Phyllium lobiventre
Delfosse, Emmanuel, Cliquennois, Nicolas, Depraetere, Marion & Robillard, Tony, 2019, Catalogue des types de la collection de phasmes du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (Insecta, Phasmatodea), Zoosystema 41 (11), pp. 181-235
: 210
210 |
Phyllium maethoraniae
Delfosse, Emmanuel, Cliquennois, Nicolas, Depraetere, Marion & Robillard, Tony, 2019, Catalogue des types de la collection de phasmes du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (Insecta, Phasmatodea), Zoosystema 41 (11), pp. 181-235
: 211
211 |
Phyllium magdelainei
Delfosse, Emmanuel, Cliquennois, Nicolas, Depraetere, Marion & Robillard, Tony, 2019, Catalogue des types de la collection de phasmes du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (Insecta, Phasmatodea), Zoosystema 41 (11), pp. 181-235
: 211
211 |
Cumming, Royce T. & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2018, Phyllium (Phyllium) letiranti sp. nov. (Phasmida: Phylliidae) a new leaf insect from Peleng Island, Indonesia, Insecta Mundi 618, pp. 1-16
: 9
9 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon
Cumming, Royce T., Leong, Jing V. & Lohman, David J., 2017, Leaf insects from Luzon, Philippines, with descriptions of four new species, the new genus Pseudomicrophyllium, and redescription of Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon Gray, 1843, (Phasmida: Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4365 (2), pp. 101-131
: 122-126
122-126 |
Phyllium (Pulchriphyllium)
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 62-66
62-66 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) letiranti
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T. & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2018, Phyllium (Phyllium) letiranti sp. nov. (Phasmida: Phylliidae) a new leaf insect from Peleng Island, Indonesia, Insecta Mundi 618, pp. 1-16
: 2
2 |
Phyllium philippinicum
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 188
188 |
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Cumming, Royce T., Tirant, Stephane Le & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2017, Phyllium (Phyllium) brossardi sp. nov. (Phasmida, Phylliidae), a new species of leaf insect from northern Borneo, Insecta Mundi 2017 (596), pp. 1-6
: 3-4
3-4 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) riedeli
sp. nov.
Kamp, Thomas Van De & Hennemann, Frank H., 2014, A tiny new species of leaf insect (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae) from New Guinea, Zootaxa 3869 (4), pp. 397-408
: 398-404
398-404 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) mabantai
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 39-44
39-44 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) antonkozlovi
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Leong, Jing V. & Lohman, David J., 2017, Leaf insects from Luzon, Philippines, with descriptions of four new species, the new genus Pseudomicrophyllium, and redescription of Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon Gray, 1843, (Phasmida: Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4365 (2), pp. 101-131
: 115-117
115-117 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) bilobatum
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 46-47
46-47 |
Phyllium (Pulchriphyllium)
Ho, George Wai-Chun, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea III: Catalogue of the phasmids of Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of one new genus, one new species and two new subspecies and proposals of three new combinations, Zootaxa 4150 (3), pp. 314-340
: 334
334 |
Phyllium (Walaphyllium) monteithi
Cumming, Royce T., Thurman, Jessa H., Youngdale, Sam & Tirant, Stephane Le, 2020, Walaphyllium subgen. nov., the dancing leaf insects from Australia and Papua New Guinea with description of a new species (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 939, pp. 1-28
: 1
1 |
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 79
79 |
new genus
Illiger, Johann Karl Wilhelm, 1798, Verzeichniss der Käfer Preussens, Johann Jacob Gebauer
: 499
499 |
Phyllium hausleithneri
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) brossardi
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Tirant, Stephane Le & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2017, Phyllium (Phyllium) brossardi sp. nov. (Phasmida, Phylliidae), a new species of leaf insect from northern Borneo, Insecta Mundi 2017 (596), pp. 1-6
: 2-3
2-3 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) hausleithneri
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 50-53
50-53 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) westwoodii
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 16-21
16-21 |
Phyllium dardanus
Cumming, Royce T., Le Tirant, Ste ́ phane, Linde, Jackson B., Solan, Megan E., Foley, Evelyn Marie, Eulin, Norman Enrico C., Lavado, Ramon, Whiting, Michael F., Bradler, Sven & Bank, Sarah, 2023, On seven undescribed leaf insect species revealed within the recent " Tree of Leaves " (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 1173, pp. 145-229
: 145
145 |
