Leptostylus pygialis Bates, 1872

Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2023, American fauna of Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera): new species, new records, and notes, Zootaxa 5296 (1), pp. 45-57 : 51-54

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5296.1.4

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scientific name

Leptostylus pygialis Bates, 1872


Leptostylus pygialis Bates, 1872 View in CoL

( Figs 13–17 View FIGURES 13–18 )

Leptostylus pygialis Bates, 1872: 212 View in CoL .

Redescription. Female. Integument mostly blackish; ventral mouthparts brown, except palpomeres dark brown with apex brownish orange; anteclypeus mostly brownish orange; anterior quarter of labrum yellowish; scape dark brown with irregular areas slightly lighter, except blackish apex; antennomere IV dark brown with irregular reddishbrown areas interspersed; antennomere V brownish basally, orange on remaining basal 3/4, dark brown on apical quarter; antennomere VI brownish basally, orange on remaining basal 2/3, brown on apical quarter; antennomeres VII–IX brownish basally, orange on remaining basal half, brown on apical half; antennomere X brownish basally, orange on remaining basal third, brown on apical 2/3; antennomere XI brown except orange apex. Apex of ventrites 1–2 reddish brown; apex of ventrites 3–4 yellowish brown. Basal 2/3 of tarsomere V dark reddish brown.

Head. Frons abundantly, very finely punctate; with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument superiorly, sparser on center of inferior region, almost absent inferiorly on each side of central region, with yellowish-white pubescence interspersed, yellowish-white pubescence forming oblique band superiorly on each side of median groove; with one long, erect yellowish-brown seta close to each eye. Area between antennal tubercles with dense yellowish-brown pubescence centrally, except glabrous median groove, and sparser dark-brown pubescence laterally; remaining surface of vertex with abundant pale-yellow pubescence except somewhat large dark-brown pubescent spot on each side of middle close to prothorax. Area behind upper eye lobes with dense pale-yellow pubescence. Area behind lower eye lobes with abundant pale-yellow pubescence close to eye, this pubescence projected toward prothorax on posterior half, except brownish pubescence close to inferior margin; area close to prothorax glabrous. Genae slightly shorter than length of lower eye lobe; with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence close to inferior region of eye, abundant yellowish-white pubescence close to frontal region of eye, and somewhat abundant yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining surface, except sparse pubescence close to frons and clypeus and glabrous apex. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence, pubescence absent centrally and sparse on each side before lateral region of postclypeus; with one long, erect dark-brown seta on each side. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with dense pale-yellow pubescence on sides of posterior 2/3, somewhat abundant pale-yellow pubescence on remaining posterior half, and glabrous on remaining surface, except short fringe of yellowish setae on anterior margin. Outer side of mandibles triangularly depressed on basal half, with dense yellow pubescence; remaining surface glabrous. Antennal tubercles with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.24 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.60 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.7 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex slightly before middle of antennomere VIII. Scape with dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally and laterally, with irregular, both whitish and yellowish-brown pubescent maculae interspersed, whitish maculae more abundant laterally and yellowish-brown maculae more abundant dorsally; ventral surface mostly with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument. Pedicel with abundant dark-brown pubescence dorsally and laterally, except yellowish pubescence basally, and abundant yellowish pubescence ventrally. Antennomeres III–IV with abundant, irregular yellowish-white pubescence, distinctly white on parts of posterior third, and irregular brown pubescent maculae interspersed, except dark-brown pubescence on apex of dorsal and lateral surfaces. Antennomeres V–XI with dense yellowish-white pubescence on light area, brownish with minute whitish setae interspersed on dark area. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.05; pedicel = 0.13; IV = 0.89; V = 0.47; VI = 0.39; VII = 0.37; VIII = 0.33; IX = 0.33; X = 0.29; XI = 0.31.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; sides with large, rounded protuberance about middle; anterior and posterior constrictions well marked. Pronotum with five gibbosities, dorsally convex, one elevated on each side of anterior third, one slightly elevated on each side of posterior third, located more laterally than anterolateral ones, another elevated, subelliptical, located centrally on posterior half; sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures absent on gibbosities and forming row near posterior margin, slightly coarser laterally in this row; dorsal surface of anterolateral and central gibbosities glabrous; posterior third with wide, longitudinal, sinuous dark-brown pubescent band on each side, including posterolateral gibbosities; remaining surface with abundant, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence, except white pubescence close to anterior margin of central gibbosity; pale-yellow pubescence forming dense, irregular maculae on sides of anterior third; with a few long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed on posterior third. Sides of prothorax sparsely, coarsely punctate; with abundant, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument, except blackish pubescence close to humerus. Prosternum with abundant, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence laterally, with areas of sparser pubescence of same color interspersed and brown pubescent spot near coxae; central area with sparser yellowish-brown pubescence. Prosternal process with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; narrowest area 0.25 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with sparse, minute grayish-white pubescence centrally, except abundant pale-yellow pubescence close to mesocoxal cavities and mesoventral process, and dense, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence laterally. Mesanepisternum and mesepimeron with dense, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence and irregular areas with brown pubescence interspersed. Mesoventral process with dense pale-yellow pubescence. Metanepisternum with dense pale-yellow pubescence and brown pubescent maculae interspersed. Sides of metaventrite with dense, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence, with irregular dark-brown pubescent maculae interspersed; remaining surface with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence gradually sparser toward central region. Scutellum with abundant, minute blackish pubescence not obscuring integument. Elytra. Somewhat abundantly, coarsely punctate on anterior third, punctures gradually finer, sparser on posterior 2/3; centrobasal crest moderately elevated, elongate, with three tubercles dorsally, anterior one less elevated and without tuft of setae dorsally, central tubercle with tuft of erect brownish setae, posterior tubercle with erect tuft of yellowish-brown setae; area between centrobasal crest and suture with two elevated tubercles with dense, erect tuft of yellowish-brown setae dorsally; area between centrobasal crest and humerus with two somewhat elevated tubercles without tuft of erect setae; with two slightly elevated carinae dorsally, subfused posteriorly; innermost dorsal carina with sparse row of tubercles with dense yellowish-brown setae dorsally; outermost dorsal carina with sparse row of tubercles with dense dark-brown setae dorsally; sides of posterior 3/4 of dorsal surface with sparse tubercles with dense tuft of dark-brown pubescence dorsally; pubescence forming complex design: anterior half with abundant, both yellowish-brown and pale-yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument, pale-yellow pubescence forming irregular, oblique pubescent band from apex of centrobasal crest to suture; middle of dorsal surface with short, narrow, oblique white pubescent band not reaching suture; sides of dorsal area after middle with narrow, sinuous white pubescent band, forming semi-circle on its innermost region; with dense pale-yellow macula near suture on posterior quarter, with dense white pubescence close to its anterior margin; area between innermost longitudinal carina, oblique white pubescent band, and pale-yellow posterior maculae mostly with yellowish-brown pubescence; remaining surface of posterior third mostly with pale-yellow pubescence. Apex somewhat narrowly rounded. Legs. Femoral peduncle with somewhat abundant, both yellowish and whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; femoral club with irregular areas with white, yellowish-brown, and brown pubescence. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of tibiae with dense, irregular, transverse yellowish-white pubescent bands, whiter on meso- and metatibiae, with dark-brown pubescence between them not obscuring integument, except base with yellowish pubescence; ventral surface mostly with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument on basal 2/3, bristly, denser on apical third; dorsal sulcus of mesotibiae with dense, erect, short, thick, both dark-brown and yellowish-brown setae. Dorsal surface of protarsomere I with whitish and yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument; dorsal surface protarsomeres II–III and V, and of meso- and metatarsomeres I–III and V with whitish and yellowish pubescence basally, dark brown apically; dorsal surface of tarsomeres IV with dark pubescence.

