Ikaros paramo
gen. et sp. nov.
Chatzimanolis, Stylianos & Brunke, Adam J., 2021, A new apterous rove beetle genus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the Northern Andes with an assessment of its phylogenetic position, European Journal of Taxonomy 744, pp. 67-82
: 75-77
75-77 |
Sympetrum paramo
Bota, Cornelio Andrés, 2014, A brief look at the Odonata from the Páramo ecosystems in Colombia, with the descriptions of Oxyallagma colombianum sp. nov. and Rhionaeschna caligo sp. nov. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae, Aeshnidae, Libellulidae), Zootaxa 3856 (2), pp. 192-210
: 203
203 |
Seeversiella paramoana
sp. nov.
Gusarov, Vladimir I., 2003, A revision of the genus Seeversiella Ashe, 1986 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Zootaxa 142, pp. 1-102
: 94-95
94-95 |
gen. nov.
Foldi, Imre, 2009, Archaeococcoid scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the tropical high mountains of the Andean Cordillera, South America, Zootaxa 2300, pp. 1-38
: 13-16
13-16 |
Paramoandesia ecuadorensis
sp. nov.
Foldi, Imre, 2009, Archaeococcoid scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the tropical high mountains of the Andean Cordillera, South America, Zootaxa 2300, pp. 1-38
: 21-25
21-25 |
Paramoandesia colombiensis
sp. nov.
Foldi, Imre, 2009, Archaeococcoid scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the tropical high mountains of the Andean Cordillera, South America, Zootaxa 2300, pp. 1-38
: 16-21
16-21 |
Potamogeton paramoanus
MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450
: 448-450
448-450 |
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 640
640 |
Paramobula fragilis
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 640
640 |
Paramobula fragilis
Adnet, Sylvain, Cappetta, Henri, Guinot, Guillaume & Sciara, Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di, 2012, Evolutionary history of the devilrays (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes) from fossil and morphological inference, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166 (1), pp. 132-159
: 139
139 |
Somoleptus paramocola
sp. nov.
Irmler, Ulrich, 2024, Additions to Neotropical species of the genera Lithocharodes Sharp, 1881 and Somoleptus Sharp, 1881 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Contributions to Entomology 74 (1), pp. 13-34
: 13
13 |
Korotnevella leshevi
sp. nov.
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 21
21 |
Korotnevella undefined-1
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 23-24
23-24 |
new species
Ptáčková, Eliška, Falteisek, Lukáš, Kostygov, Alexei Y., Chistyakova, Lyudmila V., Falteisek, Lukáš, Frolov, Alexander O., Patterson, David J., Walker, Giselle & Cepicka, Ivan, 2013, Evolution of Archamoebae: Morphological and Molecular Evidence for Pelobionts Including Rhizomastix, Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, and Endolimax, Protist 164, pp. 380-410
: 404
404 |
Korotnevella undefined-3
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 24
24 |
Van Wichelen, Jeroen, D’Hondt, Sofie, Claeys, Myriam, Vyverman, Wim, Berney, Cédric, Bass, David & Vanormelingen, Pieter, 2016, A Hotspot of Amoebae Diversity: 8 New Naked Amoebae Associated with the Planktonic Bloom-forming Cyanobacterium Microcystis, Acta Protozoologica 55 (2), pp. 61-87
: 67-68
67-68 |
Korotnevella undefined-2
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 24
24 |
Lee, Won Je & Patterson, David J., 2000, Heterotrophic flagellates (Protista) from marine sediments of Botany Bay, Australia, Journal of Natural History 34, pp. 483-562
: 484
484 |
new species
Ptáčková, Eliška, Falteisek, Lukáš, Kostygov, Alexei Y., Chistyakova, Lyudmila V., Falteisek, Lukáš, Frolov, Alexander O., Patterson, David J., Walker, Giselle & Cepicka, Ivan, 2013, Evolution of Archamoebae: Morphological and Molecular Evidence for Pelobionts Including Rhizomastix, Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, and Endolimax, Protist 164, pp. 380-410
: 404
404 |
Korotnevella leshevi
sp. nov.
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 30-31
30-31 |
Korotnevella hortobotanici
sp. nov.
