Pyrgotomyia richteri ( Steyskal, 1972 ), 2012

Korneyev, V. A., 2012, Revision of the genus Pyrgotomyia Hendel (Diptera: Pyrgotidae), African Invertebrates 53 (1), pp. 187-187 : 194-197

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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:35:02, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:36:56)

scientific name

Pyrgotomyia richteri ( Steyskal, 1972 )

comb. nov.

Pyrgotomyia richteri ( Steyskal, 1972) , comb. n.

Figs 2, 6 View Figs 1–9 , 11 View Figs 10–15 , 16, 20 View Figs 16–22 , 23–27, 41

Metropina richteri: Steyskal 1972: 5 View in CoL ; 1980: 559.


Female. Similar to P. callosa sp. n. except as follows.

Head: Length:height:width = 1.00:0.95–1.00:1.10; uniformly orange to pale brownish yellow, except flagellomere 1 brown on apical one-third. Frons shining dark yellow, without brown areas, 1.7× as long as wide in its narrowest part; with 1 short proclinate orbital seta and 10–15 irregular setulae at each side on its anterior portion 0.8–1.1× as long as orbital seta. Parafacial and subocular sclerite entirely shining yellow, without brown areas. Face deeply concave, 1.6–2.0× as high as wide, shining; supraclypeal sclerite 0.9–1.1× as high as wide (in its dorsalmost part). Eye 1.2–1.4× as high as long and 2.0–3.3× as high as gena. Ocellar triangle not defined, ocellar seta moderately developed, twice as long as orbital seta and 0.7× as long as medial vertical seta; postocellar seta absent (in holotype) or present (in 60 % of specimens); lateral vertical seta absent (in holotype and 70 % of specimens) or present at one or both sides. Antenna: pedicel and flagellomere 1 subequal, about half as long as face; flagellomere 1 slightly narrowed to apex, 1.4× as long as proboscis and palp.

Thorax: Shining orange-yellow, without darker spots in holotype, or with brownish mediotergite in 20 % of examined specimens. Postpronotal seta present on both sides (60% of specimens), absent on both sides (30 %) or on one side only (10%). One strong anterior presutural dorsocentral (scapular), 1–2 anterior and 2–3 strong postsutural dorsocentral setae; other dorsocentral setulae smaller, at most half as long as setae.

Wing ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–15 ): 4.8–6.1 mm (mean 5.4) long, pterostigma and cell r 1 posterior to it yellow; vein R 2+3 with stump vein, often bifurcated at apex; vein R 4+5 setulose from base to level of R 2+3 apex; crossvein r–m on hyaline background; wing in apical part with pale brown band from anterior margin to M vein; vein dm–cu either on hyaline background

Figs 23–45. Pyrgotomyia spp. : (23–27, 41) P. richteri ; (28–30, 42) P. temporalis ; (31–33, 43) P. terebrans sp.n.; (34–37, 44) P.callosa sp. n.; (38–40, 45) P.stuckenbergi sp. n., female. (23, 29, 34, 38) abdomen dissected, left view; (28, 32), abdomen dissected, dorsal view; (24) oviscape, dorsal view; (35, 39), oviscape, ventral view; (25, 36, 40), oviscape apex; (26, 30, 37) spermathecae; (27) egg; (31) ventral receptacle and part of vagina; (41–45) aculeus, ventral view. Scale bars in mm.

or pale brownish, in that case with crossband broken along vein M. Apical portion of r 1 cell and apices of cells r 2+3, r 4+5 and m hyaline or pale yellow. Distance between wing base and apex of vein R 1 2.6–3.3 mm (mean 3.0).

Legs: Uniformly yellow, at most tarsi pale brownish, with brown setae and setulae. Abdomen: shining reddish brown, black setulose. Oviscape short, 1.7–2.3 mm (mean 2.0) long, as long as thorax, approximately as long as preabdomen and 0.7–0.8× (mean 0.76) as long as distance from wing base to vein R 1 apex, and equal to distance from wing base to vein Sc apex; oviscape in profile curved dorsally and narrowed to apex, about 0.8× as wide as at base, without calluses. Oviscape uniformly pale brown setulose, apically with whitish or yellowish setulae. Aculeus 0.37–0.43 mm long, slightly barbed at apex. Spermathecae elongate oval, narrowed to apex (Fig. 26).

Egg (Fig. 27): Elongate oval, 4.3× as long as wide, without peduncle.

Male. Similar to female, except as follows.

