Mycale (Zygomycale) parishii
Van, Rob W. M., Aryasari, Ratih & De, Nicole J., 2021, Mycale species of the tropical Indo-West Pacific (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida), Zootaxa 4912 (1), pp. 1-212
: 177-184
177-184 |
Burtonulla sibogae
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 31-33
31-33 |
Mycale (Kerasemna) humilis
comb. nov.
Van, Rob W. M., Aryasari, Ratih & De, Nicole J., 2021, Mycale species of the tropical Indo-West Pacific (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida), Zootaxa 4912 (1), pp. 1-212
: 98-103
98-103 |
Leucetta chagosensis
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 51-54
51-54 |
Leucascus flavus
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 47-49
47-49 |
Pericharax orientalis
sp. nov.
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 57-61
57-61 |
Platevindex luteus
Goulding, Tricia C., Bourke, Adam J., Comendador, Joseph, Khalil, Munawar, Quang, Ngo Xuan, Tan, Shau Hwai, Tan, Siong Kiat & Dayrat, Benoît, 2021, Systematic revision of Platevindex Baker, 1938 (Gastropoda: Euthyneura: Onchidiidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 737 (1), pp. 1-133
: 68-78
68-78 |
Heteropia minor
Van Soest, Rob W. M. & De Voogd, Nicole J., 2015, Calcareous sponges of Indonesia, Zootaxa 3951 (1), pp. 1-105
: 87-91
87-91 |
Enithares ripleyana
Polhemus, Dan A., 2020, Nine new species of Enithares (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) from New Guinea, with distributional notes on other species and an updated world checklist, Zootaxa 4772 (1), pp. 132-182
: 172
172 |
Tephritis argentea
Brake, Irina, 2009, Revision of Milichiella Giglio-Tos (Diptera, Milichiidae) 2188, Zootaxa 2188 (1), pp. 1-166
: 26-60
26-60 |