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 31
31 |
new species
Ptáčková, Eliška, Falteisek, Lukáš, Kostygov, Alexei Y., Chistyakova, Lyudmila V., Falteisek, Lukáš, Frolov, Alexander O., Patterson, David J., Walker, Giselle & Cepicka, Ivan, 2013, Evolution of Archamoebae: Morphological and Molecular Evidence for Pelobionts Including Rhizomastix, Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, and Endolimax, Protist 164, pp. 380-410
: 404
404 |
Korotnevella hortobotanici
sp. nov.
Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33
: 21-23
21-23 |
new species
Ptáčková, Eliška, Falteisek, Lukáš, Kostygov, Alexei Y., Chistyakova, Lyudmila V., Falteisek, Lukáš, Frolov, Alexander O., Patterson, David J., Walker, Giselle & Cepicka, Ivan, 2013, Evolution of Archamoebae: Morphological and Molecular Evidence for Pelobionts Including Rhizomastix, Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, and Endolimax, Protist 164, pp. 380-410
: 404
404 |
Paramoebidium chattoni
Barón, Daniel E. & Valle, Laia Guàrdia, 2018, First record of trichomycetes associated with aquatic insects from Colombian Moorland and Andean forests, Phytotaxa 361 (1), pp. 1-24
: 10-11
10-11 |
Paramoebidium hamatum
Valle, Laia Guardia & Stoianova, Desislava, 2020, First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia, MycoKeys 67, pp. 55-80
: 55
55 |
Paramoebidium chattoni
Valle, Laia Guardia & Stoianova, Desislava, 2020, First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia, MycoKeys 67, pp. 55-80
: 55
55 |
Paramoebidium santanderensis
sp. nov.
Barón, Daniel E. & Valle, Laia Guàrdia, 2018, First record of trichomycetes associated with aquatic insects from Colombian Moorland and Andean forests, Phytotaxa 361 (1), pp. 1-24
: 4-7
4-7 |
Paramoebidium curvum
Valle, Laia Guardia & Stoianova, Desislava, 2020, First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia, MycoKeys 67, pp. 55-80
: 55
55 |
Paramoebidium hamatum
Barón, Daniel E. & Valle, Laia Guàrdia, 2018, First record of trichomycetes associated with aquatic insects from Colombian Moorland and Andean forests, Phytotaxa 361 (1), pp. 1-24
: 11
11 |
Paramoebidium angulatum
Valle, Laia Guardia & Stoianova, Desislava, 2020, First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia, MycoKeys 67, pp. 55-80
: 55
55 |
Paramoebidium inflexum
Valle, Laia Guardia & Stoianova, Desislava, 2020, First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia, MycoKeys 67, pp. 55-80
: 55
55 |
Anticyphon paramoensis
sp. nov.
Ruta, Rafał, 2016, Anticyphon gen. nov., a new genus of Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea) inhabiting high altitude Andean cloud forests and páramo formation, Zootaxa 4175 (4), pp. 301-318
: 312-314
312-314 |
Spathius paramoenus
Tang, Pu, Belokobylskij, Sergey & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2015, Spathius Nees, 1818 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) from China with a key to species, Zootaxa 3960 (1), pp. 1-132
: 83
83 |
Paramoera aucklandica
Pugh, P. J. A., Dartnall, H. J. G. & McInnes, S. J., 2002, The non-marine Crustacea of Antarctica and the Islands of the Southern Ocean: biodiversity and biogeography, Journal of Natural History 36 (9), pp. 1047-1103
: 1073
1073 |
Paramoera (Ganigamoera) myslenkovi
sp. nov.
Sidorov, Dmitry A., 2010, A new subgenus of eusirid amphipod (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eusiridae) from subterranean waters and springs of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin Mountain Ridge, with comments on the morphology of sternal humps, genital papillae and pleopods, Zootaxa 2518, pp. 1-31
: 5-15
5-15 |
Paramoera falklandica
sp. nov.
Vader, Wim & Krapp, Traudl, 2005, Crab-associated amphipods from the Falkland Islands (Crustacea, Peracarida), Journal of Natural History 39 (33), pp. 3075-3099
: 3091-3097
3091-3097 |
Paramoera dentipleurae
sp. n.
