Ryoo, Seung-Woo, Min, Jin-Young, Son, Seok-Yoon, Choi, Baek-Yong, Choi, Juho & Min, Kyoung-Bok, 2022, Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan VII

Ryoo, Seung-Woo, Min, Jin-Young, Son, Seok-Yoon, Choi, Baek-Yong, Choi, Juho & Min, Kyoung-Bok, 2022, Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan VII, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 48 (4), pp. 193-213

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