Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno), 1999

Deuve, Thierry, Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2016, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63 (12), pp. 341-455 : 425-429

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13155283

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Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno), 1999


Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno), 1999 View in CoL

( Fig. 32 View FIGURE , 46-48 View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE )

Trechus (s. str.) fortipes Uéno, 1999a: 219 View in CoL .

Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno) View in CoL , NEW COMBINATION

TYPE MATERIAL.— Holotype, a male, in NSMT. Type locality: China, Yunnan, Gaoligong Shan , Baoshan County, N24°57′ / E98°45′, 2200-2500 m GoogleMaps

NOTES ON TYPE MATERIAL.— We have not had an opportunity to study the holotype or any other specimens of this species. Features noted below are based on Uéno’s (1999a) original description and illustrations.

DIAGNOSIS.— Adults of this species (see Uéno 199a, Fig. 4 View FIGURES ) can be distinguished from those of all other species in the region by the following combination of character states:

Size large (BL = 4.5 mm), apterous; female holotype with unusually broad protarsomeres; body color dark piceous, slightly paler reddish on elytral interval 1; right mandible tridentate; mentum with median tooth short and simple; pronotum slightly narrowed (ratio PW/PL = 1.26), with basal angles small and rectangular; elytra elongate, slightly flattened medially, striae finely impressed, medial three or four striae distinctly crenulate (due to strial punctures), more lateral striae slightly effaced, but striae 6 and 7 evident, stria 5 deepened at its base; parascutellar striole present, slightly elongate; recurrent stria short, terminated near apex of stria 5; two discal setiferous pores present, inserted at anterior one-sixth and slightly posterior to middle, respectively, on interval 3 near stria 3; preapical seta present, inserted on interval 3 next to stria 2 and about equidistant from apical and sutural elytral margins; median lobe of male aedeagus (see Uéno 1999a, Figs. 5 View FIGURE and 6 View FIGURE ) with apex, expanded, securiform in lateral view; endophallus with distinct, elongate-triangular sclerite.

HABITAT DISTRIBUTION.— No members of this species were found during field collecting for this project, and no habitat information accompanied the type material. Uéno (1999a) suggested that the type locality was located “near the lower edge of the Rhododendron zone. He visited the

DIAGNOSIS.— Adults of this species ( Fig. 33a View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of all other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size large (BL = 4.7 mm), apterous; body color piceous, sutural and lateral elytral margins slightly paler, reddish; tempora glabrous; median tooth of mentum apically truncate, almost bifurcate; antennae long; pronotum slightly narrowed (ratio PW/PL = 1.28), basal angles small, sharp, rectangular; elytra oblong, slightly flattened along median suture, striae finely impressed, finely punctate, striae 1 to 2 or 3 more deeply impressed, more lateral striae more or less effaced but still evident, stria 5 not more deeply impressed at its base; recurrent stria long, deeply impressed, abruptly terminated on interval 7; two discal setiferous pores present, inserted at anterior one-sixth and slightly posterior to middle, respectively, on interval 3 near stria 3; preapical seta present, inserted 1.5 times as far from apical elytral margin as from sutural margin.

DESCRIPTION.— Size large, BL = 4.7 mm. Body color dark piceous, head, basal and lateral pronotal margins, and lateral and sutural margins of elytra more or less reddish, appendages paler reddish brown, palpi yellowish brown, dorsum smooth, shiny with pronotum and elytra moderately iridescent, head faintly alutaceous due to moderately impressed isodiametric microsculpture.

Head. Broad, slightly elongate. Eyes slightly convex, their diameter slightly less than twice length of tempora, the latter short but distinctly convex. Frons convex, with frontal furrows sharply impressed, not attenuated posterior to eyes. Two pairs of supraorbital setae present, the anterior pair inserted in slight foveae. Clypeus with four setae. Labrum with six setae, anterior margin distinctly concave. Right mandible ( Fig. 16g View FIGURE ) with premolar not fused with retinaculum but closely associated with the latter, anterior tip of retinaculum enlarged as a distinct tooth and displaced anteriorly. Mentum and submentum not fused. Mentum with medial tooth apically truncate, about one-half the length of the lateral lobes. Submentum with six setae anteriorly. Genae with a single ventral seta one each side. Antennae moderate in length, with about 2.5 antennomeres extended posteriorly beyond basal pronotal margin; antennomeres 3 and 4 about equal in length, antennomere 2 slightly shorter.

Pronotum. Slightly narrowed (ratio PW/PL = 1.28), with greatest width anterior to middle, only slightly narrowed posteriorly; lateral margins rounded, straightened for a short distance posteriorly, then slightly sinuate just anterior to basal angles, the latter small, sharp and rectangular; basal margin with median region slightly and convexly projected posteriorly. Disc convex, with median longitudinal impression distinct, markedly deepened in median basal area, not extended anteriorly to apical margin; basal foveae moderate in size and depth; median basal area delimited laterally by a pair of short, oblique furrows, smooth except for a pair of paramedial longitudinal foveae. Single midlateral setae on each side inserted anterior to middle; single basolateral seta on each side, inserted at basal angle.

Elytra. Elongate ovoid, slightly narrowed anteriorly, humeri rounded and only slightly evident. Disc moderately convex, slightly flattened in sutural area; striae finely impressed, finely punctate, striae 1 to 2 or 3 more deeply impressed, more lateral striae more or less effaced but still evident, stria 5 not more deeply impressed at its base. Parascutellar striole present, deeply impressed and long. Recurrent stria long, deeply impressed, abruptly terminated on interval 7 slightly anterior to the insertion point of preapical seta. Two discal setiferous pores present, inserted at anterior one-sixth and near middle, respectively, on interval 3 near stria 3. Preapical seta present, inserted 1.5 times as far from apical elytral margin as from sutural margin on interval 3 next to stria 2.

Legs. Short; protibiae with longitudinal furrow.

Abdomen. Abdominal ventrites glabrous, except for a single paramedial seta on each side, and ventrite VII of female apically with two pairs of paramedial setae.

COMMENTS.— This species appears to be closely related to E. fortipes , but its members can be distinguished from those of the latter by the truncate, almost bifurcate, median tooth of the mentum (simple in E. fortipes members), elytral stria 5 not more deeply impressed basally (distinctly more deeply impressed in E. fortipes members), recurrent stria longer (shorter in E. fortipes members) and terminated on interval 7 (terminated on interval 5 in E. fortipes members), and the preapical seta inserted 1.5 times as far from apical elytral margin as from sutural margin (inserted about equidistant from apical and sutural margins in E. fortipes members).

HABITAT DISTRIBUTION.— The unique holotype female of this species was found on the ground under a stone or log in a managed conifer forest along a roadcut at an elevation of 2580 m. No other trechines were found in this area.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE GAOLIGONG SHAN.— Fig. 33b View FIGURE . This species is known only from a single female specimen from the type locality in western Tengchong County in the southern part of the Gaoligong Shan region. This locality is in Core Area 6 .

OVERALL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.— This species currently is known only from Tengchong County in the southern part of the Gaoligong Shan region, western Yunnan Province, China.














Epaphiotrechus fortipes (Uéno), 1999

Deuve, Thierry, Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin 2016

Trechus (s. str.) fortipes Uéno, 1999a: 219

UENO, S. I. 1999: 219
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