Drasteria cailino subsp. obscura
Yu, Alexey & Korb, Stanislav K., 2019, A revision of the genus Drasteria of Central Asia and Kazakhstan with special attention to the adjacent areas (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), Zootaxa 4673 (1), pp. 1-104
: 9-10
9-10 |
Trichopalpus (Chaetosa) punctipes
Ozerov, A. L., 2019, A review of the genus Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Scathophagidae) of Russia, Russian Entomological Journal 28 (4), pp. 470-484
: 479-483
479-483 |
Psenulus chevrieri
Mokrousov, Mikhail, 2017, To the knowledge of digger wasps of subfamily Pemphredoninae (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) of Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 337 (337), pp. 1-16
: 13
13 |
Pristocera depressa
Fadeev, Kirill I., 2021, Review of the genera Pristocera Klug and Pristepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera Bethylidae, Pristocerinae) of Russia and adjacent territories, Zootaxa 4965 (3), pp. 461-482
: 463-470
463-470 |