Engraulidae, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 100 Treatments

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Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 80 80
Anchovia clupeoides     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 23 23
Engraulis encrasicolus     Bariche, Michel & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status, Zootaxa 4775 (1), pp. 1-157 : 45 45
Clupeiformes   new species  Munro, I. S. R., 1964, Additions to the fish fauna of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal 16, No. 4, pp. 141-186 : 151 151
Stolephorus waitei     Hata, Harutaka, Wibowo, Kunto, Lavoué, Sébastien, Pogonoski, John J., Appleyard, Sharon A. & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2024, Enhanced data on Stolephorus grandis and Stolephorus waitei (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), two species endemic to the Sahul Shelf, western Pacific Ocean, Zootaxa 5538 (1), pp. 1-22 : 13-19 13-19
Clupeiformes   new genus  Whitley, Gilbert P., 1940, Illustrations of some Australian fishes, Australian zoologist 9, No. 4, pp. 397-428 : 403 403
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1849, Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 22, pp. 1-16 : 13 13
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1849, Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 22, pp. 1-16 : 14 14
Thryssa hamiltonii     Zainal Abidin, Danial Hariz, Lavoué, Sébastien, Mohd Abu Hassan Alshari, Norli Fauzani, Mohd. Nor, Siti Azizah, A. Rahim, Masazurah & Mohammed Akib, Noor Adelyna, 2021, Ichthyofauna of Sungai Merbok Mangrove Forest Reserve, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, and its adjacent marine waters, Check List 17 (2), pp. 601-631 : 615 615
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1849, Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Madura, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 22, pp. 1-16 : 13 13
Stolephorus grandis     Hata, Harutaka, Wibowo, Kunto, Lavoué, Sébastien, Pogonoski, John J., Appleyard, Sharon A. & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2024, Enhanced data on Stolephorus grandis and Stolephorus waitei (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), two species endemic to the Sahul Shelf, western Pacific Ocean, Zootaxa 5538 (1), pp. 1-22 : 5-11 5-11
Anchovia clupeoides     Angulo, Arturo, 2021, New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist, Zootaxa 5083 (1), pp. 1-72 : 7-8 7-8
Engraulidae     Luque, José L. & Tavares, Luiz E. R., 2007, Checklist of Copepoda associated with fishes from Brazil, Zootaxa 1579 (1), pp. 1-39 : 16 16
Clupeiformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1908, Über zwei neue Fischarten aus dem Stromgebiete des Rio San Francisco, Anzeiger 45, No. 13, pp. 191-194 : 193 193
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 62 62
Engraulidae     Mcmahan, Caleb D., Matamoros, Wilfredo A., Álvarez Calderón, Francisco S., Henríquez, Wendy Yamileth, Recinos, H. Michelle, Chakrabarty, Prosanta, Barraza, Enrique & Herrera, Néstor, 2013, Checklist of the Inland Fishes of El Salvador, Zootaxa 3608 (6), pp. 440-456 : 443 443
Clupeiformes   new species  de Laporte Castelnau La Ferté-Sénectère, Francis L., 1878, Notes on the fishes of the Norman River, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 3, No. 1, pp. 41-51 : 51 51
Stolephorus eldorado   sp. nov.  Hata, Harutaka, Lavoue, Sebastien & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2022, Description of three new species previously identified as Stolephorus bengalensis (Dutt & Babu Rao, 1959) or Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg, 1933 and a re-description of S. bengalensis (Chordata, Osteichthyes, Clupeiformes, Engraulidae), ZooKeys 1121, pp. 145-173 : 145 145
Lycengraulis batesii     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Anchoa mundeoloides     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa nasus     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa scofieldi     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa ischana     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa lucida     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Engraulis japonicus     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Engraulis mordax     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchovia macrolepidota     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa hepsetus     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 16 16
Engraulidae     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 16 16
Clupeiformes   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1877, Synopsis of the cold blooded vertebrata, procured by Prof. James Orton during his exploration of Peru in 1876 - 77, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 17, pp. 33-49 : 45 [29] 45 [29]
Encrasicholina intermedia   sp. nov.  Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2016, Two new species of the genus Encrasicholina (Clupeiformes: Engraulidae): E. intermedia from the western Indian Ocean and E. gloria from the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Mediterranean, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 64, pp. 79-88 : 79-80 79-80
