061, 0.799, 1.913, 2.360, 1.104, 8.237. Abdomen 2.216 long, 1.198 wide. Leg spination: I—femur d 0-0-2; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 1-1-0; tibia d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-2-2-2; metatarsus d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-2; II—femur d 0-0-2; p 0-0-0; r 0- 0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-2-2-2; metatarsus d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-2; III—femur d 0-0-2; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 2-0-2; p 1-0-0; r 1-0-0; v 2-2-2; metatarsus d 2-2-0; p 0-0-0; r 1-0-1; v 2-2-2; IV—femur d 1-0-2; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 2-2-0; p 1-1-0; r 1-0-1; v 2-2-2; metatarsus d 2-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 1-0-0; v 2-2-2. Male palp. Tibia almost half of cymbium length. Two lobes. Ventral lobe pronounced, with long, thin apical spur, longer than median and dorsal lobes ( Figs 19A View FIGURE 19 , 20A View FIGURE 20 , 21A View FIGURE 21 ). Dorsal process of ventral lobe composed of small triangular projection ( Fig. 20B View FIGURE 20 ). Median lobe very long, with concave prolateral surface ( Figs 19B View FIGURE 19 , 21B View FIGURE 21 ). Dorsal lobe absent. Cymbium with retrolateral basal process sub-squared, covered by median lobe in retrolateral view. Spermophore with three ventral folds. Embolus comma-shaped. Tegular process sub-rectangular, with rounded apex and ragged edges ( Fig. 20C View FIGURE 20 ), inserted on membranous base. Embolar process small, short, with retrolateral projection ending before conductor. Conductor and embolus curved, overlapping tegular process ( Fig. 20D View FIGURE 20 ).

Female (MCZ): Color as in male. Total length 5.609. Carapace 2.152 long, 1.501 wide. Clypeus height 0.126. Eye diameters:AME 0.141, ALE 0.079, PME 0.105, PLE 0.097. Interocular distances:AME-AME 0.063,AME-ALE 0.052, PME-PME 0.120, PME-PLE 0.065, ALE-PLE 0.037, PME-AME 0.054. Chelicerae with three promarginal teeth, the second two times longer, and five small retromarginal teeth, the most proximal to fang three times smaller than others. Sternum 1.076 long, 0.959 wide. Leg measurements: I—both absent; II—1.415, 0.435, 1.200, 1.027, 1.114, 5.191; III—1.309, 0.396, 1.062, 1.201, 0.854, 4.822; IV—1.746, 0.584, 1.547, 1.751, 0.891, 6.519. Abdomen 3.168 long, 1.965 wide. Leg spination: II—femur d 0-1-0; p 0-0-1; r 0-0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-2-2-2; metatarsus d 0-0-0; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 2-2-0; III—femur d 1-1-2; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 2-2- 2; p 0-1-1; r 1-0-0; v 2-2-2-2; metatarsus d 2-0-2; p 0-1-0; r 1-0-0; v 2-2-0; IV—femur d 1-1-2; p 0-0-0; r 0-0-0; v 0-0-0; tibia d 2-0-2; p 1-0-0; r 1-0-1; v 2-2-2; metatarsus d 2-2-2; p 1-1-0; r 1-0-1; v 2-2-2. Epigyne. Epigynal plate oval; copulatory opening positioned near posterior margin of epigynal plate; posterior margin of epigynal plate with M-shaped median notch ( Figs 19C View FIGURE 19 , 21C View FIGURE 21 ); dorsally, vulva with well-developed posterior vulvar plate, trapezoid, with anterior margin projected laterally; fertilization ducts short, secondary spermathecae placed anteriorly in relation to primary spermathecae ( Fig. 21D View FIGURE 21 ).

Variation. Lengths: 1 (♂) total 4.048. Carapace 1.833 long, 1.334 wide. Leg I—1.409, 0.412, 1.424, 1.011, 1.103, 5.359; 1 (♀) Total length 5.214. Carapace 2.214 long, 1.717 wide. Leg I—1.561, 0.778, 1.466, 1.001, 1.439, 6.245.

Additional material examined. PANAMÁ: Colón: Barro Colorado Island [N9.15379°, W79.84642°, 44 m], A.M. Chickering leg., VI.1939, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( MCZ) GoogleMaps .

Distribution: Known from Panama ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 ).

Alayon-Garcia, G. & de Armas, L. F. (2003) Primer registro de Falconina crassipalpis (Chickering, 1937) para Cuba (Araneae Corinnidae). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, 8, 12.

Bonaldo, A. B. (2000) Taxonomia da subfamilia Corinninae (Araneae, Corinnidae) nas regioes neotropical e neartica. Iheringia, Serie Zoologia, 89, 3 - 148. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0073 - 47212000000200001

Chickering, A. M. (1937) The Clubionidae of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 56, 1 - 47. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 3222720

Chickering, A. M. (1973) The genus Corinna (Araneae, Clubionidae) in Panama. Psyche, Cambridge, 79 (4, 1972), 365 - 378. https: // doi. org / 10.1155 / 1972 / 75439

Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Falconina crassipalpis (Chickering, 1937), male holotype and female paratype (MCZ ♂ 20925; ♀ 28235) A male palp, prolateroventral view; B male palp, retrolateral view; C female epigyne, ventral view. Abbreviations AS, apical spur; C, conductor; CRP, cymbial retrolateral basal process; E, embolus; EP, embolar process; DL, dorsal lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; dVL, dorsal lobe of the ventral lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; MnEP, median notch of the posterior margin of epigynal plate; ML, median lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; PVP, posterior vulvar plate; TP, tegular process; VL, ventral lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bar A–C 0.5 mm. Photos by Laura Leibensperger.

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FIGURE 20. Scanning electron microscopy, Falconina crassipalpis (Chickering, 1937), right male palp (MZC): A ventroretrolateral view; B retrolateral view; C apex of palp, ventral view; D embolus and conductor details, ventral view.Abbreviations AS, apical spur; C, conductor; CRP, cymbial retrolateral basal process; dVL, dorsal lobe of the ventral lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; E, embolus; EP, embolar process; DL, dorsal lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; ML, median lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; T, Tegulum; TP, tegular process; VL, ventral lobe of the retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bar A. 200 μm B. 500 μm; C. 100 μm. D. 50 μm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 21. Falconina crassipalpis (Chickering, 1937): A, B male (MCZ): A palp, ventral view; B palp, retrolateral view. C, D Female paratype (MCZ): C epigyne, ventral view; D epigyne, dorsal view. Scale bar C–D 1 mm.

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FIGURE 24. Known geographical distribution of Falconina species (except Falconina gracilis).


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