Luciola, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 109 Treatments

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Luciola lusitanica     Fernández, José Manuel Diéguez & López-Pérez, Juan José, 2015, Catálogo corológico de los Lampyridae (Col., Elateroidea) de la provincia de Huelva (S. O. de Andalucía, España)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 23-26 : 24 24
Coleoptera   new species  Kiesenwetter, E. A. H. von, 1874, Die Malacodermen Japans nach dem Ergebnisse der Sammlungen des Herrn G. Lewis während der Jahre 1869 - 1871, Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 18, pp. 243-288 : 263 263
Luciola     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 102-105 102-105
Coleoptera   new species  Yiu, Vor, 2017, A Study of Rhagophthalmidae and Lampyridae in Hong Kong with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera): Part 2, LAMPYRID, volume 1 - 4 4 : 96-98 96-98
Luciola angusticollis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 153 153
Luciola antica     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 153 153
Luciola tiomana   sp. nov.  Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 100-102 100-102
Luciola undetermined     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola spectralis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 161 161
Luciola ruficollis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 161 161
Luciola robusticeps     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 161 161
Luciola marginipennis     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine, 2009, Systematics of Indo-Pacific fireflies with a redefinition of Australasian Atyphella Olliff, Madagascan Photuroluciola Pic, and description of seven new genera from the Luciolinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 1997, pp. 1-188 : 106 106
Luciola undetermined     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280-281 280-281
Luciola italica     Gurcel, Kevin, Chittaro, Yannick, Sanchez, Andreas & Rieger, Ingo, 2020, Contribution à la connaissance des lucioles et lampyres de Suisse et observation de Luciola lusitanica Charpentier, 1825 à Genève (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), Entomo Helvetica 13, pp. 81-96 : 86-88 86-88
Luciola oculofissa   sp. nov.  Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 75-76 75-76
Luciola jengai   sp. nov.  Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 93-96 93-96
Coleoptera   new species  Gorham, Henry Stephen, 1903, On Coleoptera collected in India by MM. H. - E. and H. - L. Andrewes Families Malacodermata, Erotylidae, Endomychidae and Coccinellidae, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 47, pp. 323-328 : 327 327
Luciola melancholica     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 161 161
Luciola infuscata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 157 157
Luciola marginipennis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 160-161 160-161
Luciola dregei     Keller, Oliver & Ballantyne, Lesley, 2023, Taxonomic notes on the Luciolinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Insecta Mundi 2023 (965), pp. 1-6 : 2-4 2-4
Luciola italica     Keller, Oliver, 2022, On the firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) species of Carl Linnaeus, Insecta Mundi 2022 (962), pp. 1-5 : 2 2
Luciola horni     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 91-93 91-93
Luciola pallidipes     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 97-100 97-100
Luciola immarginata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 156 156
Luciola fukiensis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 156 156
Luciola niah   sp. nov.  Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 96-97 96-97
Luciola exigua     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 155 155
Luciola undetermined     Gurcel, Kevin, Chittaro, Yannick, Sanchez, Andreas & Rieger, Ingo, 2020, Contribution à la connaissance des lucioles et lampyres de Suisse et observation de Luciola lusitanica Charpentier, 1825 à Genève (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), Entomo Helvetica 13, pp. 81-96 : 90-91 90-91
Luciola intricata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 157 157
Luciola curtithorax     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 90-91 90-91
Luciola limbalis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 160 160
Luciola undefined-8     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola cerata     Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xinhua, Lambkin, Christine, Jeng, Ming-Luen, Faust, Lynn, Wijekoon, W. M. C. D., Li, Daiqin & Zhu, Tengfui, 2013, Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3721 (1), pp. 1-48 : 15 15
Luciola antennalis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 153 153
Luciola kagiana     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 96 96
Luciola concreta     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 155 155
Luciola cruciata     Fu, Xinhua, Ballantyne, Lesley & Lambkin, Christine, 2012, The external larval morphology of aquatic and terrestrial Luciolinae fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 3405, pp. 1-34 : 14-15 14-15
Luciola undetermined     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola key  s. str.  Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 87-88 87-88
