Leodice australis
comb. nov.
Zanol, Joana, Hutchings, Pat A. & Fauchald, Kristian, 2020, Eunice sensu latu (Annelida: Eunicidae) from Australia: description of seven new species and comments on previously reported species of the genera Eunice, Leodice and Nicidion, Zootaxa 4748 (1), pp. 1-43
: 24-26
24-26 |
Linguimaera leo
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 58-60
58-60 |
Pectinaria antipoda
Hutchings, P. & Peart, R., 2002, A Review of the Genera of Pectinariidae (Polychaeta) Together with a Description of the Australian Fauna, Records of the Australian Museum 54, pp. 99-127
: 112-118
112-118 |
Syllides tam
sp. nov.
San Martin, G & Hutchings, PA, 2006, Eusyllinae (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from Australia with the Description of a New Genus and Fifteen New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 58, pp. 257-370
: 363-365
363-365 |
Siriella bassi
sp. nov.
Daneliya, Mikhail, Price, W. Wayne & Heard, Richard W., 2018, Revision of the Siriella brevicaudata species group (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) from the West Indo-Pacific, European Journal of Taxonomy 426, pp. 1-80
: 6-13
6-13 |
Pagurapseudes victoriae
sp. nov.
Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, M. & Bamber, R. N., 2012, The Shallow-water Tanaidacea (Arthropoda: Malacostraca: Peracarida) of the Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia (other than the Tanaidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 69, pp. 1-235
: 64-69
64-69 |
Caromiobenella jeoni
sp. nov.
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo & P. M. B, Alexander David Mckinnon, 2025, The Australian Monstrilloida 3. Caromiobenella Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018, Monstrilla Dana, 1849, and Sarsimonstrillus n. gen., Zootaxa 5576 (1), pp. 1-99
: 11-12
11-12 |
Monstrilla pileata
sp. nov.
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo & P. M. B, Alexander David Mckinnon, 2025, The Australian Monstrilloida 3. Caromiobenella Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018, Monstrilla Dana, 1849, and Sarsimonstrillus n. gen., Zootaxa 5576 (1), pp. 1-99
: 18-30
18-30 |
Monstrilla longibrachiata
sp. nov.
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo & P. M. B, Alexander David Mckinnon, 2025, The Australian Monstrilloida 3. Caromiobenella Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018, Monstrilla Dana, 1849, and Sarsimonstrillus n. gen., Zootaxa 5576 (1), pp. 1-99
: 37-39
37-39 |
Monstrilla walteri
sp. nov.
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo & P. M. B, Alexander David Mckinnon, 2025, The Australian Monstrilloida 3. Caromiobenella Jeon, Lee & Soh, 2018, Monstrilla Dana, 1849, and Sarsimonstrillus n. gen., Zootaxa 5576 (1), pp. 1-99
: 43-47
43-47 |