Queinnectrechus (s. str.) griswoldi Deuve, 2016

Deuve, Thierry, Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2016, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Trechini (Coleoptera: Caraboidea), with Descriptions of Four New Genera, One New Subgenus and 19 New Species., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63 (12), pp. 341-455 : 366-369

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13155283

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scientific name

Queinnectrechus (s. str.) griswoldi Deuve

sp. nov.

Queinnectrechus (s. str.) griswoldi Deuve View in CoL and Kavanaugh, sp. nov.

( Figs. 12 View FIGURE , 37b View FIGURE , 38a, 38b View FIGURE , 39b View FIGURE , 46–48 View FIGURE View FIGURE View FIGURE )

TYPE MATERIAL.— Holotype, a male, in IOZ, labeled: “CASENT 1026334”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Cikai Township , 0.1 km SE of Heipu Yakou in valley below tunnel, N27.76978° / E98.44681°,”/ “ 3720 m, 13 August 2006, Stop #DHK-2006-073 D.H. Kavanaugh & J.A. Miller collectors”/ “ HOLOTYPE Queinnectrechus (s. str.) griswoldi Deuve & Kavanaugh, sp. nov. designated 2016” [red label] GoogleMaps . Paratypes (a total of 20): 5 males and 3 females (in CAS, IOZ, MNHN) labeled same as holotype except first label “CASENT 1026333”, “CASENT 1026335” to “CASENT 1026338” and “CASENT 1026330” to “CASENT 1026332”, respectively ; 1 female (in IOZ) labeled “CASENT 1010344”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Cikai Township , 52.6 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road, 3360-3380 m,”/ “ N27.77032° / E098.44661°, 1-2 October 2002, Stop #DHK-2002-034, D.H. Kavanaugh & P.E. Marek collectors” GoogleMaps ; 1 male and 3 females (in CAS, IOZ) labeled “CASENT 1024862” and “CASENT 1024863” to “CASENT 1024865”, respectively/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Bingzhongluo Township, SW slope of Kawakarpu Shan , on slope NE of Chukuai Lake, 3950,”/” N27.98206° / E098.48027°, 20 August 2006, Stop #DHK-2006-086 Y. Liu, P. Hu, D.Z. Dong, & J. Wang collectors” GoogleMaps ; 3 males and 1 female (in CAS, IOZ, MNHN) labeled “CASENT 1026813” to “CASENT 1026815” and “CASENT 1026815”, respectively/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Bingzhongluo Township, SW slope of Kawakarpu Shan at Chukuai Lake , 3720 m,”/ “ N27.98121° / E098.47580°, 18 August 2006 Stop #DHK-2006-079 J.A. Miller, D.Z. Dong, & Y. Liu collectors” GoogleMaps ; 1 female (in CAS) labeled

CASENT 1025813”/ “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Bingzhongluo Township, SW slope of Kawakarpu Shan 0.3 km SW of Chukuai Lake at campsite,”/, “ N27.97686° / E098.47799°, 3750 m, 18 August 2006 Stop #DHK-2006-078 D.H. Kavanaugh collector”; 2 females (in IOZ) labeled “CASENT 1025836” and “CASENT 1025837”, respectively / “ CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan County , Bingzhongluo Township , SW slope of Kawakarpu Shan, 0.3 km SW of Chukuai Lake at campsite,”/ “ N27.97686° / E098.44779°, 3750 m, 19 August 2006, Stop #DHK-2006-082 Y. Liu collector”. All paratypes also bear the following label: “ PARATYPE Queinnectrechus (s. str.) griswoldi Deuve & Kavanaugh, sp. nov. designated 2016” [yellow label] GoogleMaps .

TYPE LOCALITY.— China, Yunnan, Gongshan County, Cikai Township , 0.1 km SE of Heipu Yakou, in valley below tunnel, N27.77437° / E098.44793°, 3270 m GoogleMaps .

DERIVATION OF SPECIES NAME.— The species epithet, griswoldi , is the Latinized form (in the genitive case) of the surname of Charles E. Griswold, now Curator Emeritus and former Schlinger Chair of Arachnology at the California Academy of Sciences, who participated in several of the expeditions to the study area and helped collect many carabid specimens for this project. We are pleased to name this elegant species in his honor.

DIAGNOSIS.— Adults of this species ( Fig. 12a View FIGURE ) can be distinguished from those of all other species in the region by the following combination of character states: size medium (BL = 4.3 to 4.8 mm), body dark reddish brown, very shiny; eyes small and convex, tempora slightly convex; pronotum markedly narrowed posteriorly, markedly convex, globulose, narrowly cordate, disc smooth, basal angles with distict digitorm projections, each side with a single midlateral and basolateral seta; elytra markedly convex, tear-shaped, discal striae effaced, with three discal setae in a row along the presumed location of stria 3, preapical seta absent; median lobe of male aedeagus ( Fig. 12b View FIGURE ) large, elongate, broadest at mid-shaft, with apex long and recurved dorsally, endophallus with internal sclerites acuminate apically.

DESCRIPTION.— Size medium, BL = 4.3 to 4.8 mm. Color of body, antennae and legs dark reddish brown, palpi paler, yellowish tan, body surface very shiny, micaceous, smooth and glabrous.