Luciola dilatata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 155 155
Luciola fissicollis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 155 155
Coleoptera   new species  Kiesenwetter, E. A. H. von, 1874, Die Malacodermen Japans nach dem Ergebnisse der Sammlungen des Herrn G. Lewis während der Jahre 1869 - 1871, Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 18, pp. 243-288 : 263 263
Luciola terminalis     Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xinhua, Lambkin, Christine, Jeng, Ming-Luen, Faust, Lynn, Wijekoon, W. M. C. D., Li, Daiqin & Zhu, Tengfui, 2013, Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3721 (1), pp. 1-48 : 34-43 34-43
Luciola aquatilis     Fu, Xinhua, Ballantyne, Lesley & Lambkin, Christine, 2012, The external larval morphology of aquatic and terrestrial Luciolinae fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 3405, pp. 1-34 : 16 16
Luciola cerata     Fu, Xin Hua & Ballantyne, Lesley, 2008, Taxonomy and behaviour of lucioline fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae) with redefinition and new species of Pygoluciola Wittmer from mainland China and review of Luciola LaPorte, Zootaxa 1733, pp. 1-44 : 13-15 13-15
Luciola filiformis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 91 91
Luciola undefined-5     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola undefined-2     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola undefined-1     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola undefined-4     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola undefined-3     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola owadai     Fu, Xinhua, Ballantyne, Lesley & Lambkin, Christine, 2012, The external larval morphology of aquatic and terrestrial Luciolinae fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 3405, pp. 1-34 : 16 16
Luciola bicoloriceps     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 154 154
Luciola aurantiaca     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 154 154
Luciola binhana     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 154 154
Coleoptera   new species  Gorham, Henry Stephen, 1903, On Coleoptera collected in India by MM. H. - E. and H. - L. Andrewes Families Malacodermata, Erotylidae, Endomychidae and Coccinellidae, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 47, pp. 323-328 : 328 328
Luciola vittata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 162 162
Luciola truncata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 162 162
Luciola tincticollis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 162 162
Luciola melancholica     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 122 122
Luciola ruficollis     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 123 123
Luciola exstincta     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 155 155
Luciola trivandrensis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 162 162
Luciola antipodum     Kundrata, Robin, Hoffmannova, Johana, Hinson, Kevin R., Keller, Oliver & Packova, Gabriela, 2022, Rhagophthalmidae Olivier, 1907 (Coleoptera, Elateroidea): described genera and species, current problems, and prospects for the bioluminescent and paedomorphic beetle lineage, ZooKeys 1126, pp. 55-130 : 55 55
Luciola     Ballantyne, Lesley, Kawashima, Itsuro, Jusoh, Wan F. A. & Suzuki, Hirobumi, 2022, A new genus for two species of Japanese fireflies having aquatic larvae (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) and a definition of Luciola s. str., European Journal of Taxonomy 855, pp. 1-54 : 42-44 42-44
Luciola promelaena     Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xinhua, Lambkin, Christine, Jeng, Ming-Luen, Faust, Lynn, Wijekoon, W. M. C. D., Li, Daiqin & Zhu, Tengfui, 2013, Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3721 (1), pp. 1-48 : 33-34 33-34
Luciola japonica     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 157-158 157-158
Luciola klapperichi     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 158 158
Luciola   s. str.  Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 64-70 64-70
Luciola antipodum     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 70-71 70-71
Luciola hypocrita     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 75 75
Luciola tenuicornis     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 123 123
Luciola anceyi     Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xinhua, Lambkin, Christine, Jeng, Ming-Luen, Faust, Lynn, Wijekoon, W. M. C. D., Li, Daiqin & Zhu, Tengfui, 2013, Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3721 (1), pp. 1-48 : 9-15 9-15
Luciola roseicollis     Keller, Oliver & Ballantyne, Lesley, 2021, Luciola lambkinae Keller and Ballantyne, new replacement name for Luciola roseicollis Pic, 1935 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (874), pp. 1-3 : 2 2
Luciola lambkinae     Keller, Oliver & Ballantyne, Lesley, 2021, Luciola lambkinae Keller and Ballantyne, new replacement name for Luciola roseicollis Pic, 1935 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (874), pp. 1-3 : 1-2 1-2
Luciola bourgeoisi     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 154 154
Luciola flavescens     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 156 156
Luciola incerta     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 156 156
Luciola lusitanica     Gurcel, Kevin, Chittaro, Yannick, Sanchez, Andreas & Rieger, Ingo, 2020, Contribution à la connaissance des lucioles et lampyres de Suisse et observation de Luciola lusitanica Charpentier, 1825 à Genève (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), Entomo Helvetica 13, pp. 81-96 : 88-90 88-90
Luciola apicalis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 153-154 153-154
Luciola parvula     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 100 100
Luciola satoi     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 100 100
Luciola key    Fu, Xinhua, Ballantyne, Lesley & Lambkin, Christine, 2012, Emeia gen. nov., a new genus of Luciolinae fireflies from China (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) with an unusual trilobite-like larva, and a redescription of the genus Curtos Motschulsky, Zootaxa 3403, pp. 1-53 : 7-8 7-8
Luciola (Luciola) antica     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine, 2009, Systematics of Indo-Pacific fireflies with a redefinition of Australasian Atyphella Olliff, Madagascan Photuroluciola Pic, and description of seven new genera from the Luciolinae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 1997, pp. 1-188 : 106 106
Coleoptera   new species  Kiesenwetter, E. A. H. von, 1874, Die Malacodermen Japans nach dem Ergebnisse der Sammlungen des Herrn G. Lewis während der Jahre 1869 - 1871, Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 18, pp. 243-288 : 262 262
Luciola stigmaticollis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 162 162
Luciola   s. str.  Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 85-87 85-87
Luciola promelaena     Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xinhua, Lambkin, Christine, Jeng, Ming-Luen, Faust, Lynn, Wijekoon, W. M. C. D., Li, Daiqin & Zhu, Tengfui, 2013, Studies on South-east Asian fireflies: Abscondita, a new genus with details of life history, flashing patterns and behaviour of Abs. chinensis (L.) and Abs. terminalis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3721 (1), pp. 1-48 : 32 32
Luciola aquatilis   sp. nov.  Thancharoen, Anchana, Ballantyne, Lesley A., Branham, Marc A. & Jeng, Ming-Luen, 2007, Description of Luciola aquatilis sp. nov., a new aquatic firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae) from Thailand, Zootaxa 1611, pp. 55-62 : 56-57 56-57
Luciola aquilaclara   sp. nov.  Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 71-75 71-75
Luciola lata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 158-160 158-160
Luciola lusitanica     Gurcel, Kevin, Chittaro, Yannick, Sanchez, Andreas & Rieger, Ingo, 2020, Contribution à la connaissance des lucioles et lampyres de Suisse et observation de Luciola lusitanica Charpentier, 1825 à Genève (Coleoptera, Lampyridae), Entomo Helvetica 13, pp. 81-96 : 93 93
Luciola substriata     Fu, Xinhua, Ballantyne, Lesley & Lambkin, Christine, 2012, The external larval morphology of aquatic and terrestrial Luciolinae fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Zootaxa 3405, pp. 1-34 : 16 16
Luciola undefined-6     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola undefined-7     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 279 279
Luciola flava     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 156 156
Luciola timida     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 123 123
Luciola chapaensis     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 88-90 88-90
Luciola tuberculata     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 102 102
Luciola undetermined     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola undefined-9     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola undetermined     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lloyd, James E., 2013, Working and reference check list for fireflies of Melanesia (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae), Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 277-284 : 280 280
Luciola     Ballantyne, Lesley A. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2013, Systematics and Phylogenetics of Indo-Pacific Luciolinae Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and the Description of new Genera, Zootaxa 3653 (1), pp. 1-162 : 121 121
Coleoptera   new species  Kiesenwetter, E. A. H. von, 1874, Die Malacodermen Japans nach dem Ergebnisse der Sammlungen des Herrn G. Lewis während der Jahre 1869 - 1871, Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 18, pp. 243-288 : 261 261
Acanthomyrmex luciolae   n. sp.  Emery, C., 1893, Voyage de M. E. Simon à l'île de Ceylan (janvier - février 1892). 3 e Mémoire. Formicides., Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 62, pp. 239-258 : 7-8 7-8
Perciformes   new species  Boulenger, George Albert, 1914, Mission Stappers au Tanganyika-Moero. Diagnoses de poissons nouveaux. I. Acanthoptérygiens, Opisthomes, Cyprinodontes, Revue Zoologique Africaine 3, No. 3, pp. 442-447 : 443 443
Perciformes   new species  Boulenger, George Albert, 1914, Mission Stappers au Tanganyika-Moero. Diagnoses de poissons nouveaux. I. Acanthoptérygiens, Opisthomes, Cyprinodontes, Revue Zoologique Africaine 3, No. 3, pp. 442-447 : 442 442
Lates (Luciolates)     Otero, Olga, 2004, Anatomy, systematics and phylogeny of both Recent and fossil latid fishes (Teleostei, Perciformes, Latidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (1), pp. 81-133 : 86 86

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