35.666668, 8.25: 10 Treatments

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Amara aethiopica     Merene, Yeshitla, Lorenz, Wolfgang, Opgenoorth, Lars, Woldehawariat, Yitbarek & Schmidt, Joachim, 2023, Ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cicindelidae) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: a provisional faunistic checklist based on literature data, Zootaxa 5247 (1), pp. 1-345 : 106 106
Asceua lejeunei     Jocqué, Rudy & Henrard, Arnaud, 2024, A revision of Afrotropical Asceua (Araneae, Zodariidae), ant-eating spiders with puzzling distributions, African Invertebrates 65 (2), pp. 161-198 : 161-198 161-198
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Homadaula ravula     Mey, Wolfram, 2022, Unexpected diversity: ten new species of Homadaula Lower, 1899 from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula (Galacticoidea: Galacticidae), Metamorphosis 33 (1), pp. 21-33 : 23 23
Neoperla transvaalensis     Zwick, Peter & Zwick, Andreas, 2023, Revision of the African Neoperla Needham, 1905 (Plecoptera: Perlidae: Perlinae) based on morphological and molecular data, Zootaxa 5316 (1), pp. 1-194 : 21-26 21-26
Dicyphus lindbergi     Sanchez, Juan Antonio & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Towards solving the taxonomic impasse of the biocontrol plant bug subgenus Dicyphus (Dicyphus) (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) using molecular, morphometric and morphological partitions, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 330-406 : 392-393 392-393
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Merodon nasicus     Vujić, Ante, Radenković, Snežana, Zorić, Ljiljana Šašić, Likov, Laura, Tot, Tamara, Veselić, Sanja & Djan, Mihajla, 2021, Revision of the Merodon bombiformis group (Diptera: Syrphidae) - rare and endemic African hoverflies, European Journal of Taxonomy 755 (1), pp. 88-135 : 111-115 111-115