Saga ephippigera
Khudhur, Farhad A. & Ahmed, Soran H., 2020, New distribution records of the genus Saga Charpentier, 1825 (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Saginae) from Iraq, Zootaxa 4894 (2), pp. 297-300
: 297
297 |
Oxynoemacheilus zarzianus
sp. nov.
Freyhof, Jörg & Geiger, Matthias, 2017, Oxynoemacheilus zarzianus, a new loach from the Lesser Zab River drainage in Iraqi Kurdistan (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 4273 (2), pp. 258-270
: 261-268
261-268 |
Carcharodus alceae
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pieris rapae
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Vanessa atalanta
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Zerynthia deyrollei
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Archon apollinaris
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Maniola jurtina
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Polyommatus icarus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hipparchia syriaca
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Coenonympha pamphilus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lycaena thersamon
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Spialia osthelderi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Iphiclides podalirius
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Chazara briseis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lycaena tityrus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pseudochazara pelopea
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Carcharodus orientalis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Carcharodus stauderi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Melitaea didyma
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hyponephele lycaon
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Limenitis reducta
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Brintesia circe
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Maniola telmessia
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Plebejus zephyrinus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Gonepteryx farinosa
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Argynnis pandora
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Ochlodes sylvanus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Colotis fausta
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Zizeeria karsandra
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Belenois aurota
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Vanessa cardui
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Gegenes nostrodamus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Eogenes alcides
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Colias croceus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Malachius raniansis
Plonski, Isidor S., 2021, Multiple original spellings, living authors and the Code: The case of Malachius raniansis Mawlood, Hammamurad & Abdulla, 2017 (Coleoptera: Melyridae), Zootaxa 4927 (2), pp. 297-300
: 298
298 |
Pontia glauconome
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Coenonympha saadi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Tarucus balkanicus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Spialia orbifer
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Thymelicus lineola
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pararge roxelana
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pararge aegeria
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Satyrium abdominalis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Thymelicus acteon
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Parapolybia escalerae
K. Ali, Wand, Ameen, Sirwan M. & Ahmed, Soran H., 2023, New Record and Observations of Parapolybia escalerae (Meade-Waldo, 1911) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) in Kurdistan, Iraq, Zootaxa 5230 (1), pp. 97-100
: 97-98
97-98 |
Oxynoemacheilus karunensis
sp. nov.
Freyhof, Jörg, 2016, Oxynoemacheilus karunensis, a new species from the Persian Gulf basin (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 4175 (1), pp. 94-100
: 94-100
94-100 |
Eidinemacheilus proudlovei
sp. nov.
Freyhof, Jörg, Abdullah, Younis Sabir, Ararat, Korsh, Ibrahim, Hamad & Geiger, Matthias F., 2016, Eidinemacheilus proudlovei, a new subterranean loach from Iraqi Kurdistan (Teleostei; Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 4173 (3), pp. 225-236
: 228-234
228-234 |
Turcinoemacheilus inexpectatus
sp. nov.
Freyhof, Jörg & Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, 2024, Turcinoemacheilus inexpectatus, a new nemacheilid loach from the Tigris drainage (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 5399 (2), pp. 172-180
: 173-179
173-179 |
Oxynoemacheilus hanae
sp. nov.
Freyhof, Jörg & Abdullah, Younis Sabir, 2017, Two new species of Oxynoemacheilus from the Tigris drainage in Iraqi Kurdistan (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 4238 (1), pp. 73-87
: 79-87
79-87 |
Squalius namak
sp. nov.
