Dissomphalus bilobatus Azevedo, 1999

Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72 : 45-46

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Dissomphalus bilobatus Azevedo, 1999


Dissomphalus bilobatus Azevedo, 1999

( Figs 171–174 View FIGURES 163 – 173 View FIGURES 174 – 183 )

Dissomphalus bilobatus Azevedo, 1999a : 0 4, 0 9, 20–22 (♂, holotype from Trinidad & Tobago, CNCI, figs 71–77).

Diagnosis. Mandible oblique without teeth. Tergal process with very large depression hlaf-moon-shaped, with two low median tubercles and tuft of setae. Hypopygium with posterior margin slightly convex. Genitalia: paramere with deep median longitudinal invagination, dorsal lobe larger, apex wide, concave with corners rounded; ventral lobe thin, small, apex with setae; aedeagal ventral ramus shorter than aedeagal dorsal body, wide with apex truncate; surfaces divergent dorsally; ventral part of apex divided longitudinally with two serrated lamina; outer lamina small and narrowed apically and inner lamina larger; aedeagal dorsal body not developed narrowing apically; inner margin straight and parallel and outer margin convergent. Apodeme not extending beyond genital ring.

Remarks. This species is known to Costa Rica (Azevedo 1999). Now it is recorded for the first time from Panama. Some variations are worth to mention: mesosoma light castaneous; median clypeal tooth angulate; median clypeal carina complete; vertex crest straight; anterior margin of pronotal disc coarse; pit of tergal process with very short tuft of setae.

Material examined. Holotype, ♂, COSTA RICA, San Vito de Coto Brus: Las cruces, 1200m, 17.viii– 12.ix.1982, Malaise trap, B. Gill col. ( CNCI) . PANAMA , Chiriquí: 1♂, 5.6 km N Boquete, La Culebra trail, [08°49'23"N, 82°25'18"W], F[light] I[nterception] T[rap], J. Ashe & R. Brooks [col.] ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, [Santa Clara], Harman's Finca , [08°51'38"N, 82°44'44"W], 3.VII.1981, B. Gill [col.] ( PMAE) GoogleMaps ; Veraguas Pr [ovincia]: 2♂ , Santa Fé, Altos De Piedra , [08°31'5.5"N, 81°06'30.4"W], 13–17 nov. 1999, Tr [ampa] Malaise, A. Santos, P. González [col.] ( MIUP) GoogleMaps ; Colón: 3♂, 14 km N J[un]ct[ion] Escobal r[oa]d and Piña r[oa]d on Piña r[oa]d, ± 20 m, [09°20'N', 79°54'W], 2–3.VI.1995, F[light] I[nterception] T[rap], J. Ashe & R. Brooks [col.] ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Coclé Pr [ovincia]: 2♂, El Copé, Par [que] Nac [ional General de División ] Omar Torrijos H [errera], 570–670 m.s.n.m., [08º41'56"N, 80º39'17"W], 26–30 sep. 1999, Tr [ampa] Malaise, A. Santos, P. González [col.] ( MIUP) GoogleMaps ; [Kuna Yala]: 1♂, Nusagandi Sta [tion] n[ea]r Columbia INA Igar Trail , [08°58'N, 79°32'W], 12–13.V.1994, A. Windson [col.] ( CNCI) GoogleMaps ; Panamá Pr [ovincia]: 1♂, Parq [ue] Nac [ional] Soberanía, Camino, Plantación, [09º09'N, 79º43'W], 23–29 feb. 2000, P. González, A. Santos [col.] ( MIUP) GoogleMaps ; Comarca Kuna Yala: 6♂, Ustupu, Rio Abudi , [09º07'57"N, 77º55'36"W], 6–12 dic. 1999, P. González [col.] ( MIUP) GoogleMaps ; Darién Pr [ovincia]: 57♂, P[arque] N[acional] Darién, Pirre, Est [ación] Rancho Frio , 80 m, [08°00'N, 77°45'W], 16 nov 00 GoogleMaps – 17 ene 2001, Malaise, R. Cambra, A. Santos [col.] (51♂), 1000m, 21 mar–4 ab 2000 (4♂) and 900 m (2♂) Cambra, Santos, Bermudez [col.] (MIUP); 3♂, Cana , 1380 m, [07°51'N, 77°37'W], 4–7.VI.1986 (2♂) GoogleMaps , (CNCI) and 550 m, 7º 45'N 77° 41'W, 3–7.vi.96, (1♂), (UFES) F[light] I[nterception] T[rap], [J.] Ashe & [R.] Brooks [col.].

Distribution ( Fig. 231 View FIGURES 224 – 233 ). Costa Rica and Panama.


Canadian National Collection Insects


Royal Alberta Museum


Culture Collection of the Institute of New Antibiotics














Dissomphalus bilobatus Azevedo, 1999

Azevedo, Celso O. 2017

Dissomphalus bilobatus

Azevedo 1999
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