Subcylindrica, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 18 Treatments

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Sinoennea subcylindrica     Foon, Junn Kitt, Clements, Gopalasamy Reuben & Liew, Thor-Seng, 2017, Diversity and biogeography of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the limestone hills of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, ZooKeys 682, pp. 1-94 : 3 3
var. subcylindrica     Colpani, Daniara, Benetti, Cesar João & Hamada, Neusa, 2014, A Checklist of the Gyrinidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga) of Brazil, Zootaxa 3889 (2), pp. 185-213 : 207 207
Dysdera subcylindrica     Fomichev, Alexander A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2021, Notes on the spider genus Dysdera Latreille, 1804 (Araneae: Dysderidae) in Central Asia, Zootaxa 5006 (1), pp. 73-89 : 75-80 75-80
Truncatella subcylindrica     Mariottini, Paolo, Smriglio, Carlo, Oliverio, Marco, Rossi, Sabrina & Di Giulio, Andrea, 2024, Checklist of the marine malacofauna of Culuccia Peninsula (NW Sardinia, Italy), with notes on relevant species, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 115051-115051 : 115051 115051
Diplommatina (Sinica) subcylindrica     Xie, Guang-Long, Zhang, Guoyi, Meng, Kaibaryer & Köhler, Frank, 2025, An illustrated type catalogue of Diplommatina Benson, 1849 from mainland China, with description of a new species, Diplommatina yipingica (Gastropoda, Cyclophoroidea), Zoosystematics and Evolution 101 (2), pp. 551-570 : 551-570 551-570
Boveria subcylindrica     Mayén-Estrada, Rosaura, Dávila, Sthefane & Dias, Roberto Junio Pedroso, 2024, Ciliate symbionts of bivalves with notes on their worldwide geographic distribution, Zootaxa 5448 (4), pp. 451-481 : 466 466
Sarcotachina subcylindrica     Zhang, Dong, Zhang, Ming, Wang, Chao & Pape, Thomas, 2016, Catalog of the Paramacronychiinae of China (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), Zootaxa 4208 (4), pp. 301-324 : 311 311
Haematopota subcylindrica     Al-Talafha, Hazem A. & Amr, Zuhair S., 2024, Tabanidae Fauna (Order: Diptera) of the Arab Countries in the Middle East, Ecologica Montenegrina 71, pp. 53-85 : 70 70
Stelletta horrens var. subcylindrica     Van Soest, Rob W. M., 2024, Correcting sponge names: nomenclatural update of lower taxa level Porifera, Zootaxa 5398 (1), pp. 1-122 : 61 61
Epistylis subcylindrica     Porto, Ana Victoria Dunke, Rigo, Francine Vargas, Warren, Alan & Utz, Laura R. P., 2024, Checklist of species in the genus Epistylis (Ciliophora, Peritrichia): the first step for a taxonomic revision, Zootaxa 5415 (2), pp. 269-299 : 290 290
Chrysobothris subcylindrica     Westcott, Richard L., 2023, New host and distribution records plus additional notes for North American species of Chrysobothris Eschscholtz (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), with designation of a lectotype for Chrysobothris vulcanica LeConte, 1861, Insecta Mundi 2023 (967), pp. 1-10 : 8 8
Chara subcylindrica     Trabelsi, Khaled, Sames, Benjamin, Wagreich, Michael, K ́ azm ́, Miklos, , Andrea Mindszen & Mart ́ ın-Clo, d Carles, 2021, A new diverse charophyte flora and biozonation of the Eocene bauxite cover-sequence at G ant (V ertes Hills, Hungary), Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 19 (7), pp. 541-563 : 554 554
Sarcotachina subcylindrica     Zhang, Ming, Xu, Wen-Tian, Pape, Thomas, Pei, Wen-Ya & Zhang, Dong, 2021, Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) of Kalamaili Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve (China: Xinjiang): checklist and description of four new species, Zootaxa 5063 (1), pp. 1-95 : 49 49
Rotaliida   new species  Brady, H. B., 1881, Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the " Challenger " Expedition. III, Quarterly journal of microscopical science, n. s. 21, No. 81, pp. 31-71 : 56 56
Boveria subcylindrica var. concharum     Mayén-Estrada, Rosaura, Dávila, Sthefane & Dias, Roberto Junio Pedroso, 2024, Ciliate symbionts of bivalves with notes on their worldwide geographic distribution, Zootaxa 5448 (4), pp. 451-481 : 467 467
Truncatella subcylindrica     Appolloni, Massimo, Smriglio, Carlo, Amati, Bruno, Lugliè, Lorenzo, Nofroni, Italo, Tringali, Lionello P., Mariottini, Paolo & Oliverio, Marco, 2018, Catalogue of the primary types of marine molluscan taxa described by Tommaso Allery Di Maria, Marquis of Monterosato, deposited in the Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma, Zootaxa 4477 (1), pp. 1-138 : 49 49
Griffithsia subcylindrica     Walsh, Roy T. Tsuda And Seana K., 2013, Bibliographic checklist of the marine benthic algae of Central, Micronesica 2013 (2), pp. 1-91 : 33-42 33-42
Melanopsis praemorsa subsp. f.     Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 268-269 268-269