Khaefi, Roozbehan, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz, Geiger, Matthias F. & Freyhof, Jörg, 2016, Squalius namak, a new chub from Lake Namak basin in Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Zootaxa 4169 (1), pp. 145-159
: 148-158
148-158 |
Melitaea gina
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lycaena phlaeas
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Spialia doris
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pseudophilotes vicrama
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lycaena asabinus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pontia daplidice
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Aporia crataegi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pisaura mirabilis
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274
274 |
Cheiracanthium montanum
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 264
264 |
Gibbaranea bituberculata
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 264
264 |
Satyrium marcidus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Erynnis tages
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Melanargia hylata
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Papilio machaon
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Colias aurorina
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pseudochazara mamurra
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lasiommata megera
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Anthocharis gruneri
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Senecio doriiformis subsp. doriiformis
Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Philaeus chrysops
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274
274 |
Evarcha insularis
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274
274 |
Pseudochazara thelephassa
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hyponephele wagneri
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Polyommatus peilei
Khudhur, Farhad Ahmed, 2021, New records of two butterflies of the genus Polyommatus Latreille, 1804 (subgenus Agrodiaetus Hübner, 1822) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Iraq, Zootaxa 5061 (3), pp. 597-600
: 598-599
598-599 |
Hipparchia parisatis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Erynnis marloyi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Polyommatus daphnis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hyponephele lupina
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Celastrina (44) argiolus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Gonepteryx rhamni
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Polyommatus karindus
Khudhur, Farhad Ahmed, 2021, New records of two butterflies of the genus Polyommatus Latreille, 1804 (subgenus Agrodiaetus Hübner, 1822) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Iraq, Zootaxa 5061 (3), pp. 597-600
: 597-598
597-598 |
Pararge climene
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Satyrium acaciae
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Favonius quercus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Idaea medianocturna subsp. walaila
subsp. nov.
Khudhur, Farhad A. & Hausmann, Axel, 2024, New geometrid moths from Iraqi Kurdistan (Lepidoptera, Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae), Zootaxa 5543 (3), pp. 423-432
: 425-426
425-426 |
Cardiophorus vestigialis
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 363
363 |
Aricia agestis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Cigaritis maxima
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lampides boeticus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Polygonia c-album
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Cigaritis epargyros
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lycaena thetis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Trichodes sipylus subsp. sipylus
Zappi, Iuri & Ghahari, Hassan, 2016, A checklist of the Cleridae of Iran with new data (Coleoptera: Cleroidea), Zootaxa 4147 (4), pp. 403-420
: 416
416 |
Eustigmaeus segnis
Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba & Bagheri, Mohammad, 2021, Raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Raphignathoidea) in parts of the Azerbaijan provinces of Iran, Acarological Studies 3 (2), pp. 56-65
: 60
60 |
Storchia robusta
Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba & Bagheri, Mohammad, 2021, Raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Raphignathoidea) in parts of the Azerbaijan provinces of Iran, Acarological Studies 3 (2), pp. 56-65
: 61-62
61-62 |
Cardiophorus magnanii
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 362-363
362-363 |
Zygocardiophorus nigratissimus
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 364-365
364-365 |
Micrommata biggi
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 275
275 |
Porrhoclubiona vegeta
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 264
264 |
Protorhoe drechseli subsp. nebuloides
subsp. nov.
Khudhur, Farhad A. & Hausmann, Axel, 2024, New geometrid moths from Iraqi Kurdistan (Lepidoptera, Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae), Zootaxa 5543 (3), pp. 423-432
: 427-430
427-430 |
Agalenatea redii
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 264
264 |
Atadinus cornifolius
Alijanpoor, Behnaz, Khodayari, Hamed, Assadi, Mostafa, Rahiminejad, Mohammadreza & Mehregan, Iraj, 2021, A taxonomic revision of Rhamnus L. and Atadinus Raf. (Rhamnaceae) in Iran, Phytotaxa 521 (3), pp. 127-158
: 151
151 |
Alburnus sellal
Freyhof, Jörg, 2017, Re-description of Alburnus doriae, with comments on the taxonomic status of A. amirkabiri, A. mossulensis, A. sellal and Petroleuciscus esfahani (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Zootaxa 4323 (4), pp. 487-502
: 500
500 |
Oxynoemacheilus zarzianus
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 22
22 |
Lacon unicolor
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 343
343 |
Reitterelater prosternalis
sp. nov.
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 355-357
355-357 |
Orthochirus fomichevi
sp. nov.
