Haitlinger, Ryszard, 2024, Arthropods associated with world passalid beetles with particular reference to the Diarthrophallidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)

Haitlinger, Ryszard, 2024, Arthropods associated with world passalid beetles with particular reference to the Diarthrophallidae (Acari: Mesostigmata), Journal of Natural History 58 (29 - 32), pp. 1178-1259

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Lombardiniella   syn. n.  1179
Acaridae     1214
Canestriniidae     1214-1216
Chaetodactylidae     1228
Heterocoptidae     1228
Histiostomatidae     1228
Suidasiidae     1229
Ixodidae     1233-1234
Ascidae     1236
Digamasellidae     1237
Diplogyniidae     1237
Euzerconidae     1237
Fedrizziidae     1237
Hoplomegistidae     1238
Klinckowstroemiidae     1238
Laelapidae     1239
Macrochelidae     1239
Megisthanidae     1239
Paramegistidae     1239
Schizogyniidae     1240
Trematuridae     1240
Triplogyniidae     1240
Urodinychidae     1240
Uropodidae     1241
Damaeolidae     1241
Haplozetidae     1242
Malaconothridae     1242
Mesoplophoridae     1242
Oppiidae     1242
Punctoribatidae     1242
Scheloribatidae     1242
Suctobelbidae     1243
Cunaxidae     1243
Heterocheylidae     1243
Tarsocheylidae     1245
Tachinidae     1245
Atemnidae     1245
Cheliferidae     1245
Chernetidae     1245
Chthonidae     1246
Lechytiidae     1246
Tridenchthoniidae     1246
Withiidae     1246