Neosclerocalyptus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 7 Treatments

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Neosclerocalyptus undetermined     Verger, Kévin Le, 2023, Xenarthrans of the collection of Santiago Roth from the Pampean Region of Argentina (Pleistocene), in Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (3) 142 (1), pp. 1-39 : 19 19
Neosclerocalyptus     Zurita, Alfredo Eduardo, Carlini, Alfredo Armando & Scillato-Yane, Gustavo Juan, 2008, A new species of Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto, 1957 (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae, Hoplophorinae) from the middle Pleistocene of the Pampean region, Argentina, Geodiversitas 30 (4), pp. 779-791 : 779-791 779-791
Neosclerocalyptus castellanosi   sp. nov.  Zurita, Alfredo E., Taglioretti, Matias, Zamorano, Martin, Scillato-Yané, Gustavo J., Luna, Carlos, Boh, Daniel & Saffer, Mariano Magnussen, 2013, A new species of Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Cingulata): the oldest record of the genus and morphological and phylogenetic aspects, Zootaxa 3721 (4), pp. 387-398 : 390-393 390-393
Neosclerocalyptus ornatus     Verger, Kévin Le, 2023, Xenarthrans of the collection of Santiago Roth from the Pampean Region of Argentina (Pleistocene), in Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (3) 142 (1), pp. 1-39 : 18 18
Neosclerocalyptus pseudornatus     Verger, Kévin Le, 2023, Xenarthrans of the collection of Santiago Roth from the Pampean Region of Argentina (Pleistocene), in Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (3) 142 (1), pp. 1-39 : 17 17
Neosclerocalyptus gouldi   sp. nov.  Zurita, Alfredo Eduardo, Carlini, Alfredo Armando & Scillato-Yane, Gustavo Juan, 2008, A new species of Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto, 1957 (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae, Hoplophorinae) from the middle Pleistocene of the Pampean region, Argentina, Geodiversitas 30 (4), pp. 779-791 : 779-791 779-791
Neosclerocalyptus paskoensis     Verger, Kévin Le, 2023, Xenarthrans of the collection of Santiago Roth from the Pampean Region of Argentina (Pleistocene), in Zurich, Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (3) 142 (1), pp. 1-39 : 18 18