Kovařík, František, Yağmur, Ersen Aydin, Fet, Victor & Hussen, Fenik Sherzad, 2019, A review of Orthochirus from Turkey, Iraq, and Iran (Khoozestan, Ilam, and Lorestan Provinces), with descriptions of three new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae), Euscorpius 278, pp. 1-31
: 3-7
3-7 |
Rhysodromus rikhteri
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 273
273 |
Monaeses israeliensis
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 275
275 |
Drassodes lapidosus
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 268
268 |
Mesochorus (Mesochorus) discitergus
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 553
553 |
Lissonota (Lissonota) rufofacies
sp. nov.
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 550-551
550-551 |
Heterischnus filiformis
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 553
553 |
Mesochorus (Mesochorus) vittator
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 554
554 |
Mesochorus (Mesochorus) faciator
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 554
554 |
Mesochorus (Mesochorus) perugianus
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 554
554 |
Glyptothorax sardashtensis
sp. nov.
Jokar, Milad, Kamangar, Barzan Bahrami, Ghaderi, Edris & Freyhof, Jörg, 2023, Glyptothorax sardashtensis, a new species of torrent catfish from the upper Lesser Zab drainage in Iran (Teleostei: Sisoridae), Zootaxa 5254 (4), pp. 476-492
: 482-490
482-490 |
Glyptothorax kurdistanicus
Jokar, Milad, Kamangar, Barzan Bahrami, Ghaderi, Edris & Freyhof, Jörg, 2023, Glyptothorax sardashtensis, a new species of torrent catfish from the upper Lesser Zab drainage in Iran (Teleostei: Sisoridae), Zootaxa 5254 (4), pp. 476-492
: 480-481
480-481 |
Glyptothorax sardashtensis
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 68
68 |
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Saxicola maurus subsp. armenicus
Loskot, V. M. & Bakhtadze, G. B., 2020, Distribution, systematics and nomenclature of the three taxa of Common Stonechats (Aves, Passeriformes, Muscicapidae, Saxicola) that breed in the Caucasian region, Zoosystematica Rossica (Zoosyst. Rossica) 29 (1), pp. 33-57
: 50-55
50-55 |
Capoeta raghazensis
sp. nov.
Eagderi, Soheil & Mousavi-Sabet, Hamed, 2021, Capoeta raghazensis, a new species of algae-scraping cyprinid from the Raghaz Canyon in Hormuz basin, southern Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), FishTaxa 22, pp. 37-44
: 38-43
38-43 |
Niphargus fiseri
sp. nov.
Mamaghani-Shishvan, Mahmoud & Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, 2019, Two new species of groundwater amphipods of the genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from northwestern Iran, European Journal of Taxonomy 546, pp. 1-23
: 13-18
13-18 |
Sathropterus pumilus
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 557
557 |
Latibulus orientalis
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 552
552 |
Nymphalis polychloros
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Glaucopsyche laetifica subsp. safidensis
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Prosodes (Meropersina) kasatkini
sp. nov.
Nabоz, Maхim, Merkl, Оttó & Kоvalev, Aleхey, 2018, A review of the genus Prosodes Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of Iran, Zootaxa 4379 (4), pp. 451-483
: 472-476
472-476 |
Dendarus matthewsi
sp. nov.
Nabozhenko, Maxim V. & Poggi, Roberto, 2022, Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Dendarus Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Blaptinae: Dendarini) from Iran, Turkmenistan and some adjacent territories, Zootaxa 5155 (1), pp. 105-123
: 112-113
112-113 |
Paracobitis abrishamchiani
sp. nov.
Mousavi-Sabet, Hamed, Vatandoust, Saber, Geiger, Matthias F. & Freyhof, Jörg, 2019, Paracobitis abrishamchiani, a new crested loach from the southern Caspian Sea basin (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), Zootaxa 4545 (3), pp. 375-388
: 377-387
377-387 |
Nepeta iraqo-iranica
sp. nov.
