Abia, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 48 Treatments

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Abia fasciata     Kumar, Deepthi S & Sankar, Manimuthu M, 2023, Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan VIII, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 49 (2), pp. 57-74 : 58 58
Abia triangularis     Ryoo, Seung-Woo, Min, Jin-Young, Son, Seok-Yoon, Choi, Baek-Yong, Choi, Juho & Min, Kyoung-Bok, 2022, Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan VII, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 48 (4), pp. 193-213 : 194 194
Abia (Zaraea) fasciata     Pschorn, H. & Altenhofer, E., 2006, Neuere Larvenaufsammlungen und Zuchten von mitteleuropäischen Pflanzenwespen (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (2), pp. 1609-1636 : 1609-1636 1609-1636
Abia berezowskii     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia lonicerae     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia formosa     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Platygaster (Platygaster) abia     Buhl, Peter N., Broad, Gavin R. & Notton, David G., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Platygastroidea, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7991-7991 : 7991 7991
Abia aenea     Schedl, W., 2012, Artendiversität und Höhenverteilung der Pflanzenwespen des Patscherkofels und seiner Umgebung bei Innsbruck (Österreich, Tirol) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1613-1635 : 1619 1619
Abia fasciata     Schedl, W., 2012, Artendiversität und Höhenverteilung der Pflanzenwespen des Patscherkofels und seiner Umgebung bei Innsbruck (Österreich, Tirol) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1613-1635 : 1619 1619
Abia fulgens     Schedl, W., 2012, Artendiversität und Höhenverteilung der Pflanzenwespen des Patscherkofels und seiner Umgebung bei Innsbruck (Österreich, Tirol) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1613-1635 : 1619 1619
Abia sericea     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia candens     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Pseudoneureclipsis abia     Malicky, H., 2008, Köcherfliegen (Insecta, Trichoptera) aus der Umgebung von Malinau (Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesien), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 833-879 : 844 844
Abia     Vilhelmsen, Lars & Shinohara, Akihiko, 2020, Review of the genus classification of Abiinae (Cimbicidae, Hymenoptera), European Journal of Taxonomy 608, pp. 1-23 : 7-8 7-8
Abia brevicornis   nom. rev.  Liston, Andrew, Mutanen, Marko, Heidemaa, Mikk, Blank, Stephan M., Kiljunen, Niina, Taeger, Andreas, Viitasaari, Matti, Vikberg, Veli, Wutke, Saskia & Prous, Marko, 2022, Taxonomy and nomenclature of some Fennoscandian Sawflies, with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 69 (2), pp. 151-218 : 151 151
Platygaster (Platygaster) abia     Buhl, Peter N., Broad, Gavin R. & Notton, David G., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Platygastroidea, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 7991-7991 : 7991 7991
Abia fasciata     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia aenea     Schedl, Wolfgang, 2016, Die Pflanzenwespen-Fauna der Hundsheimer Berge in Niederösterreich (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (1), pp. 835-848 : 839 839
Abia aurulenta     Schedl, W., 2015, Die Symphyten-Sammlung von Dr. Ernst Pechlaner am Institut für Zoologie in Innsbruck (Insecta: Hymenoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 597-619 : 602 602
Abia mutica     Schedl, W., 2015, Die Symphyten-Sammlung von Dr. Ernst Pechlaner am Institut für Zoologie in Innsbruck (Insecta: Hymenoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 597-619 : 602 602
Abia sericea     Schedl, W., 2012, Ein Beitrag zur Pflanzenwespen-Fauna der Jonischen Insel Kérkyra (Korfu) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 835-844 : 838 838
Abia candens     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Platygaster abia     Buhl, Peter N. & Notton, David G., 2009, A revised catalogue of the Platygastridae of the British Isles (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea), Journal of Natural History 43 (27 - 28), pp. 1651-1703 : 1667 1667
Abia fasciata     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Pseudoneureclipsis abia     Oláh, János & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2010, Contributions to the systematics of the genera Dipseudopsis, Hyalopsyche and Pseudoneureclipsis (Trichoptera: Dipseudopsidae), with descriptions of 19 new species from the Oriental Region., Zootaxa 2658, pp. 1-37 : 22 22
Abia aenea     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia gribodoi     Schedl, W., 2014, Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pflanzenwespenfauna von Marokko (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1353-1366 : 1354-1355 1354-1355
Abia fasciata     Schedl, W., 2015, Die Symphyten-Sammlung von Dr. Ernst Pechlaner am Institut für Zoologie in Innsbruck (Insecta: Hymenoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 597-619 : 602 602
Abia aenea     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia nitens     Schedl, Wolfgang, 2016, Die Pflanzenwespen-Fauna der Hundsheimer Berge in Niederösterreich (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (1), pp. 835-848 : 839 839
Abia aurulenta     Schedl, Wolfgang, 2017, Die Pflanzenwespen (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) der gesamten istrianischen Halbinsel von Duino (JulischVenetien) bis Opatija (Kroatien), Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1411-1446 : 1419 1419
Abia     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia sericea     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia metallica     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia lonicerae     Liston, Andrew D., Knight, Guy T., Sheppard, David A., Broad, Gavin R. & Livermore, Laurence, 2014, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Sawflies, ' Symphyta', Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1168-1168 : 1168 1168
Abia marginata     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia sericea     Schedl, W., 2015, Die Symphyten-Sammlung von Dr. Ernst Pechlaner am Institut für Zoologie in Innsbruck (Insecta: Hymenoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 597-619 : 602 602
Abia infernalis   comb. rev.  Vilhelmsen, Lars & Shinohara, Akihiko, 2020, Review of the genus classification of Abiinae (Cimbicidae, Hymenoptera), European Journal of Taxonomy 608, pp. 1-23 : 15 15
Abia nitens     Liston, Andrew, Mutanen, Marko, Heidemaa, Mikk, Blank, Stephan M., Kiljunen, Niina, Taeger, Andreas, Viitasaari, Matti, Vikberg, Veli, Wutke, Saskia & Prous, Marko, 2022, Taxonomy and nomenclature of some Fennoscandian Sawflies, with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 69 (2), pp. 151-218 : 151 151
Abia fasciata     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia aurata     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Abia lonicerae     Schedl, Wolfgang, 2017, Die Pflanzenwespen (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) der gesamten istrianischen Halbinsel von Duino (JulischVenetien) bis Opatija (Kroatien), Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1411-1446 : 1419 1419
Abia semenoviana     Lee, Jong-Wook & Park, Jin-Kyung Choi and Bia, 2019, Synoptic list of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 1-96 : 21 21
Pheretima abiadai   sp. nov.  Hong, Yong & James, Samuel W., 2008, Two new earthworms of the genus Pheretima (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Mt. Isarog, Luzon Island, Philippines, Journal of Natural History 42 (23 - 24), pp. 1565-1571 : 1566-1567 1566-1567
Toleria abiaeformis     Gorbunov, Oleg G. & Arita, Yutaka, 2020, A new species of the genus Toleria Walker, 1865 [“ 1864 ”] from Vietnam, with a catalogue of Asian Cissuvorini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), Zootaxa 4802 (2), pp. 349-360 : 356 356
Toleria abiaeformis     Gorbunov, Oleg G. & Arita, Yutaka, 2020, A new species of the genus Toleria Walker, 1865 [“ 1864 ”] from Vietnam, with a catalogue of Asian Cissuvorini (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), Zootaxa 4802 (2), pp. 349-360 : 356 356

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