Coniceromyia brachypoda, Ament & Kung & Brown, 2020

Ament, Danilo César, Kung, Giar-Ann & Brown, Brian V., 2020, Forty-one new species of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an identification key, and new distributional records for the species of the genus, Zootaxa 4830 (1), pp. 1-61 : 6-7

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Plazi (2020-12-30 16:06:59, last updated 2024-11-28 19:28:33)

scientific name

Coniceromyia brachypoda

sp. nov.

Coniceromyia brachypoda View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1F View FIGURE 1 , 8F View FIGURE 8 , 13F View FIGURE 13 , 17 View FIGURE 17 K–L, 24F, 27D)

Diagnosis (male). Anepisternum dorsally setulose, hind femur with broad band of tiny blunt setulae (dorsal setulae thicker), left epandrial process with dorsal medially directed lobe ( Fig. 24F View FIGURE 24 ). Coniceromyia brachypoda shares these characteristics and a very similar hypopygium with C. dasypoda , C. amazonensis , and C. hadrochaeta . These four species can be differentiated mostly by their foremetatarsus chaetotaxy and processes ( Figs. 8F, 8A, 8L, 8Q View FIGURE 8 ), in C. brachypoda with anterior excavation bearing few setulae, setulose anteroapical process, seta at base of excavation approximately half length of excavation, and strong seta at base of the anteroapical process.