Bordbar, Firouzeh, Haloob, Ali, Qader, Karzan Omar & Mirtadzadini, Mansour, 2022, Nepeta iraqo-iranica (Lamiaceae), a new species from the border of Iraq and Iran, Phytotaxa 550 (2), pp. 195-200
: 196-198
196-198 |
Quedius hermonensis
Assing, V., 2014, On the Staphylinidae of Israel II, with a revision of some species of Dinusa SAULCY (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1179-1210
: 1188
1188 |
Atomaria rudolfina
sp. nov.
Esser, Jens, 2019, Neue Arten der Gattung Atomaria STEPHENS, 1830 aus der Türkei und dem Irak (Coleoptera, Cryptophagidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (1), pp. 55-62
: 56-57
56-57 |
Quedius (Raphirus) microcapillatus
Assing, Volker, 2018, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some West Palaearctic Quedius species, with a focus on the East Mediterranean and the species allied to Quedius umbrinus and Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 149-182
: 158-159
158-159 |
Microhoria luristanica
Telnov, Dmitry, 2022, Revisional notes on the genus Microhoria Chevrolat, 1877 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey, with new descriptions, an annotated catalogue, and a key, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (2), pp. 195-312
: 260
260 |
Quedius (Raphirus) ortrudae
Assing, Volker, 2018, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some West Palaearctic Quedius species, with a focus on the East Mediterranean and the species allied to Quedius umbrinus and Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 149-182
: 168-174
168-174 |
Sunius fulgocephalus
Assing, Volker, 2017, A revision of Sunius XVI. Two new species from Iran and Iraq (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology (Beitr. Entomol.) 67 (2), pp. 247-254
: 248-250
248-250 |
Xantholinus (Helicophallus) kurdistanicus
sp. nov.
Assing, V., 2008, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Palaearctic Paederinae and Xantholinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1237-1294
: 1285-1287
1285-1287 |
Orsodacne mesopotamicus
sp. nov.
Legalov, Andrei A., 2022, A new species of the genus Orsodacne Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Orsodacnidae) from Iraqi Kurdistan, Ecologica Montenegrina 54, pp. 81-85
: 82-84
82-84 |
Quedius josue
Assing, V., 2014, On the Staphylinidae of Israel II, with a revision of some species of Dinusa SAULCY (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1179-1210
: 1188-1189
1188-1189 |
Lachides galba
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Danaus chrysippus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Papilio demoleus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pieris napi
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pontoperla teberdinica
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2023, The first record of the order Plecoptera (Insecta) from Iraq, Zootaxa 5374 (3), pp. 424-428
: 426
426 |
Protonemura bacurianica
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2023, The first record of the order Plecoptera (Insecta) from Iraq, Zootaxa 5374 (3), pp. 424-428
: 427
427 |
Thymelicus sylvestris
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Junonia orithya
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hipparchia fatua
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Chilades trochylus
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Melanargia larissa
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Hipparchia pellucida
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Eusparassus mesopotamicus
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274-275
274-275 |
Arctosa tbilisiensis
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 270
270 |
Alopecosa albofasciata
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 270
270 |
Dysdera goyzha
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 265-266
265-266 |
Xysticus edax
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 276
276 |
Plexippus paykulli
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274
274 |
Saga syriaca
Khudhur, Farhad A. & Ahmed, Soran H., 2020, New distribution records of the genus Saga Charpentier, 1825 (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Saginae) from Iraq, Zootaxa 4894 (2), pp. 297-300
: 298-299
298-299 |
Marinarozelotes jaxartensis
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 269
269 |
Bassaniodes loeffleri
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 275
275 |
Dysdera kurdistanica
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 266-267
266-267 |
Mesiotelus caucasicus
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 269
269 |
Spialia geron
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Anthocharis cardamines
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Muschampia nomas
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Thymelicus hyrax
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Zelotes hazarmerdensis
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 269
269 |
Muschampia tessellum
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Lulavia mahwii
sp. nov.
