Vriesea santaleopoldinensis
sp. nov.
Leme, Elton M. C. & Kollmann, Ludovic J. C., 2011, New species and a new combination of Brazilian Bromeliaceae, Phytotaxa 16 (1), pp. 1-36
: 30-33
30-33 |
Byrsonima myricifolia
Alves, Livia Lara, Francener, Augusto, Costa, Maria Tereza R. & Sobral, Marcos, 2021, Byrsonima (Malpighiaceae) from Espírito Santo state, Brazil, Phytotaxa 511 (1), pp. 1-19
: 11-16
11-16 |
Bixa atlantica
sp. nov.
Medeirosantar, Guilherme, Lírio, Elton Johnde, Pereiraalmeida, Roberto Baptista & Sano, Paulo Takeo, 2022, Bixa atlantica sp. nov. (Bixaceae), a new species of wild annatto from the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 544 (2), pp. 171-184
: 173-178
173-178 |
Orthophytum pseudovagans
Louzada, Rafael Batista & Wanderley, Maria Das Graças Lapa, 2010, Revision of Orthophytum (Bromeliaceae): the species with sessile inflorescences, Phytotaxa 13, pp. 1-26
: 20
20 |
Anthurium marcusianum
Valadares, Rodrigo Theófilo, Couto, Dayvid Rodrigues, Manhães, Vitor Da Cunha, Silva, Lucas De Almeida & Dutra, Valquiria Ferreira, 2024, Anthurium capixaba (Araceae): a new species with cordate leaves from Brazil, Phytotaxa 664 (1), pp. 75-82
: 78
78 |
Begonia wasshauseniana
sp. nov.
Kollmann, Ludovic Jean-Charles & Peixoto, Ariane Luna, 2012, Begonia fragae L. Kollmann & Peixoto and Begonia wasshauseniana L. Kollmann & Peixoto (Begoniaceae), two new species from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, Candollea 67 (1), pp. 59-64
: 63-64
63-64 |
Alves, Livia Lara, Francener, Augusto, Costa, Maria Tereza R. & Sobral, Marcos, 2021, Byrsonima (Malpighiaceae) from Espírito Santo state, Brazil, Phytotaxa 511 (1), pp. 1-19
: 2-10
2-10 |
Brachymetra albinervus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 9-10
9-10 |
Limnogonus aduncus subsp. aduncus
Rodrigues, Juliana Mourão Dos Santos, Cordeiro, Isabelle Da Rocha Silva, Floriano, Carla Fernanda Burguez, Paiva, Nathália De Oliveira, Magalhães, Oséias Martins, Júnior, Evaldo Alves Joaquim, Martins, Thaynara De Souza, Silva, Rafaella Cardoso Da, Siqueira, Gabriel Vieira, Salles, Frederico Falcão, Viala, Séverine, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2023, Descriptions of new species and new records of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha & Nepomorpha) from southeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 5393 (1), pp. 1-86
: 13-14
13-14 |
Herreria glaziovii
Lopes, Rosana Conrado & Andreata, Regina Helena Potsch, 2012, Herreria glaziovii (Agavoideae, Asparagaceae) - typification and a new synonym, Phytotaxa 68 (1), pp. 55-60
: 56-60
56-60 |