Clupeiformes   new species  Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, 1880, Report on the shore fishes procured during the voyage of H. M. S. “ Challenger ” in the years 1873 -- 1876, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. “ Challenger ” during the Years 1873 - 76 under the Command of Captain George S. Nares, R. N., F. R. S. and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R. N., Zoology 1, No. 6, pp. 1-82 : 73 73
Clupeiformes   new species  Borsa, P., Collet, A. & Durand, J. - D., 2004, Nuclear-DNA markers confirm the presence of two anchovy species in the Mediterranean, Comptes Rendus Biologies 327, pp. 1113-1123 : 1122 1122
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1854, Nalezingen op de ichthyologische fauna van Bengalen en Hindostan, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 25, pp. 1-164 : 148 148
Clupeiformes   new species  Gilchrist, J. D. F. & Thompson, W. Wardlaw, 1908, Descriptions of fishes from the coast of Natal, Annale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum [Annals of the South African Museum] 6, No. 2, pp. 145-206 : 201 201
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 55 55
Clupeiformes   new species  Fowler, Henry Weed, 1924, Notes and descriptions of Indian fishes, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 30, No. 1, pp. 36-41 : 41 41
Stolephorus key    Delfino, Marina & Signorelli, Javier H., 2021, Martesia fragilis Verrill and Bush 1898, Zoological Studies 60 (65), pp. 1-13 : 11 11
Stolephorus lotus   sp. nov.  Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2022, Stolephorus lotus, a New Anchovy (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) from the Northern Territory, Australia, Zoological Studies 61 (87), pp. 1-11 : 2-7 2-7
Lycengraulis grossidens     Litz, Thomas O. & The, Stefan Koerber Introduction, 2014, Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of Uruguay (CLOFF-UY)., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 28, pp. 1-40 : 6 6
Engraulidae     Yennawar, Prasanna, Mohapatra, Anil & Tudu, Prasad Chandra, 2017, An account of Ichthyofauna of Digha coast, West Bengal, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 117 (1), pp. 4-4 : 4--1 4--1
Stolephorus dubiosus     Yamamoto, Takumi, Nakamura, Takashi & Toda, Mamoru, 2022, Fig. 4 in Verification of Natural Marking for Individual Identification Using a Duplex Marking Approach in Ijima's Sea Snakes, (Reptilia: Elapidae)., Zoological Studies 61 (58), pp. 1-16 : 3-11 3-11
Stolephorus tri     Zainal Abidin, Danial Hariz, Lavoué, Sébastien, Mohd Abu Hassan Alshari, Norli Fauzani, Mohd. Nor, Siti Azizah, A. Rahim, Masazurah & Mohammed Akib, Noor Adelyna, 2021, Ichthyofauna of Sungai Merbok Mangrove Forest Reserve, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, and its adjacent marine waters, Check List 17 (2), pp. 601-631 : 613-615 613-615
Anchoviella undefined-1     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Stolephorus concursus   sp. nov.  Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2021, Two new species of Stolephorus (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) from the western Pacific, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 109-117 : 114-115 114-115
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F. & Carvalho, J. de P., 1948, Notes on some Brazilian anchovies (family Engraulidae) with descriptions of four new species, Copeia 1948, No. 4, pp. 285-296 : 292 292
Anchoa lucida     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 17 17
Clupeiformes   new species  Hardenberg, J. D. F., 1933, Notes on some genera of the Engraulidae. [With two subtitles], Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 93, No. 2, pp. 230-256 : 249 249
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1849, A contribution to the knowledge of the ichthyological fauna of Celebes, The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia 3, pp. 65-74 : 73 73
Thryssa mystax     Zainal Abidin, Danial Hariz, Lavoué, Sébastien, Mohd Abu Hassan Alshari, Norli Fauzani, Mohd. Nor, Siti Azizah, A. Rahim, Masazurah & Mohammed Akib, Noor Adelyna, 2021, Ichthyofauna of Sungai Merbok Mangrove Forest Reserve, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, and its adjacent marine waters, Check List 17 (2), pp. 601-631 : 615 615
Clupeiformes   new species  Spix, J. B. von & Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1829, Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annos MDCCCXVII- - MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I ... colleget et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix ..., F. S. Hübschmann, Monachii [= Munich] & Fleischer, Lipsiae [= Leipzig] : 49 49
Stolephorus waitei key    Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2021, Two new species of Stolephorus (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) from the western Pacific, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 109-117 : 116 116
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1866, Description de quelques espèces inédites ou peu connues de clupéoïdes de l’Inde archipélagique, Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde 3, pp. 293-308 : 306 306