Khudhur, Farhad A. & Hausmann, Axel, 2024, New geometrid moths from Iraqi Kurdistan (Lepidoptera, Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae), Zootaxa 5543 (3), pp. 423-432
: 426-427
426-427 |
Melitaea arduinna
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Enoplognatha gemina
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 275
275 |
Pterotricha strandi
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 269
269 |
Haplodrassus signifer
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 268
268 |
Zoropsis lutea
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 276
276 |
Plexippoides gestroi
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 274
274 |
Cotoneaster insignis
Niaki, Nemat Allah Raei, Attar, Farideh, Zamani, Asghar, Maroofi, Hossein & Joharchi, Mohammad Reza, 2022, Five new records and two new reports of Cotoneaster Medik. (Rosaceae) for the Flora of Iran, Adansonia (3) 44 (14), pp. 141-152
: 151
151 |
Oxynoemacheilus kurdistanicus
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 19-20
19-20 |
Barbus cyri
Jouladeh-Roudbar, Arash, Ghanavi, Hamid Reza, Kaya, Cüneyt & Freyhof, Jörg, 2023, Barbus urmianus, a synonym of Barbus cyri (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 16-30
: 26-28
26-28 |
Callophrys paulae subsp. kolak
Ahmed, Soran H., Krupitsky, Anatoly V. & Majeed, Soma I., 2024, Two lycaenid butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) recorded as new for the fauna of Iraq, Zootaxa 5537 (1), pp. 147-150
: 147
147 |
Turanana cytis subsp. kurdistana
Ahmed, Soran H., Krupitsky, Anatoly V. & Majeed, Soma I., 2024, Two lycaenid butterfly species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) recorded as new for the fauna of Iraq, Zootaxa 5537 (1), pp. 147-150
: 148-149
148-149 |
Oxynoemacheilus zagrosensis
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 21
21 |
Salicarus urnammu
Konstantinov, Fedor V. & Hosseini, Reza, 2024, Review of the genus Salicarus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae), ZooKeys 1211, pp. 57-100
: 57-100
57-100 |
Anaulacaspis caucasica
Assing, Volker, 2016, Revision of the Anaulacaspis species of the Palaearctic region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (2), pp. 201-255
: 225-226
225-226 |
Erythraeus (Zaracarus) coleopterus
Noei, Javad, Maroufpoor, Mostafa, Faizi, Fardin & Ostovan, Hadi, 2017, Second record of Erythraeus (Zaracarus) coleopterus (Acari: Erythraeidae) from Iran with new morphological data, Persian Journal of Acarology 6 (2), pp. 71-80
: 72-75
72-75 |
Anthicus tristis subsp. tristis
Telnov, Dmitry & Ghahari, Hassan, 2018, An annotated checklist of the Anthicidae and pediline Pyrochroidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Iran, with thirteen new country records, Zootaxa 4497 (4), pp. 451-491
: 461-463
461-463 |
Hirticomus hispidus
Telnov, Dmitry & Ghahari, Hassan, 2018, An annotated checklist of the Anthicidae and pediline Pyrochroidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Iran, with thirteen new country records, Zootaxa 4497 (4), pp. 451-491
: 467-469
467-469 |
Endomia euphratica
Telnov, Dmitry & Ghahari, Hassan, 2018, An annotated checklist of the Anthicidae and pediline Pyrochroidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Iran, with thirteen new country records, Zootaxa 4497 (4), pp. 451-491
: 475-476
475-476 |
Anthicus niger
Telnov, Dmitry & Ghahari, Hassan, 2018, An annotated checklist of the Anthicidae and pediline Pyrochroidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Iran, with thirteen new country records, Zootaxa 4497 (4), pp. 451-491
: 458-460
458-460 |
Phradonoma cercyonoides
Háva, Jiří, 2024, New faunistic records and remarks on Dermestidae (Coleoptera) - Part 26, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 28, pp. 253-256
: 255
255 |
Porcellio evansi
Kashani, Ghasem M., Ahdiyeh, Abedini & Zahra, Hatami, 2017, Terrestrial isopods of the genus Porcellio Latreille, 1804 (Isopoda; Oniscidea) in Iran, with a description of a new species, Zootaxa 4311 (1), pp. 129-136
: 130-133
130-133 |
Podalonia hirsuta
Dollfuss, H., 2010, The Ammophilini Wasps of the Genera Eremnophila MENKE, Eremochares GRIBODO, Hoplammophila de BEAUMONT, Parapsammophila TASCHENBERG and Podalonia FERNALD of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (1), pp. 535-560
: 552-554
552-554 |
Megaselia ghalateshahensis
sp. nov.