Wing: Length 4.7–5.1 mm; subapical crossband broken into 2 spots, wing apex dark microtrichose, with or without darker brownish spots at apices of veins R 4+5 and M.

Abdomen: Tergites either uniformly yellow or brownish yellow at sides.

Male genitalia: In situ (not dissected) as described for the genus.

Holotype (examined): ♀ ETHIOPIA: “ Ethiopia , Sidamo / Jrga-Alen [= Yrgalem] / 38°23’ E 6°45’ N, 4–12. II.1960 / W. Richter ” ( SMNS). GoogleMaps

Paratypes (examined): 1♀ labels as in holotype ( SMNS); 1♀ “ Ethiopia, Sidamo / Jlubabor, Gore / 2007 m / 35°13’ E 8°8’ N, 8-19.XI.1959 / W.Richter & Schäufelle” ( SMNS) GoogleMaps .

Other material examined: NIGERIA: 1♀ Ibadan [7.3878°N 3.8964°E], 5.vii.1962, D.C. Eliot, Malaise trap ( CNC) GoogleMaps . SOUTH AFRICA: Limpopo: 1♀ Fiesta Motel 20 km S Mokopane [= Potgietersrus, 24.17°S 28.51°E], 1100 m, 16 xi.1992, H. Hötzel, P. Ohm & M.W. Mansell GoogleMaps ; 1♂ Lephalale [Ellisras] Distr., Mokolo [Moloko, Mogol] Nature Reserve , 23.58°S 27.45°E, 19–23.xi.1979, S.J. van Tonder ( SANC) GoogleMaps . Mpumalanga: 2♀ Barberton [25.7884°S 31.0532°E], 16.i.1911, A.J.T.Janse ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . Gauteng: 2♀ Pretoria [25.7069°S 28.2294°E], xi.1977, L.E.O. Braack, light trap ( SANC) GoogleMaps . KwaZulu­Natal: 1♀ Kube Yini Game Res. , 27°48'S 32°14'E, 360 m, 10–14.i.1994, Natal Museum Expedition, at light GoogleMaps ; 1♀ Cathedral Peak area, Tarn Hill [28.9667°S 29.2167°E], 1550 m, 30 x.1988, I. Pajor, on Protea caffra GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 1♀ same data but 10 xi.1988, I. Pajor, on Protea caffra GoogleMaps ; 1♀ Ramsgate [30.8943°S 30.3451°E], 3030CD, 6–16.i.1983, J.G.H. Londt GoogleMaps ; 1♀ Oribi Gorge Reserve, Umzimkulvana Valley [30.7179°S 30.2539°E], 21–28 xi.1960, B. & P. Stuckenberg GoogleMaps ; 2♀ Amanzimtoti [30.0521°S 30.8853°E], i.1951, “SAIMR, 1♀ (dissected)” (all NMSA) GoogleMaps .

Remarks: This species resembles P. temporalis and P. terebrans sp. n. in having the oviscape gradually narrowed towards the apex and bearing a fringe of long setulae at its dorsal margin, but readily differs from them by the length of the oviscape not exceeding the length of the thorax. No characters to distinguish males of these three species with certainty have been found.

STEYSKAL, G. C. 1972. African Pyrgotidae (Diptera) collected by Willi Richter, Erwin Lindner and others. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde 238: 1 - 11.

Gallery Image

Figs 1–9.Pyrgotomyia spp.:(1) P.ciliata, holotype;(2, 6) P.richteri; (3) P.temporalis; (4, 8) P.callosa sp.n., holotype; (5, 9) P. stuckenbergi sp. n., holotype; (7) P. terebrans sp. n., holotype. (1, 2) head, left view; (3) head, latero-ventral view (antennae, mouthparts and setae not shown); (4–7) supraclypeal sclerite, latero-ventral view; (8, 9) mesonotum, dorsal view.

Gallery Image

Figs 10–15. Pyrgotomyia spp., wing: (10) P. ciliata, holotype; (11) P. richteri; (12) P. temporalis; (13) P. terebrans sp. n., holotype; (14) P. callosa sp. n., holotype; (15) P. stuckenbergi sp. n., holotype.

Gallery Image

Figs 16–22. Pyrgotomyia spp.: (16, 20) P. richteri, male; (17) P. richteri, female; (18) P. callosa sp. n., female; (19) P. stuckenbergi sp. n., female; (20–22) P. sp. cf. temporalis, male. (16–19) abdominal sternites; (20) epandrium, right view; (21, 22) glans of phallus, right and ventral views (slightly enlarged compared to 20).


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


KwaZulu-Natal Museum











