Monstera pittieri
Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197
: 144
144 |
Scopadus selkingi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco E. L., 2021, American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera): Four new species, new records and taxonomic notes, Zootaxa 4933 (3), pp. 361-378
: 375-377
375-377 |
Antodice raberi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 258-261
258-261 |
Juninia raberi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2022, Notes on Purusia Lane, Juninia Lane, and Sibapipunga Martins & Galileo (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), and description of a new species of Juninia, Zootaxa 5141 (2), pp. 151-162
: 156-159
156-159 |
Cirrhicera sallei
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, American Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): new species of Acanthocinini and Hemilophini and a new synonymy in Cirrhicera Thomson, Zootaxa 5418 (3), pp. 201-222
: 217-221
217-221 |
Leptostylus pygialis
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, American fauna of Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera): new species, new records, and notes, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 45-57
: 51-54
51-54 |
Oedopeza raberi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, American Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): new species of Acanthocinini and Hemilophini and a new synonymy in Cirrhicera Thomson, Zootaxa 5418 (3), pp. 201-222
: 205-209
205-209 |
Polyplectropus exilis
Armitage, Brian J., Aguirre, Yusseff, Ríos González, Tomás A. & Blahnik, Roger J., 2022, The Trichoptera of Panama. XVIII. Twelve first country records of macrocaddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Republic of Panama, Zootaxa 5168 (5), pp. 578-588
: 584
584 |
Oxylymma rileyi
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel, Botero, Juan Pablo & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2020, Synonymies, new records, and new species in Cerambycinae (Coleoptera Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4747 (1), pp. 177-190
: 187-189
187-189 |
Leptostylus bicolor
sp. nov.
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, American fauna of Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera): new species, new records, and notes, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 45-57
: 48-51
48-51 |
Distenia (Basisvallis) phaeocera
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, American fauna of Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera): new species, new records, and notes, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 45-57
: 55
55 |
Lepturges (Lepturges) vigneaulti
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 250
250 |
Leptostylus guianensis
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 250
250 |
Leptostylus subfurcatus
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, Descriptions of two new species of American Cerambycidae, and redescription of Leptostylus subfurcatus (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera), Zootaxa 5343 (4), pp. 338-352
: 342-346
342-346 |
Elaphidion scabricolle
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, American fauna of Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera): new species, new records, and notes, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 45-57
: 46
46 |
Lagocheirus cristulatus
Heffern, Daniel, Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Panama: new species, new records, and new synonymy, Zootaxa 5458 (2), pp. 247-262
: 248
248 |