Khameneh, Roya Namaki, Khaghaninia, Samad, Disney, R. Henry L. & Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh, 2019, Twenty one new species of Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iran, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 1-50
: 19-23
19-23 |
Megaselia mahabadensis
sp. nov.
Khameneh, Roya Namaki, Khaghaninia, Samad, Disney, R. Henry L. & Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh, 2019, Twenty one new species of Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iran, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 1-50
: 34-35
34-35 |
Megaselia zarghanii
sp. nov.
Khameneh, Roya Namaki, Khaghaninia, Samad, Disney, R. Henry L. & Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh, 2019, Twenty one new species of Megaselia Rondani (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iran, Zootaxa 4711 (1), pp. 1-50
: 47-49
47-49 |
Calchas nordmanni
Fet, Victor, Soleglad, Michael E. & Kovařík, František, 2009, Etudes on iurids, II. Revision of genus Calchas Birula, 1899, with the description of two new species (Scorpiones: Iuridae), Euscorpius 82 (82), pp. 1-72
: 42-57
42-57 |
Eulasia (Rudeulasia) pulchra subsp. pulchra
Ghahari, Hassan, Nikodým, Milan & M, Pygopleurus, 2018, An annotated checklist of Glaphyridae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Iran, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1171-1193
: 1178
1178 |
Ottobius irikensis
Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103
: 39
39 |
Monotarsobius integer
Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103
: 38
38 |
Plagionotus arcuatus subsp. shirazensis
subsp. nov.
Królik, Roman, Kruszelnicki, Lech, Lasoń, Andrzej & Walczak, Marcin, 2021, Notes on the subspecies of Plagionotus arcuatus (Linnaeus, 1758) with description of a new subspecies from Iran (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4942 (4), pp. 558-568
: 560
560 |
Palpimanus garmiyanus
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 270-273
270-273 |
Mordellistena (Mordellistena) brevicauda
Horák, Jan, 2017, A checklist of the Iranian Mordellidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea), Zootaxa 4320 (1), pp. 146-158
: 151
151 |
Anthelephila pedestris
Telnov, Dmitry & Ghahari, Hassan, 2018, An annotated checklist of the Anthicidae and pediline Pyrochroidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Iran, with thirteen new country records, Zootaxa 4497 (4), pp. 451-491
: 480-481
480-481 |
Dinotrema (Dinotrema) cratocera
Samin, Najmeh, 2015, A faunistic study on the Braconidae of Iran (Hymenoptera ¡ Ichneumonoidea)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 339-345
: 341
341 |
Dorcadion (Crubridorcadion) invicinum
Danilevsky, M. L. & Skrylnik, Yu. E., 2021, New and little-known species of the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Iran and adjacent regions, Far Eastern Entomologist 422, pp. 10-23
: 15-17
15-17 |
Isadelphus armatus
Karimi, Soroush, Ghassemi-Kahrizeh, Akbar, Hosseinzadeh, Abbas, Lotfalizadeh, Hossein, Riedel, Matthias & Mohammadi-Khoramabadi, Abbas, 2024, Two new species and some new records of Darwin wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from northwest of Iran, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 549-559
: 556
556 |
Medon fusculoides
Assing, V., 2010, A revision of Palaearctic Medon. VIII. A new species from Nepal and additional records (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (1), pp. 489-498
: 494-495
494-495 |
Bothriogaster signata
Dyachkov, Yurii V., Ali Al-Yacoub, Ghassan A. & Mohammed Al-Khazali, Azhar M., 2023, A preliminary annotated checklist of Chilopoda from Iraq, Ecologica Montenegrina 63, pp. 59-78
: 63-64
63-64 |
Pardosa aenigmatica
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 270
270 |
Xysticus acerbus
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 275
275 |
Camponotus kurdistanicus
Paknia, O., Radchenko, A. & Pfeiffer, M., 2010, New records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Iran., Asian Myrmecology 3, pp. 29-38
: 31
31 |
Cataglyphis kurdistanicus
