Leptostylus subfurcatus Bates, 1880
publication ID |
https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.4.2 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:71E28311-D42B-4712-823F-C5F9D0EE3294 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8334353 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03C387BF-FF89-2403-FF6A-F0119322FA5D |
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Plazi |
scientific name |
Leptostylus subfurcatus Bates, 1880 |
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Leptostylus subfurcatus Bates, 1880 View in CoL
( Figs 9–25 View FIGURES 9–13 View FIGURES 14–25 )
Leptostylus subfurcatus Bates, 1880: 147 View in CoL .
Redescription. Female ( Figs 9–13 View FIGURES 9–13 ). Integument mostly black; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except palpomeres black with apical region reddish brown; antennomeres V–X with dark orangish-brown ring on basal half.
Head. Frons densely, minutely punctate; with dense white pubescence on inferior half, except glabrous area lateral area close to clypeus and genae, almost glabrous central area close to clypeus, glabrous median groove, and part of central region with both white and dark gray pubescence; superior half with dense, both white and dark gray pubescence, except small area close to eyes with sparse dark pubescence and on long, erect dark brown seta. Vertex with dense dark green pubescence, except white pubescence close to base of antennal tubercles, glabrous median groove, and glabrous, large, subtriangular area on each side close to prothorax. Area behind upper eye lobes with dense dark green pubescence, except small white pubescent band about middle close to eye and large black pubescent macula close to eye on area near lower eye lobe. Area behind lower eye lobes with dense white pubescence close to eye, except superior third with dark grey pubescent maculae interspersed, and glabrous central region; area close to prothorax glabrous. Genae with abundant white pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous apex and glabrous spot frontally and spot with dark pubescence laterally; with one long, erect dark-brown setae on glabrous spot and spot with dark pubescence. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument close to frons, except glabrous central region; area close to anteclypeus with abundant, short white setae directed forward, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed, except glabrous central region; with one long, erect dark brown seta on each side of area close to frons. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum convex, coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior 3/4, abruptly inclined at anterior quarter; with abundant whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument on posterior 2/3, with transverse row of long, erect dark brown setae interspersed about middle, glabrous close to inclined anterior area, and somewhat abundant, short yellowish-brown setae on inclined anterior area. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous, except intermaxillary process with sparse whitish pubescence. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.19 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.54 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.55 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at middle of antennomere IX. Scape slightly projected on inner apex; with dense black pubescence partially obscuring integument and irregular white pubescence maculae interspersed dorsally and laterally; with a few moderately long, erect dark setae near apex of ventral surface. Pedicel with abundant black pubescence partially obscuring integument. Antennomeres III–IV with dense black pubescence partially obscuring integument and irregular white pubescent maculae interspersed dorsally and laterally, except basal macula forming ring. Antennomeres V–X with dense white pubescence on light area and abundant black pubescence on dark areas; with a few minute, erect whitish setae interspersed on dark areas. Antennomere XI mostly with abundant dark-brown pubescence and moderately abundant, short, erect whitish setae interspersed, especially from middle. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.90; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 0.76; V = 0.45; VI = 0.36; VII = 0.34; VIII = 0.31; IX = 0.29; X = 0.28; XI = 0.29.
Thorax. Prothorax wider than long; sides with rounded protuberance near anterolateral angle, moderately large, rounded protuberance centrally, and parallel-sided on posterior third. Pronotum with five distinct tubercles, one slightly elevated on each side of anterior third, with rounded apex, one elevated, conical, on each side of posterior third, distinctly further apart than previous ones, another elevated, subconical, on central region of posterior third; moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate among tubercles, punctures more abundant, coarser, forming transverse row near anterior margin, central punctures of row not aligned, and coarser punctures forming sinuous row near posterior margin; with dense dark-green pubescence, pubescence more grayish-green on sides of posterior third, except: sinuous black pubescent band on each side of anterior quarter, partially surrounded with white pubescence; short black pubescent macula anterocentrally; black pubescence not obscuring integument on dorsal surface of anterolateral tubercles, with small and irregular spots with white pubescence; large, sinuous black pubescent macula on each side of posterior half, gradually narrowed from posterior margin to middle, with sparse white pubescence close to middle of its inner margin; large, triangular black pubescent macula posterocentrally, with sparse white pubescence on each side of its anterior region; white pubescence on sides of anterior half; narrow white pubescent band close to area with grayish-green pubescence, white pubescence forming irregular, transverse band about middle of grayish-white pubescent area; and glabrous apex of posterocentral tubercle. Sides of prothorax moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate on wide central area, smooth anteriorly and posteriorly; with abundant white pubescence partially obscuring integument, with irregular, both glabrous and sparsely pubescent areas interspersed, except large black pubescent macula posteriorly close to pronotum; with a few long, erect black setae on black pubescent area. Prosternum with dense white pubescence laterally, except longitudinal, glabrous band on each side close to anterior margin, and moderately abundant white pubescence centrally not obscuring integument. Prosternal process with moderately abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument; narrowest area 0.65 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with abundant, thick white pubescence centrally and close to superior margin of procoxal cavities, abundant, moderately thick white pubescent macula on each side close to prothorax, moderately sparse, slender whitish pubescence on remaining central area, and abundant moderately thick white pubescence on sides close to procoxal