Deuve, Thierry, Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2016, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species.

Deuve, Thierry, Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2016, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63 (12), pp. 341-455

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Perileptus undetermined key    347
Perileptus     347
Perileptus imaicus     347-348
Perileptus pusilloides   sp. nov.  348-352
Agonotrechus     352-353
Agonotrechus undetermined key    353
Agonotrechus fugongensis   sp. nov.  353-356
Agonotrechus wuyipeng     356-357
Agonotrechus xiaoheishan     359-363
Minutotrechus     363
Minutotrechus minutus     363-365
Queinnectrechus     365
Queinnectrechus     366
Queinnectrechus griswoldi     366-369
Queinnectrechus griswoldi key    366
Queinnectrechus key    366
Queinnectrechus gongshanicus   sp. nov.  370-372
Queinnectrechus (Gaoligongtrechus)     372-373
Queinnectrechus (Gaoligongtrechus) balli     373-376
Eocnides     376-377
Eocnides fragilis     377
Trechus     379-381
Trechus qiqiensis key    381-382
Trechus undetermined key    381
Trechus (Trechus) indicus     382-386
Trechus (Trechus) shiyueliang     386-389
Trechus (Trechus) mingguangensis   sp. nov.  389-391
Trechus (Trechus) qiqiensis     392-395
Trechus (Trechus) pseudoqiqiensis   sp. nov.  395-397
Trechus (Trechus) luzhangensis   sp. nov.  397-400
Trechus (Trechus) gongshanensis   sp. nov.  400-403
Trechus (Trechus) shibalicus     403-407
Trechepaphiopsis     407
Trechepaphiopsis asetosa     408-409
Trechepaphiopsis undetermined key    408
Trechepaphiopsis unisetigera     409
Trechepaphiopsis unisetosa     411
Trechepaphiopsis uniporosa   sp. nov.  413-415
Trechepaphiopsis unisetulosa     415-418
Trechepaphiopsis monochaeta     418-421
Trechepaphiopsis unipilosa   sp. nov.  421-424
Epaphiotrechus     424-425
Epaphiotrechus undetermined key    425
Epaphiotrechus fortipes     425-429
Trechepaphiama     429
Trechepaphiama gaoligong     430-432