Paknia, O., Radchenko, A. & Pfeiffer, M., 2010, New records of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Iran., Asian Myrmecology 3, pp. 29-38
: 32
32 |
Polyommatus thersites
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Pontia chloridice
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Eustigmaeus pinnatus
Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba & Bagheri, Mohammad, 2021, Raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Raphignathoidea) in parts of the Azerbaijan provinces of Iran, Acarological Studies 3 (2), pp. 56-65
: 59
59 |
Eustigmaeus setiferus
Mohammad-Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba & Bagheri, Mohammad, 2021, Raphignathoid mites (Acariformes: Raphignathoidea) in parts of the Azerbaijan provinces of Iran, Acarological Studies 3 (2), pp. 56-65
: 60
60 |
Tegenaria sorani
sp. nov.
Zamani, Alireza, Khudhur, Farhad A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iraqi Kurdistan, with new species and records, Zootaxa 5492 (2), pp. 260-278
: 261
261 |
Oxynoemacheilus chomanicus
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 18
18 |
Colias erate
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Gegenes pumilio
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Melitaea cinxia
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Argynnis niobe
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Garra rezai
sp. nov.
Mousavi-Sabet, Hamed, Eagderi, Soheil, Saemi-Komsari, Maryam, Kaya, Cüneyt & Freyhof, Jörg, 2022, Garra rezai, a new species from two widely disjunct areas in the Tigris drainage (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Zootaxa 5195 (5), pp. 419-436
: 423-433
423-433 |
Garra rezai
Sayyadzadeh, Golnaz & Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, 2024, Freshwater lamprey and fishes of Iran: Reappraisal and updated checklist with a note on Eagderi et al. (2022), Zootaxa 5402 (1), pp. 1-99
: 33
33 |
Garra orontesi
Çiçek, Erdoğan, Sungur, Sevil, Fricke, Ronald & Seçer, Burak, 2023, Freshwater lampreys and fishes of Türkiye; an annotated checklist, 2023, Turkish Journal of Zoology 47 (6), pp. 324-468
: 359
359 |
Hemidactylus kurdicus
sp. nov.
Safaei-Mahroo, Barbod, Ghaffari, Hanyeh, Ghafoor, Aram & Amini, Saywan, 2017, A new species of Hemidactylus (Squamata: Gekkota: Gekkonidae) from Qara Dagh Mountains, Kurdistan Region, with a key to the genus in Iraq, Zootaxa 4363 (3), pp. 377-392
: 382-383
382-383 |
Ampedus cyanicollis
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 347
347 |
Drasterius bimaculatus
Nasserzadeh, Hiva, 2021, A study of the click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) of northwestern Iran with three new species Reitterelater prosternalis sp. n., Melanotus borumandi sp. n. and M. kurdestanicus sp. n., Zootaxa 4941 (3), pp. 338-368
: 342-343
342-343 |
Scathophaga staryi
Šifner, František, 2008, A catalogue of the Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Palaearctic region, with notes on their taxonomy and faunistics, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (1), pp. 111-196
: 170
170 |
Brenthis mofidii
Khudhur, Farhad A., 2022, Faunistic study of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) of Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan-Iraq, Biodiversity Data Journal 10, pp. 82612-82612
: 82612
82612 |
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) cingulatum
Danilevsky, M. L. & Skrylnik, Yu. E., 2021, New and little-known species of the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Iran and adjacent regions, Far Eastern Entomologist 422, pp. 10-23
: 14-15
14-15 |
Xanthochroina auberti
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 259
259 |
Cantharis livida
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 255
255 |
Xestobium subincanum
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 259
259 |
Syritta pipiens
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 395
395 |
Ischidon aegyptius
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 397
397 |
Eumerus sogdianus
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 395