Jung, Tae Won, Kim, Jong Guk & Yoon, Seong Myeong, 2016, Two new species of pontogeneiid amphipods (Crustacea, Senticaudata, Calliopioidea) from Korean waters, ZooKeys 635, pp. 53-79
: 59-67
59-67 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 84
84 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 73
73 |
Sidorov, Dmitry A., 2010, A new subgenus of eusirid amphipod (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eusiridae) from subterranean waters and springs of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin Mountain Ridge, with comments on the morphology of sternal humps, genital papillae and pleopods, Zootaxa 2518, pp. 1-31
: 3
3 |
Paramoera shakotanensis
sp. nov.
Hagihara, Kumiko, Nakano, Takafumi & Tomikawa, Ko, 2020, A new species of Paramoera (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pontogeneiidae) from an estuary habitat in Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 54 (19 - 20), pp. 1279-1292
: 1280-1290
1280-1290 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 84
84 |
Labay, Vjacheslav S., 2012, Paramoera anivae a new species of Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from the Okhotsk Sea, Zootaxa 3475, pp. 69-85
: 69
69 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 69
69 |
Paramoera anivae
sp. nov.
Labay, Vjacheslav S., 2012, Paramoera anivae a new species of Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) from the Okhotsk Sea, Zootaxa 3475, pp. 69-85
: 70-85
70-85 |
Paramoera bousfieldi
Graening, G. O., Rogers, D. Christopher, Holsinger, John R., Barr, Cheryl & Bottorff, Richard, 2012, Checklist of Inland Aquatic Amphipoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) of California, Zootaxa 3544, pp. 1-27
: 21
21 |
Paramoera (Ganigamoera) tiunovi
sp. nov.
Sidorov, Dmitry A., 2010, A new subgenus of eusirid amphipod (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eusiridae) from subterranean waters and springs of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin Mountain Ridge, with comments on the morphology of sternal humps, genital papillae and pleopods, Zootaxa 2518, pp. 1-31
: 15-24
15-24 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 70
70 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 78
78 |
new species
Staude, Craig P., 1995, The amphipod genus Paramoera Miers (Gammaridea: Eusiroidea: Pontogeneiidae) in the eastern North Pacific, Amphipacifica 1, No. 4, pp. 61-102
: 91
91 |
new species
Uéno, Masuzo, 1971, The fauna of the insular lava caves in west Japan. VII. Suberranean Amphipoda, Bulletin of the National Science Museum 14, No. 2, pp. 161-170
: 161
161 |
Leptocera paramoesta
Sinclair, Bradley J., 2023, An annotated checklist of the Diptera of the Galápagos Archipelago (Ecuador), Zootaxa 5283 (1), pp. 1-102
: 53
53 |
Molanna paramoesta
Malicky, Hans, 2017, Neue Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) aus Nepal, mit Bemerkungen zu bekannten Arten sowie Meldungen von Neufunden für das Land, Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1453-1488
: 1478
1478 |
Paramogoplistes novaki
Skejo, Josip, Rebrina, Fran, Szövényi, Gergely, Puskás, Gellért & Tvrtković, Nikola, 2018, The first annotated checklist of Croatian crickets and grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Ensifera, Caelifera), Zootaxa 4533 (1), pp. 1-95
: 37
37 |
Paramoguai kavieng
sp. nov.
Ahyong, Shane T., 2014, Paramoguai kavieng, a new genus and species of camptandriid crab from Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Brachyura), Zootaxa 3856 (4), pp. 578-584
: 579-583
579-583 |
gen. nov.
Ahyong, Shane T., 2014, Paramoguai kavieng, a new genus and species of camptandriid crab from Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Brachyura), Zootaxa 3856 (4), pp. 578-584
: 578-579
578-579 |
Huang, Yihong, Tang, Liuhong, Huang, Yingying, Webb, Michael D. & Duan, Yani, 2025, Two new bamboo feeding leafhopper species of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from China, Zootaxa 5588 (2), pp. 287-304
: 303
303 |
new species
Hilliard, Olive Mary & Burtt, Bernard Dearman, 2002, The genus Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae-Cyrtandroideae), Edinburgh Journal of Botany 59, pp. 1-210
: 162
162 |
Ischnodemus paramoides
Dellape, Pablo M. & Melo, Maria C., 2022, Four new species of Ischnodemus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Blissidae) and additional records from Argentina, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 69 (2), pp. 283-295
: 283
283 |
Potamothrix paramoldaviensis
sp. n.