Head. Moderate in size, eyes small and convex, their convexity greater than and their diameter about as long as tempora, the latter only slightly convex and glabrous. Frons with frontal furrows deep, rounded, and not interrupted posteriorly; two suporaorbital setae present, the anterior inserted opposite midpoint of eye, the posterior inserted in postocular groove. Clypeus with four setae. Labrum with six setae, anterior margin distinctly concave. Right mandible tridentate. Left mandible with a small, minutely tridentate process. Mentum and submentum fused. Mentum with medial tooth wide, bifid or truncate, one half the length of the lateral lobes. Submentum with six setae anteriorly. Gula wide. Genae with a single seta ventrally on each side. Antennae of moderate length, extended posteriorly almost to or slightly beyond basal one-fourth of elytra, with 3.5 antennomeres in females and 4.5 antennomeres in males extended beyond basal pronotal margin, antennomeres slightly broadened, antennomere 3 slightly longer than antennomeres 2 or 4.

Pronotum. Shape narrowly cordiform, only slightly transverse (ratio PW/PL = 1.1), widest at the anterior one-fourth, markedly narrowed posteriorly, lateral margins distinctly sinuate anterior to basal angles, the latter extended posteriorly as slender, pointed, digitiform processes. Disc markedly convex, globulose, smooth and glabrous, with median longitudinal impression very faintly impressed or effaced, basal fovea small and smooth; median basal area smooth; basal margin slightly convex and rounded. Lateral border of pronotum slender, distinctly defined only in anteri- or one-third to one-half, effaced in posterior one-half to two –thirds. Single midlateral setae on each side inserted at anterior one-third; single basolateral seta on each side, inserted on basal angle at base of digitform process.

Elytra. Elytral silhouette slightly tear-shaped, with humeri effaced, disc markedly convex, smooth and glabrous. All discal striae effaced except for faintly impressed parascutellar striole and a short, faintly impressed recurrent stria. Basal setiferous pore present. Three discal setae present, aligned along presumed track of stria 3. Preapicale seta absent, one or two apicoangular setules present. Umbilicate setal series with setae of humeral group equidistance from each other, with the first slightly more medially inserted than the others, setae of median group inserted distinctly posterior to middle.

Legs. Moderately long but slender. Protibiae with longitudinal furrow, sparely pubescent apically on anterior surface. Male protarsomeres 1 and 2 dilated and apicomedially toothed.

Abdomen. Abdominal ventrites glabrous, except for a single paramedial seta on each side, and ventrite VII of males apically with one pair of paramedial setae, females with two pairs.

Male aedeagus. Median lobe ( Fig. 12b View FIGURE ) large, elongate, broadest at mid-shaft, with apex long and recurved dorsally; endophallus with internal sclerites acuminate apically.

COMMENTS.— Based on similarities in the form of the aedeagus of males, this species is closely related to Queinnectrechus jiuhecola Deuve & Kavanaugh ( Deuve et al. 2015), described from Lijiang County, northwestern Yunnan. However, members of this new species are distinguished from those of the latter by their much smaller size (BL = 5.3 to 5.8 mm in Q. jiuhecola members), more elongate body form, more convex elytra, discal striae fully effaced (at least three medial striae evident in Q. jiuhecola members) and, most significantly, preapical seta absent (present near stria 2 subapically in Q. jiuhecola members).

In a recent paper, Belousov and Kabak (2016) established a new genus, Uenoites , in which they placed Q. jiuhecola , as well as three other species previously included in Kozlovites or Deuveotrechus Uéno (1995) , based on the presence of a preapical seta, more convex tempora, and the median lobe of the male aedeagus not markedly hooked apically. However, all these features are plesiomorphic among trechines, which is problematic for demonstrating phylogenetic affinity of the included taxa. Clearly, phylogenetic relationships among these groups of species remain unresolved. As noted above, the genitalia of Q. griswoldi males are very similar to those of Q. jiuhecola males, wherease those of the new species described below, Queinnectrechus gongshanicus sp. nov., are of a very different form, although both of the new species described here are members of genus Queinnectrechus .

HABITAT DISTRIBUTION.— Members of this species have been found in a variety of microhabitats in the alpine zone near the crest of the Gaoligong Shan and the eastern slope, at elevations ranging from 3270 to 3950 m. Specimens were collected under stones in moist meadows and on tundra slopes and ridges with sparse to thick herbaceous vegetation ( Figs. 37b View FIGURE , 38a, 38b View FIGURE , 39b View FIGURE ), at the edges of small streams and seeps from talus slopes, and at the edges of Rhododendron thickets up to 1.5 m tall. Members of this species have been found syntopic with specimens of Queinnectrechus (Gaoligongtrechus) balli sp. nov., Queinnectrechus (s. str.) gongshanicus sp. nov., Trechus gongshanensis sp. nov., Trechus qiqiensis sp. nov. and Trechepaphiopsis monochaeta sp. nov.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE GAOLIGONG SHAN.— Fig. 12c View FIGURE . We examined a total of 21 specimens (10 males and 11 females), all from the northern part of the Gaoligong Shan, in Bingzhongluo and Cikai Townships , Gongshan County (see Type material above for exact collection data). These localities are all on the crest or eastern slope of the Gaoligong Shan in Core Area 2 .

OVERALL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.— This species currently is known only from the northern part of the Gaoligong Shan, in western Yunnan Province, China.


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