Material examined. Holotype ♂, COLOMBIA: Amazonas: PNN Amacayacu: San Martín , 3.82ºS, 70.26ºW, 16–24.viii.2000, Malaise trap, 150m, B. Amado col. ( IAVH) GoogleMaps [LACM ENT 131281]. Paratypes: 1♂, same as holotype but 3–11.xi.2000; 1♂, same but 16–23.v.2000; 1♂, same but 6–15.iv.2000; 1♂, same but 24.iii–3.iv.2000; 1♂, same but 29.v–; 1♂, same but 8–16.viii.2000; 1♂, same but 10–18.x.2000; 1♂, same but 24.ix– 2.x.2000; 1♂, same but 5–19.xi.2001, D. Chota col; 1♂, same but 17–31.xii.2001; 1♂, same but 3.68°S, 70.25°W, 12.iii–2.iv.2001; 1♂, same but Cab. Lorena , 3.00°S, 69.98°W, 1–15.ix.2001, Malaise trap, 210m, J. Parente col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but D. Deaza col.; 1♂, Chocó, PNN Utria: Centro Visit. , 6.02°N, 77.35°W, 7–28.ix.2000, Malaise trap, J. Pérez col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Putumayo: PNN La Paya: Fca. Charapa , 0.13°S, 74.95°W, 22–26.2001, Malaise trap, 330m, D. Campos col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Caquetá: PNN Chiribiquete: Rio Sararamano , 0.19°N, 72.61°W, 14–17.iv.2000, Malaise trap, 300m, E. Gonzalez col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but Pto Abeja , 0.07°N, 72.43°W, 29.x–12.xi.2000, J. Forero col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Vaupés: Est. Biol. Mosiro-Itajura (Caparú): Centro Ambiental , 1.07°N, 69.05°W, 3–10.xi.2003, Malaise trap, J. Pinzón col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but 1.07°N, 69.52°W, 6–27.xi.2002, Malaise trap, 60m, L. Benavides col.; 1♂, Meta: PNN Macarena: Caño Curía Parcela , 3.35°N, 73.60°W, 17.i–9.ii.2003, Malaise trap, 460m, W. Villalba col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but 3.35°N, 72.63°W, 1–25.x. 2004, 493m. BOLIVIA: 1♂, Beni: 5km N Rurrenbaque , 14.43°S, 67.51°W, 25.iv.2003, Malaise trap, Brown, Marcotte & Zumbado col. GoogleMaps BRAZIL: 1♂, Amazonas: Manaus: PDBFF Res. 1301, 3.13°S, 60.02°W, 22.xi.1985, Malaise trap, B. Klein GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but Reserva Ducke , 3.13°S, 60.02°W, 6–17.vii.1992, glue trap, J. Vidal col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Rondonia: ca 60km SE of Ariquemes: Faz. Rancho Grande , 10°17’S, 62°52’W, 3–8.viii.1997, Malaise trap, 187m, J.M. Heraty col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Amapá: Serra do Navio: Rio Amapari: Pedra Preta , 0°54’27”N 52°00’52”W, 19.xi.2014, Light trap, J.A. Rafael & F.F. Xavier Filho col. ( INPA) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Roraima: Amajari: Tepequém SESC, 3°44’45”N 61°43’40”W, 14–29.xii.2015, Malaise trap, R. Boldrini & J.A. Rafael col. ( RPSP) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, Pará: Carajás: FLONA Carajás , 06°23’03”S 50°23’10”W, 31.i–6.ii.2010, Malaise trap, Kumagai & team col. ( UFMG) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, same but 06°23’38”S 50°22’37”W, 21–28.iv.2010; 1♂, Rondônia: Cacaulândia: Trilha Cachoeira Jamari , 10°13’26.8”S 63°13’49”W, 20–26.v.2012, Malaise trap, 131m, Lamas, Nihei & team col. ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; 1m, Rondônia: Porto Velho : 5.2km N Rio Madeira, 8°43’S 63°5’W, 4–14.xii.2011, Malaise trap, Amorim, Ament & Riccardi col. ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Pará: Jacareapanga , xii.1968, Alvarenga col. ( MZUSP) ; ECUADOR: 4♂, Sucumbios: Sacha Lodge , 0.5°S, 75.5°W, 3–16.viii.1994, Malaise trap, 270m, P. Hibbs col. GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same but 0.5°S, 76.5°W, 20–30.ix.1994; 2♂, Napo: Yasuni NP: PUCE Station , 0.63°S, 76.6°W, 3–20.xi.1998, Malaise trap, T. Pape & B. Viklund col. GoogleMaps ; 2♂, Napo: 2km N Ahuano Bridge , 1.05°S, 77.52°W, 5–16.ix.2000, Malaise trap, F. Hovore GoogleMaps . FRENCH GUIANA: 2♂, Regina: Kaw. Mt. : Patawa , 4.55°N, 52.17°W, i.2006, Malaise trap, 300m, J. Cerda col. GoogleMaps PANAMA: 1♂ Canal Zone: Barro Colorado Is. , 9.17°N, 79.83°W, 28.viii–4.ix.1996, Malaise trap, J. Pickering col. GoogleMaps PERU: 2♂, Madre de Dios: Tambopata Res. Center , 13.14°S, 69.61°W, 20–23.vii.2001, Malaise trap, B. Brown & G. Kung GoogleMaps .

Description. Male. Body length 2.2 mm. Head. Frons brown, sparsely setulose, with well-defined median furrow. Flagellomere 1 light brown, conical. Arista apical, twice the length of flagellomere 1. Palpus light brown. Gena with two setae. Thorax. Scutum, scutellum, and pleural regions brown; anepisternum dorsally setulose. Legs yellowish-brown. Foretibia with two dorsal setae and anterodorsal row of strong setulae. Foremetatarsus with anterior excavation bearing few setulae, setulose anteroapical process, seta at base of excavation approximately half length of excavation, and strong seta at base of at anteroapical process ( Fig. 8F View FIGURE 8 ). Foremetatarsus ratio 0.5. Posteroventral face of hind femur with broad band of tiny blunt setulae, dorsal setulae thicker ( Figs. 17 View FIGURE 17 K–L). Hind femur height/ length ratio, 0.37. Hind tibia with one dorsal seta in basal half. Wing ( Fig. 13F View FIGURE 13 ). Costa swollen, 0.4 of the wing length; R 2+3 absent; M 1 concave, curved posteriorly at apex; M 2 sinuous, CuA 1 -M 2 /M 2 -M 1 ratio 1.2; CuA 1 sinuous. Halter white. Abdomen. Tergites dark brown, with shining pubescence. Hypopygium light brown ( Figs. 24F View FIGURE 24 ). Left epandrial process with dorsal setae, dorsal medially directed lobe, and internal face with elevation near base with apical setulae. Margin of right lobe of hypandrium without lateral projection. Hypoproct with three setae.