Cui, Yongde & Wang, Hongzhu, 2012, Three new species of Potamothrix (Oligochaeta, Naididae, Tubificinae) from Fuxian Lake, the deepest lake of Yunnan Province, Southwest China, ZooKeys 175, pp. 1-17
: 4-6
4-6 |
Paramolgula gigantea
Turon, Xavier, Cañete, Juan I., Sellanes, Javier, Rocha, Rosana M. & López-Legentil, Susanna, 2016, Ascidian fauna (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) of subantarctic and temperate regions of Chile, Zootaxa 4093 (2), pp. 151-180
: 176-177
176-177 |
Brandão, Simone N., Saeedi, Hanieh & Brandt, Angelika, 2022, Macroecology of Southern Ocean benthic Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the continental margin and abyss, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 194, pp. 226-255
: 232
232 |
Melanozetes paramollicomus
ErmilovK, Sergey G. & RybalovK, Leonid B., 2024, New faunistic and taxonomic data on oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Ethiopia: results of the Joint Russian-Ethiopian Biological Expedition in Bale Mountains National Park (2023), Acarologia 64 (3), pp. 891-906
: 897
897 |
Melanozetes paramollicomus
Norton, Roy A. & Ermilov, Sergey G., 2024, Catalogue of juvenile instars of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) - the next decade (2014 - 2023), Zootaxa 5419 (4), pp. 451-494
: 475
475 |
Melanozetes paramollicomus
sp. nov.
Bayartogtokh, Badamdorj, Ermilov, Sergey G., Shtanchaeva, Umukusum Ya. & Subías, Luis S., 2021, Ontogenetic instars of Melanozetes paramollicomus sp. nov., with remarks on morphological ontogeny of Sphaerozetinae (Acari: Oribatida: Ceratozetidae), Zootaxa 5086 (1), pp. 69-89
: 71-82
71-82 |
Chone paramollis
sp. nov.
Tovar-Hernández, María Ana, 2007, Revision of Chone Krøyer, 1856 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from North America and descriptions of four new species, Journal of Natural History 41 (9 - 12), pp. 511-566
: 542-548
542-548 |
Bathypallenopsis paramollis
Bamber, Roger N, 2011, The male of Ascorhynchus constrictus Stock, 1997 (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida), with further new records of deep-sea pycnogonids from New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, Zootaxa 2787, pp. 55-67
: 64
64 |
Paramollugo nudicaulis
Thulin, Mats, 2017, Lectotypification of Paramollugo nudicaulis (Molluginaceae), Candollea 72 (1), pp. 31-34
: 32
32 |
Paramollugo elliotii
sp. nov.
Sukhorukov, Alexander P. & Kushunina, Maria, 2016, Taxonomic revision and distribution of herbaceous Paramollugo (Molluginaceae) in the Eastern Hemisphere, PhytoKeys 73, pp. 93-116
: 101-102
101-102 |
Paramollugo simulans
sp. nov.
Sukhorukov, Alexander P. & Kushunina, Maria, 2016, Taxonomic revision and distribution of herbaceous Paramollugo (Molluginaceae) in the Eastern Hemisphere, PhytoKeys 73, pp. 93-116
: 97-101
97-101 |
Paramollugo digyna
comb. nov.
Sukhorukov, Alexander P. & Kushunina, Maria, 2016, Taxonomic revision and distribution of herbaceous Paramollugo (Molluginaceae) in the Eastern Hemisphere, PhytoKeys 73, pp. 93-116
: 102
102 |
gen. nov.
Cheng, Weihua, Bian, Dongju, Tong, Yanfeng & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, A new genus and two new species of oonopid spiders from Tibet, China (Araneae, Oonopidae), ZooKeys 1052, pp. 55-69
: 55
55 |
Paramolotra pome
sp. nov.
Cheng, Weihua, Bian, Dongju, Tong, Yanfeng & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, A new genus and two new species of oonopid spiders from Tibet, China (Araneae, Oonopidae), ZooKeys 1052, pp. 55-69
: 55
55 |
Paramolotra metok
sp. nov.
