Cochranella posadae
Guayasamin, Juan M., Bustamante, Martín R., Almeida-Reinoso, Diego & Funk, W. Chris, 2006, Glass frogs (Centrolenidae) of Yanayacu Biological Station, Ecuador, with the description of a new species and comments on centrolenid systematics, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 147 (4), pp. 489-513
: 500-504
500-504 |
Cleome gynandra
Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108
: 64
64 |
Cleome gynandra
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426-427
426-427 |
Cleome arabica
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 58-59
58-59 |
Cleome foliolosa
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 59
59 |
Cleome coluteoides
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 59
59 |
Cleome ariana
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 59
59 |
Tarenaya pernambucensis
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2018, Two new species of Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) from Brazil, Phytotaxa 334 (1), pp. 28-34
: 32-34
32-34 |
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2017, Cleoserrata (Cleomaceae): taxonomic considerations and a new species, Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 179-186
: 180
180 |
Cleomella californica
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleome pakistanica
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 62
62 |
Austin, J. D., Lougheed, S. C., Tanner, K., Chek, A. A., Bogart, J. P. & Boag, P. T., 2002, A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (3), pp. 335-346
: 345
345 |
Cleoserrata bahiana
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2017, Cleoserrata (Cleomaceae): taxonomic considerations and a new species, Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 179-186
: 180
180 |
Cochranella wileyi
sp. nov.
Guayasamin, Juan M., Bustamante, Martín R., Almeida-Reinoso, Diego & Funk, W. Chris, 2006, Glass frogs (Centrolenidae) of Yanayacu Biological Station, Ecuador, with the description of a new species and comments on centrolenid systematics, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 147 (4), pp. 489-513
: 504-507
504-507 |
Cleomella angustifolia
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 137
137 |
Cleome cardaminoides
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 64
64 |
Cleomella arborea var. globosa
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 137
137 |
Cleoserrata speciosa
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2017, Cleoserrata (Cleomaceae): taxonomic considerations and a new species, Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 179-186
: 183-184
183-184 |
Corynandra elegans
sp. nov.
Chandore, Arun Nivrutti, Yadav, Usha Shrirang & Yadav, Shrirang Ramchandra, 2016, A new elegant species of Corynandra (Cleomaceae) from Konkan region of Maharashtra, India, Phytotaxa 260 (1), pp. 89-94
: 90-94
90-94 |
Podandrogyne formosa
MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Cleome viscosa
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 427
427 |
Cleomella serrulata
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 140-141
140-141 |
Cleome stevensiana
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 63
63 |
Cleome socotrana
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 63
63 |
Cleomella arborea
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 137
137 |
Cleome spinosa
Monteiro, Francisca, Costa, Esperança Da, Kissanga, Raquel, Costa, José Carlos & Catarino, Luís, 2022, An annotated checklist of the vascular flora of Quiçama National Park, Angola, Phytotaxa 557 (1), pp. 1-67
: 23
23 |
Tarenaya cordobensis
comb. nov.
Arana, Marcelo D. & Oggero, Antonia J., 2016, New combinations in Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) for the Argentinian flora, Phytotaxa 267 (2), pp. 162-164
: 162
162 |
Cleome turkmena
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 63
63 |
Cleome iberica
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 60-61
60-61 |
Cleome khorassanica
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 61
61 |
Austin, J. D., Lougheed, S. C., Tanner, K., Chek, A. A., Bogart, J. P. & Boag, P. T., 2002, A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (3), pp. 335-346
: 346
346 |
Cleome hassleriana
Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Cleomaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20)
: -1
-1 |
Cleomella arborea var. angustata
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 137
137 |
Cleomella palmeri
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleomella multicaulis
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleomella lutea
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138-139
138-139 |
Cleome chodatiana
Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Cleome guaranitica
Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Physostemon intermedius
Breure, Abraham S. H. & Tardy, Emmanuel, 2016, From the shadows of the past: Moricand senior and junior, two 19 th century naturalists from Geneva, with their newly described taxa and molluscan types, Revue suisse de Zoologie 123 (1), pp. 113-138
: 117
117 |
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 56-57
56-57 |
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 57
57 |
Cleome viscosa
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cochranella resplendens
Restrepo, Adriana, Molina-Zuluaga, Claudia, Hurtado, Juan P., Marín, Carlos M. & Daza, Juan M., 2017, Amphibians and reptiles from two localities in the northern Andes of Colombia, Check List 13 (4), pp. 203-237
: 205-208
205-208 |
Cleome gynandra
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleome violacea
Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111
: 62
62 |
Cleome serrata
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleome gynandra
DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341
: 46
46 |
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2017, Cleoserrata (Cleomaceae): taxonomic considerations and a new species, Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 179-186
: 179
179 |
Cleomella palmeriana
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleomella obtusifolia
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleome amblyocarpa
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 58
58 |
Tarenaya lilloi
comb. nov.
