-53.40889, 4.619167: 15 Treatments

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Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) subaeneus     Montoya-Molina, Santiago & Vaz-De, Fernando Z., 2021, Taxonomic review of the Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) agenor species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 734, pp. 1-64 : 44-47 44-47
Nematopus indus     Brailovsky, Harry, 2015, The genus Nematopus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) of French Guiana with a description of one new species, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (suppl.) 55 (1), pp. 39-45 : 44 44
Pupisoma macneilli     Gargominy, Olivier, Fontaine, Benoît, Tercerie, Sandrine & Zuccon, Dario, 2025, New species and new records of families, genera and species of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1230, pp. 155-194 : 155-194 155-194
Pseudosubulina theoripkeni     Gargominy, Olivier, Fontaine, Benoît, Tercerie, Sandrine & Zuccon, Dario, 2025, New species and new records of families, genera and species of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1230, pp. 155-194 : 155-194 155-194
Lyroconus plagioptycha     Gargominy, Olivier, Fontaine, Benoît, Tercerie, Sandrine & Zuccon, Dario, 2025, New species and new records of families, genera and species of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1230, pp. 155-194 : 155-194 155-194
Cyclopedus anselini     Gargominy, Olivier, Fontaine, Benoît, Tercerie, Sandrine & Zuccon, Dario, 2025, New species and new records of families, genera and species of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1230, pp. 155-194 : 155-194 155-194
Cisandina trinitensis   comb. nov.  Nakahara, Shinichi, Rodríguez-Melgarejo, Maryzender, Kleckner, Kaylin, Corahua-Espinoza, Thalia, Tejeira, Rafael, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Barbosa, Eduardo P., See, Joseph, Gallice, Geoffrey & Lamas, Gerardo, 2022, Systematic Revision of a New Butterfly Genus, Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, n. gen., with Descriptions of Three New Taxa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 6 (1), pp. 1-30 : 27 27
Epicadus taczanowskii     Machado, Miguel, Teixeira, Renato Augusto & Lise, Arno Antonio, 2018, There and back again: More on the taxonomy of the crab spiders genus Epicadus (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 4382 (3), pp. 501-530 : 516-519 516-519
Agrilaxia (Agrilaxia) bongrandi     Bílý, Svatopluk & Brûlé, Stéphane, 2013, A study on the genus Agrilaxia of French Guiana (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (2), pp. 657-686 : 663 663
Corythalia spiralis     Bayer, Steffen, Höfer, Hubert & Metzner, Heiko, 2020, Revision of the genus Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850, part 1: Diagnosis and new species from South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Euophryini), Zootaxa 4806 (1), pp. 1-144 : 113-118 113-118
Dasmeusa mendica     Pecly, Nathalia H., Takiya, Daniela M., Cavichioli, Rodney R. & Mejdalani, Gabriel, 2023, Taxonomic revision and phylogeny of the sharpshooter genus Dasmeusa Melichar, 1926, with a scanning electron microscopy study of D. pauperata (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellini), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 81, pp. 655-687 : 655 655
Dinelytron cahureli   sp. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 88-89 88-89
Agrostia cinerea   comb. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 45-49 45-49
Corythalia luctuosa     Bayer, Steffen, Höfer, Hubert & Metzner, Heiko, 2020, Revision of the genus Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850, part 1: Diagnosis and new species from South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Euophryini), Zootaxa 4806 (1), pp. 1-144 : 46-49 46-49
Cisandina trinitensis   comb. nov.  Nakahara, Shinichi, Rodríguez-Melgarejo, Maryzender, Kleckner, Kaylin, Corahua-Espinoza, Thalia, Tejeira, Rafael, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Barbosa, Eduardo P., See, Joseph, Gallice, Geoffrey & Lamas, Gerardo, 2022, Systematic Revision of a New Butterfly Genus, Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, n. gen., with Descriptions of Three New Taxa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 6 (1), pp. 1-30 : 27 27