Phyllium (Walaphyllium)
subgen. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Thurman, Jessa H., Youngdale, Sam & Tirant, Stephane Le, 2020, Walaphyllium subgen. nov., the dancing leaf insects from Australia and Papua New Guinea with description of a new species (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 939, pp. 1-28
: 1
1 |
Phyllium athanysus
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 160
160 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) woodi
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 45
45 |
Phyllium telnovi
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 198
198 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Cumming, Royce T., 2017, A new species of Phyllium (Phyllium) Illiger, 1798 from Mindanao, Philippines (Phasmida, Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4303 (2), pp. 297-300
: 299
299 |
Phyllium ortizi
Cumming, Royce T., Le Tirant, Ste ́ phane, Linde, Jackson B., Solan, Megan E., Foley, Evelyn Marie, Eulin, Norman Enrico C., Lavado, Ramon, Whiting, Michael F., Bradler, Sven & Bank, Sarah, 2023, On seven undescribed leaf insect species revealed within the recent " Tree of Leaves " (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 1173, pp. 145-229
: 145
145 |
Phyllium exsectum
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 170
170 |
Cumming, Royce T., Leong, Jing V. & Lohman, David J., 2017, Leaf insects from Luzon, Philippines, with descriptions of four new species, the new genus Pseudomicrophyllium, and redescription of Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon Gray, 1843, (Phasmida: Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4365 (2), pp. 101-131
: 113
113 |
Phyllium iyadaon
Cumming, Royce T., Le Tirant, Ste ́ phane, Linde, Jackson B., Solan, Megan E., Foley, Evelyn Marie, Eulin, Norman Enrico C., Lavado, Ramon, Whiting, Michael F., Bradler, Sven & Bank, Sarah, 2023, On seven undescribed leaf insect species revealed within the recent " Tree of Leaves " (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 1173, pp. 145-229
: 145
145 |
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 79
79 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) ericoriai
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 21-25
21-25 |
Phyllium hausleithneri
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 174
174 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) yapicum
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T. & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2018, A new species of Phyllium (Phyllium) Illiger (Phasmida: Phylliidae) from Yap Island, Micronesia, representing a range expansion for the family, Insecta Mundi 650, pp. 1-9
: 2-4
2-4 |
new species
Cumming, Royce T. & Le Tirant, Stéphane, 2018, Phyllium shurei n. sp., a third species of leaf insect from Java, Indonesia (Phasmida, Phylliidae), Faunitaxys 6, No. 1, pp. 1-5
: 2
2 |
new species
Cumming, Royce T., Tirant, Stephane Le & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2018, On the Phyllium of Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra, Indonesia, with range expansions for currently known species, description of the previously unknown Phyllium (Pu.) abdulfatahi Seow-Choen female, and description of the new species Phyllium (Ph.) rubrum n. sp. from Peninsular Malaysia (Phasmida: Phylliidae), Faunitaxys 6, No. 2, pp. 1-21
: 10, 12
10, 12 |
Phyllium geryon
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 171
171 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) celebicum
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 11-16
11-16 |
Cumming, Royce T. & Teemsma, Sierra N., 2018, A new species of Phyllium (Phyllium) Illiger (Phasmida: Phylliidae) from Yap Island, Micronesia, representing a range expansion for the family, Insecta Mundi 650, pp. 1-9
: 4-5
4-5 |
Phyllium bioculatum
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 80
80 |
Phyllium samarense
Cumming, Royce T., Le Tirant, Ste ́ phane, Linde, Jackson B., Solan, Megan E., Foley, Evelyn Marie, Eulin, Norman Enrico C., Lavado, Ramon, Whiting, Michael F., Bradler, Sven & Bank, Sarah, 2023, On seven undescribed leaf insect species revealed within the recent " Tree of Leaves " (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 1173, pp. 145-229
: 145
145 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) fallorum
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., 2017, A new species of Phyllium (Phyllium) Illiger, 1798 from Mindanao, Philippines (Phasmida, Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4303 (2), pp. 297-300
: 297-299
297-299 |
Cumming, Royce T., Le Tirant, Ste ́ phane, Linde, Jackson B., Solan, Megan E., Foley, Evelyn Marie, Eulin, Norman Enrico C., Lavado, Ramon, Whiting, Michael F., Bradler, Sven & Bank, Sarah, 2023, On seven undescribed leaf insect species revealed within the recent " Tree of Leaves " (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 1173, pp. 145-229
: 145
145 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) jacobsoni
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 47-49
47-49 |
Phyllium nisus
