100.19161, 6.698222: 12 Treatments

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Cyrtodactylus zebraicus     Lee Grismer, Evan S. H. Quah L., Syafiq, Muhamad Fatihah, Rujirawan, Attapol, Aowphol, Anchalee, Ahmad, Amirrudin B. & Anuar, M. S. Shahrul, 2023, Comments on the taxonomic status of Cyrtodactylus zebraicus Taylor, 1962 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Northern Peninsular Malaysia, Zootaxa 5318 (4), pp. 489-503 : 492-499 492-499
Plectopylis malayana   sp. nov.  Páll-Gergely, Barna, 2018, Systematic revision of the Plectopylinae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Plectopylidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 455, pp. 1-114 : 97-102 97-102
Cnemaspis omari   sp. nov.  Grismer, Lee, Wood, Perry L., Anuar, Shahrul, Riyanto, Awal, Ahmad, Norhayati, Muin, Mohd A., Sumontha, Montri, Grismer, Jesse L., Onn, Chan Kin, Quah, Evan S. H. & Pauwels, Olivier S. A., 2014, Systematics and natural history of Southeast Asian Rock Geckos (genus Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887) with descriptions of eight new species from Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, Zootaxa 3880 (1), pp. 1-147 : 54-58 54-58
Cnemaspis omari     Grismer, L. Lee & Quah, Evan S. H., 2019, An updated and annotated checklist of the lizards of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, and their adjacent archipelagos, Zootaxa 4545 (2), pp. 230-248 : 237 237
Cyrtodactylus astrum     Grismer, L. Lee & Quah, Evan S. H., 2019, An updated and annotated checklist of the lizards of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, and their adjacent archipelagos, Zootaxa 4545 (2), pp. 230-248 : 238 238
Smicromyrme lochius     Williams, Kevin A., Lelej, Arkady S., Okayasu, Juriya, Borkent, Christopher J., Malee, Rufeah, Thoawan, Kodeeyah & Thaochan, Narit, 2019, The female velvet ants (aka modkhong) of southern Thailand (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with a key to the genera of southeast Asia, Zootaxa 4602 (1), pp. 1-69 : 27 27
Stoliczia setoiyenica   sp. nov.  Tan, Zhi Wan, Lheknim, Vachira & Ng, Peter K. L., 2023, Stoliczia setoiyenica, a new species of freshwater crab from southern Thailand (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae), Zootaxa 5360 (4), pp. 531-544 : 532-542 532-542
Thaumatodryinus sharkeyi     Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 3614 (1), pp. 1-460 : 252 252
Dolichognatha longiceps     Dimitrov, Dimitar, Álvarez-Padilla, Fernando & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2010, On the Phylogenetic Placement of the Spider Genus Atimiosa Simon, 1895, and the Circumscription of Dolichognatha O. P. - Cambridge, 1869 (Tetragnathidae, Araneae), American Museum Novitates 3683, pp. 1-19 : 15-16 15-16
Dashymenia gorczycai   sp. nov.  Wolski, Andrzej & Yasunaga, Tomohide, 2016, Taxonomic review of the fungal-inhabiting plant bug genera Bothriomiris and Dashymenia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Cylapinae: Bothriomirini), with descriptions of two new species of Dashymenia from Thailand, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 64, pp. 176-186 : 183-184 183-184
Psechrus elachys   sp. nov.  Bayer, Steffen, 2012, The lace-sheet-weavers — a long story (Araneae: Psechridae: Psechrus), Zootaxa 3379 (1), pp. 1-170 : 41-43 41-43
Pyrops oculatus     Jiaranaisakul, Kawin, Constant, Jerome & Pinkaew, Nantasak, 2024, Review of the lanternfly genus Pyrops of Thailand (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) with notes and keys to species, Zootaxa 5397 (1), pp. 47-79 : 65-67 65-67