Abdomen. Ventrites with yellowish-brown pubescence and irregular dark-brown and yellowish-white maculae interspersed, except glabrous posterocentral area of ventrites 1–4. Apex of ventrite 5 rounded.

Dimensions (mm). Total length, 7.30; prothoracic length, 1.45; anterior prothoracic width, 1.60; posterior prothoracic width, 2.05; maximum prothoracic width, 2.35; humeral width, 3.25; elytral length, 5.45.

Material examined. PANAMA, Bocas del Toro: Fortuna Cabins , 8.7814ºN 82.1909ºW, UV lights, 1 female, 23-30.V.2022, E.G. Riley leg. ( DHCO) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. The specimen used here to redescribe the species has the elytral pubescence somewhat different when compared with other specimens of the species. However, there are no conspicuous morphological differences, except: elytra without oblique dark-brown pubescence on anterior quarter of dorsal surface (present in the lectotype and other specimens, see photographs on Bezark 2023), without oblique dark-brown pubescent band from before middle, from sides of dorsal surface to epipleural margin (present in the lectotype and other specimens), innermost elytral white pubescent band rising toward suture (downward in the lectotype and other specimens).

The description of this species was based on syntypes from Nicaragua. Additionally, it is known from Mexico (Veracruz), Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama ( Monné 2023a; Tavakilian & Chevillotte 2022).

Chemsak & Linsley (1970) designated a lectotype and reported: “ Lectotype [symbol of female]. Chontales, Nicaragua. T. Belt. ” However, the specimen photographed by Jesus Santiago Moure and Larry G. Bezark at the BMNH as being the lectotype, apparently, is a male based on the shape of the femora.


















Leptostylus pygialis Bates, 1872

Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio 2023

Leptostylus pygialis

Bates, H. W. 1872: 212
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