cavities. Mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, metanepisternum, and sides of metaventrite with dense white pubescence with abundant black pubescent spots interspersed; central area of metaventrite with moderately abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument; mesoventral process with moderately abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence thicker centrally; narrowest area slightly narrower than mesocoxal width. Scutellum with abundant dark-green pubescence not obscuring integument, except black pubescent macula on each side of base. Elytra. Sides slightly narrowed from humerus to middle, then distinctly narrowed toward apex; apex triangularly projected on outer angle, subtruncate toward rounded sutural angle; anterior quarter moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures distinctly sparser and finer on remaining surface; dorsally with two rows of small tubercles from base to near apex, tubercles slightly more elevated and abundant basally; another row of small tubercles near suture on basal quarter; humeral carina with small, sparse tubercles, tubercles more distinct on posterior third. Dorsal surface of anterior half with dense dark-green pubescence except: small, irregular whitish pubescent macula basally under black pubescent macula on pronotum; white pubescent spot on apex of two anterior tubercles of innermost row of tubercles; dense tuft of short setae on apex of apical tubercle of innermost row of tubercles, setae yellow basally, yellowish-white on remaining surface; tufts of pale-yellow setae on tubercles of anterior quarter of central row of tubercles; dense, moderately dense golden pubescent macula on apex of anterior quarter of central row of tubercles, projected toward innermost row; golden pubescent band on anterior quarter of outermost dorsal row of tubercles, not reaching base, partially fragmented by tuft of blackish setae on apex of some tubercles; irregular, wide, transverse white pubescent band on anterior sixth, from humeral carina to near suture; irregular, wide, transverse white pubescent band on apex of anterior quarter, from humeral carina to suture, this band longitudinally widened close to suture; moderately narrow, longitudinal white pubescent band connecting two transverse white pubescent bands. Dorsal surface of posterior half with dense white pubescence, forming Y-shaped pubescent band anteriorly, with its anterior “arm” projected upward and not reaching suture; dense white pubescence on posterior sixth, with black pubescent maculae interspersed; oblique white pubescent band laterally, from Y-shaped band to posterior white pubescent area; dense dark-green pubescence close to suture, reaching inferior “arm” of Y-shaped white pubescent band, with white pubescent spots interspersed; dense, irregular black pubescent macula between “arms” of Y-shaped white band; irregular black pubescent maculae close to humeral carina; irregular black pubescent macula centrally close to Y-shaped pubescent band; oblique golden pubescent band from previous black band to white pubescence on posterior sixth; dense greenish pubescence on sides of golden pubescent band; tubercles with dense, short tuft of white setae. Anterior half of area between humeral carina and epipleural margin with dense dark-green pubescence superiorly and dense white pubescence inferiorly, inferior area with large semicircular blackish pubescent maculae; posterior half with dense white pubescence on its anterior region, with large semicircular blackish pubescent maculae interspersed close to epipleural margin, and remaining surface with both black pubescence and greenish pubescence, except irregular white pubescence near apex. Legs. Trochanters projected apically, with metatrochanter spiniform apically ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9–13 ). Femora with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, with abundant black pubescent maculae interspersed, dark pubescence sparse; outer apex of metafemora with long, spiniform projection ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9–13 ). Tibiae with blackish pubescence partially obscuring integument, except irregular white pubescence rings on basal 2/3, not reaching ventral surface on protibiae, and white pubescent macula on apex of dorsal surface, white apical pubescence reaching sides of metatibiae, apical third of protibiae with dense, bristly blackish pubescence, apical third of dorsal and ventral surfaces of mesotibiae with abundant, short, erect black setae, and ventral surface of apical third of metatibiae with moderately abundant, short, erect black setae. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres I–II with dense white pubescence, except base of tarsomere I with blackish pubescence; dorsal surface of tarsomeres III–V with blackish pubescence not obscuring integument; apical half of tarsomere V with sparse, long, erect black setae; metatarsomere I slightly shorter than II–III together.
Abdomen. Ventrites with moderately abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence sparser centrally on ventrites 1–4, with irregular areas with sparse dark pubescence interspersed; apex of ventrite 5 subtruncate.
Dimensions (mm). Total length, 12.35; prothoracic length, 2.30; anterior prothoracic width, 3.10; posterior prothoracic width, 3.50; maximum prothoracic width, 3.80; humeral width, 5.40; elytral length, 9.15.
Material examined (only specimen examined personally included). PANAMA, Bocas del Toro: Fortuna Cabins , 8.7814ºN 82.1909ºW, UV light, 1 female, 23-30.V.2022, E.G. Riley leg. ( DHCO) GoogleMaps .
Remarks. Among the known species of Leptostylus , only L. armatus Monné & Hoffmann, 1981 , L. metallicus Bates, 1880 , and L. jolyi Monné & Hoffmann, 1981 (see photographs on Bezark 2023a) have the outer apex of the metafemora spiniform. Bates (1880) did not report the shape of the apex of the metafemora in L. subfurcatus . The photographs of one of the syntypes that we were able to study do not allow us to clearly observe the apex of the metafemur. However, it appears to be not distinctly spiniform. Furthermore, if it were distinctly spiny in the syntypes, we believe that Bates (1880) would have described this feature. Variation in the shape of the metafemora was not observed by us in other species of Leptostylus . However, we have no doubt that it is very variable in L. subfurcatus . Marianela Cambronero Sánchez, curator of Coleoptera at MNCR, kindly sent us photographs of eight specimens collected in Costa Rica ( Figs 14–25 View FIGURES 14–25 ). These specimens clearly show considerable variation in the shape of the apex of the metafemur. We have also seen photographs of other specimens with the external apex of the metafemur, at most, triangularly projected. We chose to redescribe the species based on a female from Panama with a distinctly spiniform external apex of the metafemur. The redescription provides features not still reported.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Lamiinae |
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Leptostylus subfurcatus Bates, 1880
Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio 2023 |
Leptostylus subfurcatus
Bates, H. W. 1880: 147 |