Chenopodium album, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 31 Treatments

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Chenopodium album var. album     Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), Flora Nordica 2, pp. 4-31 : 23 23
Chenopodium album subsp. var. var. centrorubrum     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Chenopodium album     Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129 : 34 34
Chenopodium album     DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341 : 3-4 3-4
Chenopodium album     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Chenopodium album     Petitpierre, Eduard, Sacarés, Antoni & Jurado-Rivera, José A., 2017, Updated checklist of Balearic leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 151-177 : 161 161
Chenopodium album     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Chenopodium album var. reticulatum     Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), Flora Nordica 2, pp. 4-31 : 23 23
Chenopodium album     Mosyakin, Sergei L., 2017, Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Chenopodium acerifolium and C. betaceum (C. strictum auct.) (Chenopodiaceae), Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 139-154 : 144-146 144-146
Chenopodium album     Brenan, J. P. M, 1954, Chenopodiaceae (part: Chenopodium), Flora of Tropical East Africa 12, pp. 2-14 : 6 6
Chenopodium album     Mehrparvar, Mohsen, 2024, Aphids of Iran: their host plants and distribution, Zootaxa 5516 (1), pp. 1-129 : 75 75
Chenopodium album     Anonymous, 1995, Chenopodiaceae (part Chenopodium), Flora de Cabo Verde 14, pp. 9-13 : 9-10 9-10
Chenopodium album     Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), Flora Nordica 2, pp. 4-31 : 21-23 21-23
Chenopodium album     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Chenopodium album     S. Castroviejo, M. Lainz, G. Lopez Gonzalez, P. Montserrat, F. Munoz Garmendia, J. Paiva & L. Villar, 1990, Flora Iberica / Vol. II: Platanaceae - Plumbaginaceae (partim), Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC : 496-497 496-497
Chenopodium album x opulifolium     Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), Flora Nordica 2, pp. 4-31 : 31 31
Chenopodium album     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473 : 409-410 409-410
Chenopodium album     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 34 34
Chenopodium album     Sukhorukov, Alexander P., Kushunina, Maria A., Stepanova, Nina Yu., Kalmykova, Olga G., Golovanov, Yaroslav M. & Sennikov, Alexander N., 2024, Taxonomic inventory and distributions of Chenopodiaceae (Amaranthaceae s. l.) in Orenburg Region, Russia, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 121541-e 121541 : e121541--1 e121541--1
Chenopodium album     Charles Joseph Pitard and Louis Proust, 1908, Chenopodieae, Les îles Canaries. Flore de l'archipel, Paris: Paul Klincksieck, pp. 326-327 : 326-327 326-327
Chenopodium album     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292 : 184 184
Chenopodium album     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Chenopodium album     Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Galasso, Gabriele, Domina, Gianniantonio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Santangelo, Annalisa, Alessandrini, Alessandro, Astuti, Giovanni, D’Antraccoli, Marco, Roma-Marzio, Francesco, Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., Barberis, Giuseppina, Conti, Fabio, Bernardo, Liliana, Peccenini, Simonetta, Stinca, Adriano, Wagensommer, Robert P., Bonari, Gianmaria, Iamonico, Duilio, Iberite, Mauro, Viciani, Daniele, Guacchio, Emanuele Del, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Villani, Mariacristina, Brunu, Antonello, Magrini, Sara, Pistarino, Annalaura, Brullo, Salvatore & Salmeri, Cristina, 2019, An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types, Phytotaxa 410 (1), pp. 1-215 : 45 45
Chenopodium album   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 219 219
Chenopodium album     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473 : 411 411
Chenopodium album     Eiseman, Charles S., 2014, New Host Records and Other Notes on North American Leaf-Mining Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), The Coleopterists Bulletin 68 (3), pp. 351-359 : 357 357
Chenopodium album     Sukhorukov, Alexander P., Liu, Pei-Liang & Kushunina, Maria, 2019, Taxonomic revision of Chenopodiaceae in Himalaya and Tibet, PhytoKeys 116, pp. 1-141 : 15-18 15-18
Chenopodium album     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 757 757
Chenopodium album     Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56 : 42 42
Chenopodium album     Nathaniel John Winch, 1838, Flora of Northumberland and Durham, Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle: Emerson Charnley, and Longman & Co., pp. 16-17 : 16-17 16-17
Chenopodium album     Victor, Eastop, F. & Blackman, Roger L., 2005, Some new synonyms in Aphididae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha), Zootaxa 1089, pp. 1-36 : 5-7 5-7

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