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
new species
Größer, D., 2007, Eine neue Phyllium Art von Halmahera, Nord- Molukken (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae), Arthropoda 14, No. 3, pp. 15-17
: 15-17
15-17 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) gantungense
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 25-29
25-29 |
Phyllium (Walaphyllium) lelantos
Cumming, Royce T., Thurman, Jessa H., Youngdale, Sam & Tirant, Stephane Le, 2020, Walaphyllium subgen. nov., the dancing leaf insects from Australia and Papua New Guinea with description of a new species (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 939, pp. 1-28
: 1
1 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) bourquei
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Leong, Jing V. & Lohman, David J., 2017, Leaf insects from Luzon, Philippines, with descriptions of four new species, the new genus Pseudomicrophyllium, and redescription of Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon Gray, 1843, (Phasmida: Phylliidae), Zootaxa 4365 (2), pp. 101-131
: 117-122
117-122 |
Phyllium giganteum
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
Phyllium (Pulchriphyllium)
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 80
80 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) mindorense
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 35-38
35-38 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 61-62
61-62 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Kamp, Thomas Van De & Hennemann, Frank H., 2014, A tiny new species of leaf insect (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae) from New Guinea, Zootaxa 3869 (4), pp. 397-408
: 398
398 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) westwoodii
Ho, George Wai-Chun, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea III: Catalogue of the phasmids of Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of one new genus, one new species and two new subspecies and proposals of three new combinations, Zootaxa 4150 (3), pp. 314-340
: 334
334 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) parum
Ho, George Wai-Chun, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea III: Catalogue of the phasmids of Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of one new genus, one new species and two new subspecies and proposals of three new combinations, Zootaxa 4150 (3), pp. 314-340
: 334
334 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Ho, George Wai-Chun, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea III: Catalogue of the phasmids of Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of one new genus, one new species and two new subspecies and proposals of three new combinations, Zootaxa 4150 (3), pp. 314-340
: 334
334 |
Phyllium (Pulchriphyllium) sinense
Ho, George Wai-Chun, 2016, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea III: Catalogue of the phasmids of Hainan Island, China, with descriptions of one new genus, one new species and two new subspecies and proposals of three new combinations, Zootaxa 4150 (3), pp. 314-340
: 334-336
334-336 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) geryon
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 45-46
45-46 |
Phyllium jacobsoni
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |
Phyllium (Phyllium)
Kamp, Thomas Van De & Hennemann, Frank H., 2014, A tiny new species of leaf insect (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae) from New Guinea, Zootaxa 3869 (4), pp. 397-408
: 407
407 |
Phyllium ericoriai
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 169
169 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) philippinicum
sp. nov.
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 30-34
30-34 |
Phyllium (Walaphyllium) zomproi
Cumming, Royce T., Thurman, Jessa H., Youngdale, Sam & Tirant, Stephane Le, 2020, Walaphyllium subgen. nov., the dancing leaf insects from Australia and Papua New Guinea with description of a new species (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 939, pp. 1-28
: 1
1 |
Phyllium siccifolium
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 79-80
79-80 |
Phyllium (Phyllium) siccifolium
Hennemann, Frank H., Conle, Oskar V., Gottardo, Marco & Bresseel, Joachim, 2009, On certain species of the genus Phyllium Illiger, 1798, with proposals for an intra-generic systematization and the descriptions of five new species from the Philippines and Palawan (Phasmatodea: Phylliidae: Phylliinae: Phylliini) 2322, Zootaxa 2322 (1), pp. 1-83
: 53-58
53-58 |
Phyllium bilobatum
Brock, Paul D., Marshall, Judith A., Beccaloni, George W. & Harman, Allan J. E., 2016, The types of Phasmida in the Natural History Museum, London, UK, Zootaxa 4179 (2), pp. 151-208
: 161
161 |
Phyllium gardabagusi
sp. nov.
Cumming, Royce T., Bank, Sarah, Le Tirant, Stephane & Bradler, Sven, 2020, Notes on the leaf insects of the genus Phyllium of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, including the description of two new species with purple coxae (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae), ZooKeys 913, pp. 89-126
: 89
89 |