395 |
Episyrphus balteatus
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 396-397
396-397 |
Scaeva dignota
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 398
398 |
Corticaria elongata
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 256
256 |
Volucella inanis
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 396
396 |
Scopula immistaria
Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel, Lee, Kyung Min, Murillo-Ramos, Leidys, Sihvonen, Pasi & Rajaei, Hossein, 2023, Systematics and integrative taxonomic revision of the tribe Scopulini Duponchel, 1845 in Iran (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae), Zootaxa 5359 (1), pp. 1-96
: 91-93
91-93 |
Scopula decorata
Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel, Lee, Kyung Min, Murillo-Ramos, Leidys, Sihvonen, Pasi & Rajaei, Hossein, 2023, Systematics and integrative taxonomic revision of the tribe Scopulini Duponchel, 1845 in Iran (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae), Zootaxa 5359 (1), pp. 1-96
: 82-83
82-83 |
Rhodostrophia auctata
Rajaei, Hossein, Hausmann, Axel & Trusch, Robert, 2022, Taxonomic review of the genus Rhodostrophia Hübner, 1823 (Geometridae: Sterrhinae) in Iran, Zootaxa 5118 (1), pp. 1-64
: 14-16
14-16 |
Nychiodes divergaria
Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel, Krogmann, Lars, Petrányi, Gergely & Rajaei, Hossein, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the genus Nychiodes Lederer, 1853 (Geometridae: Ennominae: Boarmiini) with description of three new species-an integrative approach, Zootaxa 4812 (1), pp. 1-61
: 52-61
52-61 |
Niphargus urmiensis
sp. nov.
Mamaghani-Shishvan, Mahmoud & Esmaeili-Rineh, Somayeh, 2019, Two new species of groundwater amphipods of the genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 from northwestern Iran, European Journal of Taxonomy 546, pp. 1-23
: 7-13
7-13 |
Campiglossa producta
Namin, S. Mohamadzade & Nozari, J., 2015, Fruit Flies Of The Genus Campiglossa (Diptera, Tephritidae) In Iran, With The Key To Species, Vestnik Zoologii 49 (3), pp. 251-260
: 255-258
255-258 |
Hottentotta saulcyi
Amiri, Masoumeh, Prendini, Lorenzo, Hussen, Fenik Sherzad, Aliabadian, Mansour, Siahsarvie, Roohollah & Mirshamsi, Omid, 2024, Integrative systematics of the widespread Middle Eastern buthid scorpion, Hottentotta saulcyi (Simon, 1880), reveals a new species in Iran, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 323-341
: 323
323 |
Tropidia scita
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 396
396 |
Neoascia podagrica
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 395
395 |
Iphiaulax (Euglyptobracon) tauricus
Sakenin Chelav, H., Coronado-Blanco, J. M., Samin, N. & Fischer, M., 2018, New records of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Iran, Far Eastern Entomologist 362, pp. 13-16
: 15
15 |
Eristalis nemorum
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 395
395 |
Malthinus facialis
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 255
255 |
Melanogaster hirtella
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 395
395 |
Eristalinus aeneus
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 394
394 |
Sphaerophoria scripta
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 398
398 |
Oedemera lurida
Samin, Najmeh, Jędryczkowski, Wojciech B., Galini, Neda, Sakenin, Hamid & Naderian, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on some families of Coleoptera from Iran., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 253-260
: 258
258 |
Chrysotoxum elegans
Samin, Najmeh & Sakenin, Hamid, 2015, A faunistic study on the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from West Azarbaijan province, Iran, Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 393-401
: 396
396 |
Phalangium armatum
Snegovaya, Nataly Yu., Cokendolpher, James C. & Zamani, Alireza, 2021, Further studies on harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) from Iran, with the descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 4984 (1), pp. 73-86
: 78-79
78-79 |