Amaranthus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 100 Treatments

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Amaranthus paniculatus var. longespicatus     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 101-102 101-102
Amaranthus hybridus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 151-152 151-152
Amaranthus tristis var. wightii     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 105 105
Amaranthus palmeri     Verloove, Filip & Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., 2015, New distributional records of non-native vascular plants in northern Italy, Natural History Sciences 2 (1), pp. 5-14 : 5-6 5-6
Amaranthus patulus     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Amaranthus graecizans subsp. sylvestris     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 143 143
Amaranthus spinosus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 148 148
Amaranthus saradhiana   sp. nov.  Arya, Sindu, Kumar, Venugopalan Nair Saradamma Anil, Vishnu, Walsan Kalarikkal & Kumar, Thaliyangal Rajesh, 2019, Amaranthus saradhiana (Amaranthaceae) - a new species from southern Western Ghats of Kerala, India, Phytotaxa 403 (3), pp. 230-238 : 236 236
Amaranthus mangostanus var. major     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 100 100
Amaranthus retroflexus     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus polygonoides     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus graecizans subsp. graecizans     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 142-143 142-143
Amaranthus gangeticus var. rotundifolius     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 97 97
Amaranthus gangeticus var. parvifolius     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 97 97
Amaranthus lividus     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 767 767
Amaranthus tristis var. xanthostachys     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 104-105 104-105
Amaranthus blitum     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 138-139 138-139
Amaranthus hybridus     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus paraguayensis     Ramella, Lorenzo, 2016, Nomenclatura, tipificaciones y sinónimos nuevos en la familia Amaranthaceae de la Flora del Paraguay, Candollea 71 (2), pp. 311-326 : 323 323
Amaranthus caudatus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 232-233 232-233
Amaranthus graecizans     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 233 233
Amaranthus tricolor     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus powellii     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus emarginatus subsp. pseudogracilis     Iamonico, Duilio, Hussain, Amara Noor, Fortini, Paola & Galasso, Gabriele, 2024, Amaranthus emarginatus s. lat. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy, Natural History Sciences 11 (1), pp. 37-44 : 41 41
Amaranthus retroflexus     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus blitoides var. nanus   comb. nov.  Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 147 147
Amaranthus silvester     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus graecizans     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 283 283
Amaranthus     McQuate, Grant T., Liquido, Nicanor J. & Nakamichi, Kelly A. A., 2017, Annotated World Bibliography of Host Plants of the Melon Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (527), pp. 1-339 : 338 338
Amaranthus romanus     Iamonico, Duilio, 2017, Amaranthus × romanus (Amaranthaceae), a new hybrid from Italy, Phytotaxa 295 (1), pp. 89-91 : 89 89
Amaranthus palmeri     Korres, Nicholas E., Norsworthy, Jason K. & Mauromoustakos, Andy, 2019, Effects of Palmer Amaranth (Amoronthus polmeri) Establishment Time and Distance from the Crop Row on Biological and Phenological Characteristics of the Weed: Implications on Soybean Yield, Weed Science (Cambridge, England) 67 (1), pp. 126-135 : 129-131 129-131
Amaranthus blitum     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Phorbas amaranthus     Van, Rob W. M., 2017, Sponges of the Guyana Shelf, Zootaxa 1, pp. 1-225 : 141-143 141-143
Amaranthus melancholicus var. parvifolius     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 101 101
Amaranthus spinosus     DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341 : 3 3
Amaranthus mangostanus     Wijnands, Dirk Onno, Heniger, Johannes, Veldkamp, Jan Frederik, Fumeaux, Nicolas & Callmander, Martin W., 2017, The botanical legacy of Martinus Houttuyn (1720 - 1798) in Geneva, Candollea 72 (1), pp. 155-198 : 168 168
Amaranthus anardana     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 90-91 90-91
Amaranthus spinosus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 235 235
Amaranthus cruentus     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus blitum     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus albus     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 33 33
Amaranthus flavus var. ovalifolius     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 96 96
Amaranthus cruentus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 152-153 152-153
Amaranthus viridis     Jeanmonod, Daniel & éd., 2018, Notes à la flore de Corse, XXVI, Candollea 73 (1), pp. 75-90 : 83 83
Amaranthus dubius     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 149-150 149-150
Amaranthus tricolor     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus hybridus     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 283 283
Amaranthus blitum     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 283 283
Amaranthus tricolor     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 235 235