Clupeiformes   new genus  Jordan, David Starr & Seale, A., 1925, Analysis of the genera of anchovies or Engraulidae, Copeia 141, pp. 27-32 : 28 28
Clupeiformes   new species  Bleeker, Pieter, 1851, Bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van 16 nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 1, pp. 1-16 : 15 15
Clupeiformes   new species  Hardenberg, J. D. F., 1933, New Stolephorusspecies of the Indo-Australian seas, Natuurkunde Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche-Indië 93, pp. 258-263 : 262 262
Encrasicholina heteroloba     Bogorodsky, Sergey V., Alpermann, Tilman J., Mal, Ahmad O. & Gabr, Mohamed H., 2014, Survey of demersal fishes from southern Saudi Arabia, with five new records for the Red Sea, Zootaxa 3852 (4), pp. 401-437 : 412 412
Stolephorus indicus     Bogorodsky, Sergey V., Alpermann, Tilman J., Mal, Ahmad O. & Gabr, Mohamed H., 2014, Survey of demersal fishes from southern Saudi Arabia, with five new records for the Red Sea, Zootaxa 3852 (4), pp. 401-437 : 412 412
Engraulidae     Cohen, Simone C. & Kohn, Anna, 2008, South American Monogenea — list of species, hosts and geographical distribution from 1997 to 2008, Zootaxa 1924, pp. 1-42 : 26 26
Anchoa nasus     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 17 17
Clupeiformes   new species  McClelland, J., 1844, Description of a collection of fishes made at Chusan and Ningpo in China, by Dr. G. R. Playfair, Surgeon of the Phlegethon, war steamer, during the late military operations in that country, Calcutta Journal of Natural History, and Miscellany of the Arts and Sciences in India 4, pp. 390-413 : 406 406
Anchoa panamensis     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 17 17
Thrissina samam     Hata, Harutaka, Mandagi, Ixchel F. & Masengi, Kawilarang W. A., 2023, Resurrection of nominal species previously regarded as junior synonyms of Thrissina baelama (Fabricius, 1775) and their re-descriptions (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 279-302 : 290-293 290-293
Clupeiformes   new species  Evermann, Barton Warren & Marsh, M. C., 1899, Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Puerto Rico, Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 24, pp. 351-362 : 352 352
Cetengraulis mysticetus     Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285 : 42 42
Anchoa lamprotaenia     Smith-Vaniz, William F. & Jelks, Howard L., 2014, Marine and inland fishes of St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands: an annotated checklist, Zootaxa 3803 (1), pp. 1-120 : 26 26
Clupeiformes   new species  Günther, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, 1867, On the fishes of the states of Central America, founded upon specimens collected in fresh and marine waters of various parts of that country by Messrs. Salvin and Godman and Capt. J. M. Dow, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, B 1866, No. 3, pp. 600-604 : 604 604
Anchoa starksi     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 17 17
Clupeiformes   new species  Chaudhuri, B. L., 1916, Fauna of the Chilka Lake. Fish. Part I, Memoirs of the Indian Museum 5, No. 4, pp. 403-439 : 423 423
Clupeiformes   new species  Ramsay, E. P. & Ogilby, J. D., 1886, A contribution to the knowledge of the fish-fauna of New Guinea, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1, No. 1, pp. 8-20 : 18 18
Engraulidae     Mucientes, Gonzalo & Arronte, Juan Carlos, 2010, Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist, Zootaxa 2667, pp. 1-27 : 7 7
Stolephorus grandis   sp. nov.  Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2021, Stolephorus grandis, a new anchovy (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae) from New Guinea and Australia, Zootaxa 5004 (3), pp. 481-489 : 482-488 482-488
Stolephorus undetermined     Lin, Chien-Hsiang, Wu, Siao-Man, Lin, Chia-Yen & Chien, Chi-Wei, 2023, Early Pliocene otolith assemblages from the outer-shelf environment reveal the establishment of mesopelagic fish fauna over 3 million years ago in southwestern Taiwan, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (23) 142 (1), pp. 1-40 : 7 7
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 106 106
Engraulidae     Cremonte, Florencia & Drago, Fabiana B., 2007, Checklist of digenean parasites of birds from Argentina, Zootaxa 1403, pp. 1-36 : 31 31
Thrissina baelama     Hata, Harutaka, Mandagi, Ixchel F. & Masengi, Kawilarang W. A., 2023, Resurrection of nominal species previously regarded as junior synonyms of Thrissina baelama (Fabricius, 1775) and their re-descriptions (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 279-302 : 282-285 282-285
Anchoviella alleni     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Clupeiformes   new species  Spix, J. B. von & Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1829, Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annos MDCCCXVII- - MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I ... colleget et pingendso curavit Dr J. B. de Spix ..., F. S. Hübschmann, Monachii [= Munich] & Fleischer, Lipsiae [= Leipzig] : 50 50
