-2.833333, 41.66667: 10 Treatments

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Bruchophagus abscedus   sp. nov.  Delvare, G., Escolà, A. Ribes, Stojanova, A. M., Benoit, L., Lecomte, J. & Askew, R. R., 2019, Exploring insect biodiversity: the parasitic Hymenoptera, chiefly Chalcidoidea, associated with seeds of asphodels (Xanthorrhoeaceae), with the description of nine new species belonging to Eurytomidae and Torymidae, Zootaxa 4597 (1), pp. 1-90 : 23-27 23-27
Camponotus figaro     Seifert, Bernhard, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the members of the Camponotus lateralis species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Europe, Asia Minor and Caucasia, Soil Organisms 91 (1), pp. 7-32 : 28-29 28-29
Axenyllodes bayeri     Babenko, Anatoly, Shveenkova, Yulia & Arbea, Javier I., 2025, Two new and two little-known species of the genus Axenyllodes Stach, 1949 from Russia and Kazakhstan, Zootaxa 5583 (1), pp. 154-170 : 158-159 158-159
Andrenosoma atrum     García, Marta, Pérez, Guillermo & Portillo, Manuel, 2017, Taxonomic review of the species of Andrenosoma (Diptera: Asilidae) in Spain and description of a new species, Zootaxa 4299 (3), pp. 423-431 : 425-426 425-426
Senecio pyrenaicus     Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Proteinus hamatus   sp. nov.  Assing, Volker, 2007, Proteinus crenulatus - a complex of five species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Proteininae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 57 (2), pp. 355-366 : 365 365
Mniusa incrassata     Assing, V., 2010, Four new species and additional records of Staphylinidae from Spain, primarily from the south (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (2), pp. 1105-1124 : 1116 1116
Oxypoda islandica     Assing, V., 2008, Nine new species and additional records of Staphylinidae from southern Spain, with new synonymies (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1301-1325 : 1311-1313 1311-1313
Oxypoda (Thliboptera) platyptera     Assing, V., 2012, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Oxypoda species of the West Palaearctic region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (1), pp. 365-399 : 369-371 369-371
Forficula     Valcárcel, Javier Pérez, Colón, José Ignacio López & Piloña, Fernando Prieto, 2022, Aportaciones al inventario de los Dermaptera de la Península Ibérica, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 351-366 : 358-361 358-361