Dicyphus lindbergi, WAGNER, 1951

Sanchez, Juan Antonio & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Towards solving the taxonomic impasse of the biocontrol plant bug subgenus Dicyphus (Dicyphus) (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) using molecular, morphometric and morphological partitions, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 330-406 : 392-393

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Plazi (2025-02-05 19:48:56, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2025-02-05 20:11:50)

scientific name

Dicyphus lindbergi



( FIGS 10 E, 14 C–D, 33, 38)

Dicyphus lindbergi Wagner, 1951: 17 View in CoL (original description); Carvalho, 1958: 198; Schuh, 1995: 492 (catalogue; full citation); Kerzhner & Josifov, 1999: 23 (Palaearctic catalogue).

Materials examined

Cyprus: Larnaca: Larnaca, 34.91666°N 33.63611°E, 7 m, 25 Jun 1939 01 Jul 1939, Lindberg , paratype of Dicyphus lindbergi 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00208676 About AMNH ) ( MZH). Ayios Hilarion, 35.31250°N 33.28333°E, 545 m, 7 Jun 1939, Lindberg, paratype of Dicyphus lindbergi , 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00204222 About AMNH ) ( BMNH), paratype of Dicyphus lindbergi , 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00208569 About AMNH ), paratypes of Dicyphus lindbergi , 2♀♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00208673 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00208675 About AMNH ) ( MZH). Lapithos, 13 Jun 1939, Lindberg, paratype of Dicyphus lindbergi , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00208670 About AMNH ) ( MZH) GoogleMaps . Larnaka, 34.91666°N 33.63611°E, 6 m, 01 Jul 1939, Lindberg , paratype of Dicyphus lindbergi , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00204221 About AMNH ) ( BMNH). Ayios Hilarion, 35.3125°N 33.28333°E, 545 m, 7 Jun 1939, Lindberg, 2♂♂, 2♀♀, identified as Dicyphus lindbergi (MZH) GoogleMaps .

Lebanon: Saida : Sidon, 33.55707ºN 35.37295ºE, 11 m, 28 Apr 1962, Hyosciamus albus, Eckerlein , 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00206719 About AMNH ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps .

Syria: Damascus, 33.51381ºN 36.27653ºE, 692 m, 1952, Seidenstücker , 1♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00341137 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00341138 About AMNH ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps .

We s t B a n k: C i s j o r d a n i a: J e r i c o, 3 1.8 5 6 9 8º N 35.46057ºE, – 255 m, Sahlb., 1♂ (identified as Dicyphus bolivari, AMNH _PBI 00208567) ( MZH) GoogleMaps .


Dicyphus lindbergi is recognized by the following combination of characters: only macropterous males known (Wagner, 1970), macropterous and brachypterous females; body length 3.62–4.57 mm in macropterous males, 3.72–4.44 mm in macropterous females and 2.85 mm in brachypterous females. Body stramineous with dark-brown markings and orange/red highlighting; AI stramineous with subbasal and subapical reddish brown annulations; AII mostly stramineous, with distal 1/3rd dark brown, narrowly and faintly brown at base ( Fig. 33); disk 1.05–1.24× longer than callosite region in males; left paramere with moderately elongate apophysis, with outer margin of shaft sinuate ( Fig. 10E); aedeagus with three endosomal lobes, medial lobe with five small endosomal lobal sclerites, outer lobes densely spinulate ( Fig. 14C, D).



Coloration ( Fig. 33): Dorsum mostly stramineous with light to dark-brown markings, plus orange/red highlighting. Head: mostly stramineous to orange, with a broad, frons+vertex with a short, X-shaped reddish-brown marking, not extending beyond posterior margin of eyes; clypeus stramineous with medium-brown highlighting; mandibular plates stramineous; maxillary plate embrowned; vertex orange; postocular margins of head orange medium brown; gula and bucculae yellow. Antennae: AI medially, basally and apically stramineous, with subbasal and subapical reddish brown annulations; AII mostly stramineous, with distal 1/3rd dark brown, narrowly and faintly brown at base; AIII and AIV concolorous, uniformly dark brown. Pronotum: collar stramineous, translucent; callosite region mostly stramineous with variable embrownment; disk stramineous, translucent, sometimes humeral angles embrowned. Thoracic pleura and sterna: propleuron stramineous with weak embrownment, ventral margin whitish; mesobasisternum medium brown; mesepimeron and metepisternum, including evaporative areas, stramineous to whitish. Mesoscutum: mostly orange, with faint embrownment. Scutellum : lateral angles broadly pale stramineous to whitish with narrow brown stripe along midline. Hemelytra : translucent, mostly stramineous with medium brown to reddish brown markings/highlighting; with three pairs of medium brown to reddish brown markings, each pair at corial fracture, apex of endocorium and tip of cuneus; membrane veins embrowned. Abdomen: venter uniformly stramineous.

Structure: Head: interocular distance 1.27–1.48× greater than eye width. Antennae: AI short, 1.46–1.68× longer than interocular distance; AII 1.05–1.24× longer than posterior width of pronotum. Pronotum: disk 1.05– 1.24× longer than callosite region. Male genitalia: left paramere apophysis moderately elongate, with shaft weakly sinuate, with subapical excavation on outer margin, spatulate apex weakly denticulate on outer margin ( Fig. 10E); aedeagus with three endosomal lobes, medial lobe with five small endosomal lobal sclerites, lateral lobes densely spinulate ( Fig. 14C, D).

Females. Macropters and brachypters examined. Body length 3.72–4.44 mm in macropters females and 2.85 mm in brachypters. Coloration, vestiture, texture and structure mostly as in males. Female abdominal venter pale yellowish green. Head: interocular distance 1.18–1.46× greater than eye width in macropterous females, 1.39× in brachypters. Antennae: AI 1.39–1.68× longer than interocular distance in macropters, 1.38× in brachypters; AII 0.99–1.11× longer than posterior pronotal width in macropters, 1.01× in brachypters. Pronotum: disk 1.20–1.48× longer than callosite region in macropters, 0.83× in brachypters.

Carvalho JCM. 1958. A catalogue of the Miridae of the world. Part III. Arquivos do Museu Nacional. Rio de Janeiro 47: 161 pp.

Kerzhner IM, Josifov M. 1999. Cimicomorpha II: Miridae.

Wagner E. 1951. Zur Systematik der Gattung, Dicyphus (Hem. Het., Miridae). Soc. Scient. Fenn. Comm. Biol. 12: 12-35.


American Museum of Natural History


Finnish Museum of Natural History


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences











