Sphyraena qenie
Miki, Ryohei, Hata, Harutaka & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2019, Records of the Barracuda Sphyraena qenie from Japan, with Notes on the Taxonomic Status of Sphyraena nigripinnis (Teleostei: Sphyraenidae), Species Diversity 24 (1), pp. 23-27
: 24
24 |
Ostorhinchus cheni
Yoshida, Tomohiro & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2017, Distributional Range Extension and Live Coloration of the Indo-Pacific Deepwater Cardinalfish Ostorhinchus cheni (Perciformes: Apogonidae), Species Diversity 22, pp. 225-230
: 225-230
225-230 |
Navigobius asayake
sp. nov.
Okamoto, Makoto & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2018, Navigobius asayake, a new species of ptereleotrine goby (Gobioidei: Microdesmidae) from Kagoshima, southern Japan, Zootaxa 4526 (3), pp. 373-380
: 374-379
374-379 |
Pagurixus fasciatus
Osawa, Masayuki, Kawai, Takashi & Sakamaki, Takashi, 2013, New records of Pagurixus Melin, 1939 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 3669 (3), pp. 350-366
: 353-355
353-355 |
Echinoderes aureus
Sørensen, Martin V., Goetz, Freya E., Herranz, María, Chang, Cheon Young, Chatterjee, Tapas, Durucan, Furkan, Neves, Ricardo C., Yildiz, N. Özlem, Norenburg, Jon & Yamasaki, Hiroshi, 2020, Description, redescription and revision of sixteen putatively closely related species of Echinoderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida), with the proposition of a new species group - the Echinoderes dujardinii group, European Journal of Taxonomy 730, pp. 1-101
: 9-10
9-10 |
Draconarius dialeptus
sp. nov.
Okumura, Ken-ichi, 2013, Seven New Species of Spiders of the Subfamily Coelotinae (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Kyushu, Japan, Species Diversity 18, pp. 87-97
: 95-96
95-96 |
Pagurixus acanthocarpus
Osawa, Masayuki, Kawai, Takashi & Sakamaki, Takashi, 2013, New records of Pagurixus Melin, 1939 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) from the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 3669 (3), pp. 350-366
: 351
351 |
Fibularia coffea
sp. nov.
Tanaka, Hayate, Wakabayashi, Kaori & Fujita, Toshihiko, 2019, A new species of Fibularia from Japanese waters with a redescription of F. japonica and F. ovulum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea: Clypeasteroida), Zootaxa 4543 (2), pp. 241-260
: 244-251
244-251 |
Epinephelus bruneus
Hoshino, Kouichi, Senou, Hiroshi & Nguy ễn, Quân Văn, 2024, Taxonomic Status of the Commercially Important Grouper, Epinephelus bruneus and E. moara (Osteichthys: Perciformes: Epinephelidae), with the Redescription of E. bruneus and the Description of a New Species, Species Diversity 29 (2), pp. 389-407
: 393-399
393-399 |
Baseodiscus hemprichii
Kajihara, Hiroshi, Abukawa, Shushi & Chernyshev, Alexei V., 2022, Exploring the basal topology of the heteronemertean tree of life: establishment of a new family, along with turbotaxonomy of Valenciniidae (Nemertea: Pilidiophora: Heteronemertea), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 196, pp. 503-548
: 529
529 |