Bolbapium minutum
Carvalho, Edrielly Carolinne & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2022, A taxonomic revision of Bolbapium Boucomont, 1910 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae), Journal of Natural History 56 (13 - 16), pp. 769-828
: 799-801
799-801 |
Pterodectes tangarae
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 82
82 |
Nanodectes formicivorae
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 81
81 |
Pterodectes pitangi
LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102
: 81
81 |
Rhamphichthys hahni
Carvalho, Tiago P. & Albert, James S., 2023, A taxonomic review of the Neotropical electric fish Rhamphichthys (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae), Neotropical Ichthyology (e 230012) 21 (4), pp. 1-76
: 28-33
28-33 |
Helina rufiguttata
LÖWENBERG-NETO, PETER & DE CARVALHO, CLAUDIO J. B., 2013, Muscidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Latin America and the Caribbean: geographic distribution and check-list by country, Zootaxa 3650 (1), pp. 1-147
: 67
67 |
Hypostomus khimaera
Carvalho, Vandergleison de, Müller, Victória Joana da Silva, Ferreira, Daniela Cristina, Zawadzki, Cláudio Henrique & Tencatt, Luiz Fernando Caserta, 2024, Revisiting Hypostomus khimaera (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): the identity of a morphologically variable species, Neotropical Ichthyology (e 240057) 22 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Attacobius attarum
Pereira-Filho, José Moisés B., Saturnino, Regiane & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2018, Five new species and novel descriptions of opposed sexes of four species of the spider genus Attacobius (Araneae: Corinnidae), Zootaxa 4462 (2), pp. 211-228
: 226
226 |
Attacobius luederwaldti
Pereira-Filho, José Moisés B., Saturnino, Regiane & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2018, Five new species and novel descriptions of opposed sexes of four species of the spider genus Attacobius (Araneae: Corinnidae), Zootaxa 4462 (2), pp. 211-228
: 212-214
212-214 |
Menemerus bivittatus
Pupin, Giovanni B. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2023, The alien synanthropic Salticidae in Brazil (Araneae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2023002) 113, pp. 1-16
: 5
5 |
Hasarius adansoni
Pupin, Giovanni B. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2023, The alien synanthropic Salticidae in Brazil (Araneae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2023002) 113, pp. 1-16
: 8
8 |