Cheng, Weihua, Bian, Dongju, Tong, Yanfeng & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, A new genus and two new species of oonopid spiders from Tibet, China (Araneae, Oonopidae), ZooKeys 1052, pp. 55-69
: 55
55 |
Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135
: 85
85 |
new species
Hutchins, J. Barry, 1997, Review of the monacanthid fish genus Paramonacanthus, with descriptions of three new species, Records of the Western Australian Museum 54, pp. 1-57
: 34
34 |
Paramonacanthus sulcatus
Mary, S. Nithya, Ravitchandirane, V. & Gunalan, B., 2021, Checklist of order Tetraodontiformes (Actinopterygii) from Puducherry Coasts, Southeast Coast of India with Nine New Records, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (3), pp. 393-404
: 396
396 |
Paramonacanthus choirocephalus
Mary, S. Nithya, Ravitchandirane, V. & Gunalan, B., 2021, Checklist of order Tetraodontiformes (Actinopterygii) from Puducherry Coasts, Southeast Coast of India with Nine New Records, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (3), pp. 393-404
: 396
396 |
Paramonacanthus falcatus
Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135
: 85
85 |
Paramonacanthus pusillus
Bogorodsky, Sergey V., Alpermann, Tilman J., Mal, Ahmad O. & Gabr, Mohamed H., 2014, Survey of demersal fishes from southern Saudi Arabia, with five new records for the Red Sea, Zootaxa 3852 (4), pp. 401-437
: 433
433 |
Paramonacanthus barnardi
Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135
: 85
85 |
Paramonacanthus nematophorus
Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135
: 85
85 |
new species
Hutchins, J. Barry, 1997, Review of the monacanthid fish genus Paramonacanthus, with descriptions of three new species, Records of the Western Australian Museum 54, pp. 1-57
: 30
30 |
new species
Kotthaus, Adolf, 1979, Fische des Indischen Ozeans. Ergebnisse der ichthyologischen Untersuchungen während der Expedition des Forschungsschiffes ‘ Meteor’ in den Indischen Ozean, Oktober 1964 bis Mai 1965. a. Systematischer Teil, XXI. Diverse Ordnungen, “ Meteor ” Forschungsergebnisse, D 28, pp. 6-54
: 31
31 |
Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit, García-Prieto, Luis & León, Gerardo Pérez-Ponce De, 2017, Checklist of the Monogenea (Platyhelminthes) parasitic in Mexican aquatic vertebrates, Zoosystema 39 (4), pp. 501-598
: 558
558 |
Gonatorrhina paramonensis
Nihei, Silvio S., 2016, FAMILY TACHINIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 904-949
: 913
913 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) pallidistigma
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 29
29 |
new genus
Brunetti, E. A., 1911, Revision of the Oriental Tipulidae with descriptions of new species, Records of the Indian Museum 6, No. 5, pp. 231-314
: 295
295 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma)
Mederos, Jorge, Wang, Yinan, Duque-Valero, Susana & Campeny, Marc, 2020, A new fossil species of Trentepohlia (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the Dominican Miocene, Zoosystema 42 (29), pp. 583-592
: 588
588 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma)
Guo, Mingxia, Xing, Lida, Wang, Bo, Zhang, Weiwei, Wang, Shuo, Shi, Aimin & Bai, Ming, 2017, A catalogue of Burmite inclusions, Zoological Systematics 42 (3), pp. 249-379
: 338
338 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) extensa
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 28
28 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) longifusa
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 28
28 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) miocenica
sp. nov.
Mederos, Jorge, Wang, Yinan, Duque-Valero, Susana & Campeny, Marc, 2020, A new fossil species of Trentepohlia (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the Dominican Miocene, Zoosystema 42 (29), pp. 583-592
: 587
587 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) dzeura
Guo, Mingxia, Xing, Lida, Wang, Bo, Zhang, Weiwei, Wang, Shuo, Shi, Aimin & Bai, Ming, 2017, A catalogue of Burmite inclusions, Zoological Systematics 42 (3), pp. 249-379
: 338
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Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) metatarsata
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 29
29 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) sororcula
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 29
29 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) chiriquiana
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 28
28 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma)
Mederos, Jorge, Wang, Yinan, Duque-Valero, Susana & Campeny, Marc, 2020, A new fossil species of Trentepohlia (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the Dominican Miocene, Zoosystema 42 (29), pp. 583-592
: 587
587 |
Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) concumbens
Ribeiro, Guilherme Cunha, Lamas, Carlos José Einicker & Azevedo, Leisa Nathalie Silva De, 2007, A catalogue of the types of Limoniidae and Tipulidae (Diptera: Tipulomorpha) in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Zootaxa 1497, pp. 1-22
: 14
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