Anchovia macrolepidota     Angulo, Arturo, Betts, Joel T., González-Alemán, Néstor J., Castañeda, Edgar, Berghe, Eric Van Den, Elías, Diego J., Mcmahan, Caleb D. & Matamoros, Wilfredo A., 2023, Continental fishes of Nicaragua: diversity, distribution and conservation status; with an annotated and illustrated checklist of species and an identification guide to families, Zootaxa 5376 (1), pp. 1-89 : 18 18
Clupeiformes   new species  Wongratana, Thosaporn, 1987, Two new species of anchovies of the genus Stolephorus (Engraulidae), with a key to species of Engraulis, Encrasicholina, and Stolephorus, American Museum Novitates 2876, pp. 1-8 : 4 4
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 41 41
Clupeiformes   new species  Jordan, David Starr & Rutter, C., 1897, A collection of fishes made by Joseph Seed Roberts in Kingston, Jamaica, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 49, pp. 91-133 : 95 95
Coilia grayii     Chan, Jeffery C. F., Tsang, Alphonse H. F., Yau, Sze-man, Hui, Tommy C. H., Lau, Anthony, Tan, Heok Hui, Low, Bi Wei, Dudgeon, David & Liew, Jia Huan, 2023, The non-native freshwater fishes of Hong Kong: diversity, distributions, and origins, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 128-168 : 133 133
Engraulidae     Fricke, Ronald, Allen, Gerald R., Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Hamel, Mélanie A., Laboute, Pierre, Mana, Ralph, Hui, Tan Heok & Uyeno, Daisuke, 2014, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of Madang District, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 820 new records, Zootaxa 3832 (1), pp. 1-247 : 24 24
Stolephorus apiensis     Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Kinch, Jeff, Mana, Ralph, Russell, Barry C., Tully, Dean & White, William T., 2019, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 810 new records, Zootaxa 4588 (1), pp. 1-360 : 56 56
Thryssa baelama     Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Kinch, Jeff, Mana, Ralph, Russell, Barry C., Tully, Dean & White, William T., 2019, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 810 new records, Zootaxa 4588 (1), pp. 1-360 : 56 56
Encrasicholina heteroloba     Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Kinch, Jeff, Mana, Ralph, Russell, Barry C., Tully, Dean & White, William T., 2019, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 810 new records, Zootaxa 4588 (1), pp. 1-360 : 56 56
Engraulidae     Wirtz, Peter, Fricke, Ronald & Biscoito, Manuel José, 2008, The coastal fishes of Madeira Island — new records and an annotated check-list, Zootaxa 1715, pp. 1-26 : 7 7
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 128 128
Stolephorus bengalensis     Hata, Harutaka, Lavoue, Sebastien & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2022, Description of three new species previously identified as Stolephorus bengalensis (Dutt & Babu Rao, 1959) or Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg, 1933 and a re-description of S. bengalensis (Chordata, Osteichthyes, Clupeiformes, Engraulidae), ZooKeys 1121, pp. 145-173 : 145 145
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 52 52
Clupeiformes   new species  Jordan, David Starr & Gilbert, Charles H., 1882, Descriptions of thirty-three new species of fishes from Mazatlan, Mexico, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 4, pp. 338-365 : 341 341
Clupeiformes   new species  Steindachner, F., 1879, Ichthyologische Beiträge (VIII), Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaften Classe 80, No. 1, pp. 119-191 : 174 [56] 174 [56]
Thrissina polynemoides     Hata, Harutaka, Mandagi, Ixchel F. & Masengi, Kawilarang W. A., 2023, Resurrection of nominal species previously regarded as junior synonyms of Thrissina baelama (Fabricius, 1775) and their re-descriptions (Teleostei: Clupeiformes: Engraulidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 71, pp. 279-302 : 288-289 288-289
Clupeiformes   new species  Hildebrand, S. F., 1943, A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae), Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Yale University 8, No. 2, pp. 1-165 : 23 23
Clupeiformes   new genus  Munro, I. S. R., 1964, Additions to the fish fauna of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal 16, No. 4, pp. 141-186 : 150 150
Clupeiformes   new species  Eigenmann, C. H., 1918, Eighteen new species of fishes from northwestern South America, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 56, No. 7, pp. 673-689 : 682 682
Clupeiformes   new species  Fuster de Plaza, M. L., 1962, Una nueva especie de anchoa de las aguas argentinas Lycengraulis simulator (Pisces: Engraulidae), Physis 23, pp. 1-9 : 2 2
Clupeiformes   new species  Goode, G. B. & Bean, T. H., 1880, Catalogue of a collection of fishes obtained in the Gulf of Mexico, by Dr. J. W. Velie, with descriptions of seven new species, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 2, pp. 333-345 : 343 343
Clupeiformes   new species  Peng, Y. - B. & Zhao, Z. - R., 1988, A new genus and a new species of Chinese anchovies, Journal of Fisheries of China. 12, No. 4, pp. 355-358 : 355 (English p. 358) 355 (English p. 358)

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