Distribution. Widespread in Amazonia, and reaching Panama in the North ( Fig. 27D View FIGURE 27 ).

Etymology. Name derived from the Greek roots brachys (short) and podos (foot), referring to the short foremetatarsus.

Variations. Specimens with long, thin setae along antero-and posteroventral margins of the forefemur; elongated setae on ventral face of foretibia; seta at base of excavation shorter or longer than that in the holotype.

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FIGURE 1. Habitus of the holotypes of new species of Coniceromyia (scale bars=1mm). A. C. amazonensis, B. C. anisocrossa, C. C. balbiae, D. C. bellatula, E. C. bisetosa, F. C. brachypoda.

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FIGURE 8. Male foremetatarsus of new species of Coniceromyia (scale bars=0.1mm). A. C. amazonensis, B. C. anisocrossa, C. C. balbiae, D. C. bellatula, E. C. bisetosa, F. C. brachypoda, G. C. camptoneura, H. C. chrysopa, I. C. circulata, J. C. cladopyga, K. C. crassivena, L. C. dasypoda, M. C. deltopoda, N. C. diadela, O. C. diffusa, P. C. dolichopoda, Q. C. hadrochaeta, R. C. hirtipenna, S. C. inflata, T. C. leia, U. C. litopoda, V. C. luna, W. C. maculata, X. C. megalosoma, Y. C. memorialis, Z. C. niemeyeri, A’. C. numerosa, B’. C. ochyrosticha, C’. C. parallela, D’. C. pectinella.

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FIGURE 13. Wings of the males of Coniceromyia new species. A. C. amazonensis, B. C. anisocrossa, C. C. balbiae, D. C. bellatula, E. C. bisetosa, F. C. brachypoda, G. C. camptoneura, H. C. chrysopa, I. C. circulata, J. C. cladopyga, K. C. crassivena, L. C. dasypoda.

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FIGURE 17. Hind femora of the males of Coniceromyia new species (scale bars on figures of the entire femur=0.3 mm, on figures of ventrobasal part of the femur=0.1 mm). A–B. C. amazonensis, C–D. C. anisocrossa, E–F. C. balbiae, G–H. C. bellatula, I–J. C. bisetosa, K–L. C. brachypoda

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FIGURE 24. Hypopygia of Coniceromyia new species in right lateral view (except figure J which is left lateral view). A. C. amazonensis, B. C. anisocrossa, C. C. balbiae, D. C. bellatula, E. C. bisetosa, F. C. brachypoda, G. C. camptoneura, H. C. chrysopa, I. C. circulata, J. C. cladopyga in left lateral view, K. C. cladopyga in right lateral view, L. C. crassivena, M. C. dasypoda, N. C. deltopoda, O. C. diadela, P. C. diffusa, Q. C. dolichopoda, R. C. hadrochaeta, S. C. hirtipenna, T. C. inflata, U. C. leia, V. C. litopoda, W. C. luna, X. C. maculata.

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FIGURE 27. Distributional records of Coniceromyia new species (species known from a single or close localities were not illustrated. Squares=holotype, circles=other specimens). A. C. amazonensis, B. C. bellatula, C. C. bisetosa, D. C. brachypoda, E. C. cladopyga, F. C. dasypoda, G. C. deltopoda, H. C. diffusa, I. C. hadrochaeta, J. C. hirtipenna, K. C. litopoda, L. C. luna, M. C. maculata.


Instituto de Ivestigacion de los Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Universidade de Sao Paulo


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