Arana, Marcelo D. & Oggero, Antonia J., 2016, New combinations in Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) for the Argentinian flora, Phytotaxa 267 (2), pp. 162-164
: 163
163 |
Cleome spinosa
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleome ornithopodioides
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleomella jonesii
comb. et stat. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleomella jaliscensis
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleomella longipes
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleomella hillmanii
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleomella hillmanii var. goodrichii
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Cleomella mexicana
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleomella sparsifolia
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 141
141 |
Cleome monophylla
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleoserrata serrata
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2017, Cleoserrata (Cleomaceae): taxonomic considerations and a new species, Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 179-186
: 183
183 |
Cleomella oxystyloides
nom. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 139
139 |
Cleome rupicola
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 62-63
62-63 |
Cleome arabica
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 425
425 |
Tarenaya curvispina
Neto, Raimundo Luciano Soares, Barbosa, Maria Regina De Vasconcellos & Roalson, Eric H., 2018, Two new species of Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) from Brazil, Phytotaxa 334 (1), pp. 28-34
: 28-31
28-31 |
Cleome gigantea
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleome ramosissima
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 62
62 |
Cleome oxypetala
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 62
62 |
Cleome ornithopodioides
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 61-62
61-62 |
Sieruela rutidosperma
Monteiro, Francisca, Costa, Esperança Da, Kissanga, Raquel, Costa, José Carlos & Catarino, Luís, 2022, An annotated checklist of the vascular flora of Quiçama National Park, Angola, Phytotaxa 557 (1), pp. 1-67
: 24
24 |
Tarenaya tucumanensis
comb. nov.
Arana, Marcelo D. & Oggero, Antonia J., 2016, New combinations in Tarenaya (Cleomaceae) for the Argentinian flora, Phytotaxa 267 (2), pp. 162-164
: 163
163 |
Cleome hirta
Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108
: 64
64 |
Cleome schimperi
Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108
: 64
64 |
Cleome monophylla
Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108
: 64
64 |
Cleome omanensis
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 61
61 |
Cleome heratensis
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 60
60 |
Cleome hadramautica
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 60
60 |
Cleomella brevipes
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 138
138 |
Gynandropsis gynandra
D, E. O., e, Sogbohossou, edi, Achigan-Dako, Enoch G., Mumm, Roland, de Vos, Ric C. H. & Schranz, M. Eric, 2020, Natural variation in specialised metabolites production in the leafy vegetable spider plant (Gynandropsis gynandra L. (Briq. )) in Africa and Asia, Phytochemistry (112468) 178, pp. 1-10
: 3-5
3-5 |
Austin, J. D., Lougheed, S. C., Tanner, K., Chek, A. A., Bogart, J. P. & Boag, P. T., 2002, A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (3), pp. 335-346
: 345
345 |
Austin, J. D., Lougheed, S. C., Tanner, K., Chek, A. A., Bogart, J. P. & Boag, P. T., 2002, A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (3), pp. 335-346
: 345
345 |
Cleome albescens
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 57
57 |
Cleome glaucescens
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 59-60
59-60 |
Cleome gordjagini
Roalson, Eric H., 2021, A revised synonymy, typification, and key to species of Cleome sensu stricto (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 496 (1), pp. 54-68
: 60
60 |
Cleomella refracta
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 140
140 |
Cleomella perennis
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 140
140 |
Cleomella platycarpa
comb. nov.
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 140
140 |
Cleomella plocasperma
Roalson, Eric H., Hall, Jocelyn C., Riser Ii, James P., Cardinal-Mcteague, Warren M., Cochrane, Theodore S. & Sytsma, Kenneth J., 2015, A revision of generic boundaries and nomenclature in the North American cleomoid clade (Cleomaceae), Phytotaxa 205 (3), pp. 129-144
: 140
140 |
Cleome viscosa
Nacoulma, Blandine M. I., Schmidt, Marco, Hahn, Karen & Thiombiano, Adjima, 2020, A checklist of vascular plants of the W National Park in Burkina Faso, including the adjacent hunting zones of Tapoa-Djerma and Kondio, Biodiversity Data Journal 8, pp. 54205-54205
: 54205
54205 |
Austin, J. D., Lougheed, S. C., Tanner, K., Chek, A. A., Bogart, J. P. & Boag, P. T., 2002, A molecular perspective on the evolutionary affinities of an enigmatic neotropical frog, Allophryne ruthveni, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134 (3), pp. 335-346
: 345
345 |
Cleome gynandra
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 426
426 |
Cleome violacea
Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473
: 427
427 |
Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Cleome rosea var. guaranitica
Chocarro, María Del Carmen Peña & Egea, Juana De, 2018, Checklist of the endemic vascular plants of Paraguay, Phytotaxa 384 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
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Cleome violacea
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