Amaranthus tricolor     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus blitum     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus neei     Pino, Ivonne Sánchez-Del, Pratt, Donald & Flores-Olvera, Hilda, 2017, A new species of Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) from Mexico, Phytotaxa 291 (3), pp. 201-208 : 202-206 202-206
Amaranthus hybridus     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus retroflexus     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus sparganicephalus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 144-145 144-145
Amaranthus cruentus     Hernández-Suárez, Estrella, Martin, Jon H., Gill, Raymond J., Bedford, Ian D., Malumphy, Christopher P., Betancort, J. Alfredo Reyes & Carnero, Aurelio, 2012, 3212, Zootaxa 3212, pp. 1-76 : 42 42
Amaranthus retroflexus     Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56 : 42 42
Amaranthus blitoides     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 145 145
Amaranthus rajasekharii   sp. nov.  Arya, Sindhu, Kumar, Venugopalan Nair Saradamma Anil, Vishnu, Walsan Kalarikkal & Iamonico, Duilio, 2020, Amaranthus rajasekharii (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Kerala (SW-India), Phytotaxa 433 (2), pp. 153-160 : 154-156 154-156
Amaranthus mangostanus var. parvifolius     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 100 100
Amaranthus caudatus     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus cruentus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 233 233
Amaranthus blitum     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 283-284 283-284
Amaranthus blitum     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus hybridus     Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108 : 68 68
Amaranthus lividus     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus deflexus     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus hybridus     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus tristis var. leptostachys   syn. nov.  Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 104 104
Amaranthus blitoides     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 231 231
Amaranthus albus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 231 231
Amaranthus dubius     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2023, A critical inventory of the family Amaranthaceae s. str. in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 626 (4), pp. 223-246 : 233 233
Amaranthus silvester     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus tricolor key    Das, Saubhik, 2013, Infraspecific variability of Amaranthus tricolor (Amaranthaceae) in India with a new variety, Phytotaxa 88 (2), pp. 25-30 : 29 29
Amaranthus flavus var. bractealis     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 95 95
Amaranthus hypochondriacus     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 767-764 767-764
Amaranthus graecizans     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 143 143
Amaranthus silvester     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Amaranthus flavus var. bernhardi     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 94-95 94-95
Amaranthus cruentus     DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341 : 3 3
Amaranthus retroflexus     Weston, Paul A., Gurusinghe, Saliya, Birckhead, Emily, Skoneczny, Dominik, Quinn, Jane C. & Weston, Leslie A., 2019, Chemometric analysis of Amaranthus retroflexus in relation to livestock toxicity in southern Australia, Phytochemistry 161, pp. 1-10 : 4 4
Amaranthus graecizans     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus caudatus     Hassan, Walaa A., Al-Shaye, Najla A., Alghamdi, Salma, Korany, Shereen M. & Iamonico, Duilio, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) in Saudi Arabia, Phytotaxa 576 (2), pp. 135-157 : 148-149 148-149
Amaranthus albus     Follak, S., 2008, Zum Auftreten einiger bemerkenswerter neophytischer Unkräuter in landwirtschaftlichen Kulturen, Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 371-380 : 373 373
Amaranthus tricolor     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus bengalense   sp. nov.  Das, Saubhik & Iamonico, Duilio, 2014, Amaranthus bengalense (Amaranthaceae) a new species from India, with taxonomical notes on A. blitum aggregate, Phytotaxa 181 (5), pp. 293-300 : 297-298 297-298
Amaranthus deflexus     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 283 283
Amaranthus cruentus     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 766 766
Amaranthus hypochondriacus     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Amaranthaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 610-630 : 628 628
Amaranthus albus var. parviflorus     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 90 90
Amaranthus hypochondriacus var. racemosus     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 99 99
Amaranthus cruentus     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 284 284
Amaranthus albus     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 766 766
Amaranthus blitum     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus graecizans     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Amaranthaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Amaranthus emarginatus     Iamonico, Duilio, Hussain, Amara Noor, Fortini, Paola & Galasso, Gabriele, 2024, Amaranthus emarginatus s. lat. (Amaranthaceae) in Italy, Natural History Sciences 11 (1), pp. 37-44 : 39-40 39-40
Amaranthus blitum subsp. oleraceus     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Amaranthus hypochondriacus var. monstruosus     Iamonico, Duilio, 2016, Nomenclature survey of the genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae). 5. Moquin-Tandon’s names, Phytotaxa 273 (2), pp. 81-114 : 99 99

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