151.21666, -33.866665: 11 Treatments

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Apotropina parva     Ang, Yuchen, Lumbers, James & Riccardi, Paula R., 2023, A conspectus of Australian Apotropina (Diptera, Chloropidae) with the description of two new species, ZooKeys 1187, pp. 261-299 : 261 261
Amaryllis macrophthalma     Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E., 2002, The Amaryllididae of Australia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea), Records of the Australian Museum 54, pp. 129-214 : 152-157 152-157
Cryptachaea gigantipes   new combination  Smith, Helen M., Vink, Cor J., Fitzgerald, Brian M. & Sirvid, Phil J., 2012, Redescription and generic placement of the spider Cryptachaea gigantipes (Keyserling, 1890) (Araneae: Theridiidae) and notes on related synanthropic species in Australasia, Zootaxa 3507, pp. 38-56 : 44-50 44-50
Myrmarachne luctuosa     Tripathi, Rishikesh, Jose, Athira, Nafin, Karunnappilli Shamsudheen, Babu, Nishi & Sudhikumar, Ambalaparambil Vasu, 2017, Revision of eastern Australian ant-mimicking spiders of the genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) reveals a complex of species and forms, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (3), pp. 642-676 : 654-657 654-657
Bemlos australis     Myers, Alan A., 2009, Aoridae *, Zootaxa 2260 (1), pp. 220-278 : 231-234 231-234
Misgolas gracilis     Wishart, Graham, 2006, Trapdoor Spiders of the Genus Misgolas (Mygalomorphae: Idiopidae) in the Sydney Region, Australia, With Notes on Synonymies Attributed to M. rapax, Records of the Australian Museum 58 (1), pp. 1-18 : 7-8 7-8
Apotropina costomaculata     Ang, Yuchen, Lumbers, James & Riccardi, Paula R., 2023, A conspectus of Australian Apotropina (Diptera, Chloropidae) with the description of two new species, ZooKeys 1187, pp. 261-299 : 261 261
Pristoderus elongatus   comb. nov.  Turco, Federica, Ślipiński, Adam & Lambkin, Christine L., 2012, Taxonomic revision of Australian Pristoderus Hope (Coleoptera, Zopheridae), Zootaxa 3239, pp. 1-34 : 6-7 6-7
Pristoderus queenslandicus   comb. nov.  Turco, Federica, Ślipiński, Adam & Lambkin, Christine L., 2012, Taxonomic revision of Australian Pristoderus Hope (Coleoptera, Zopheridae), Zootaxa 3239, pp. 1-34 : 19-20 19-20
Culicia quinaria     Cairns, S. D., 2004, The Azooxanthellate Scleractinia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) of Australia, Records of the Australian Museum 56, pp. 259-329 : 273-274 273-274
Melita festiva     Springthorpe, Roger T., 2023, Melita lowryi, a New Species of Melitidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Senticaudata) from New Zealand, and the Redescription of Melita festiva (Chilton, 1885) from Australia, Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 75 (4), pp. 547-558 : 548-553 548-553