Metallyticus Westwood, 1835

Schwarz, Christian J. & Konopik, Oliver, 2014, An annotated checklist of the praYing mantises (Mantodea) of Borneo, including the results of the 2008 scientific expedition to Lanjak Entimau Wildlife SanctuarY, Sarawak, Zootaxa 3797 (1), pp. 130-168 : 134

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scientific name

Metallyticus Westwood, 1835


Metallyticus Westwood, 1835 View in CoL

= Metalleutica Burmeister, 1838 View in CoL

Members of this lineage are bark-dwellers. Five species occur in Borneo.

Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835 View in CoL §

= M. splendidus View in CoL var. viridi-auratus Westwood, 1889

Distribution. S India, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Maluku Islands ( Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008).

Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching ( Wieland 2008; SMSM), Limbang (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu ( Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Pontianac ( Wieland 2008), Poeloe Island (SMNK, specimen listed as M. violaceus in Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus violaceus ( Burmeister, 1838) View in CoL

Metalleutica violacea Burmeister, 1838

= Metalleutica vitripennis Burmeister, 1838

= Mantis chalybea Audinet-Serville, 1839

= Metallyticus splendidus View in CoL var. purpureus Westwood, 1889

Distribution. India (Kerala), Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Mindanao (Werner 1922, 1923, Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008).

Bornean records. Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898, Wieland 2008); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu ( Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Mahakkam River ( Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus semiaeneus Westwood, 1889 View in CoL

Distribution. Sarawak ( Shelford 1903, Wieland 2008).

Bornean localities. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM).

Metallyticus fallax Giglio-Tos, 1917

Distribution. Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917, Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus pallipes Giglio-Tos, 1917

Distribution. Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917).

Remarks. somewhat enigmatic species, no data available since original description.

Fam. Amorphoscelidae Stål, 1877 1

Burmeister, H. (1838) Fangheuschrecken. Mantodea. In: Handbuch der Entomologie. Zweiter Band. Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Halfte; vulgo Orthoptera). Enslin, Berlin, pp. 517 - 552.

Ehrmann, R. (2002) Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Munster, 519 pp.

Shelford, R. W. C. (1903) Bionomical notes on some Bornean Mantidae. Zoologist, 7 (4), 293 - 304.

Stal, C. (1877) Systema Mantodeorum. Essai d'une systematisation nouvelle des Mantodees. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, 4 (10), 1 - 91, 1 pl.

Westwood, J. O. (1835) Insectorum arachnoidumque novorum decades duo. Zoological Journal, 5, 440 - 453, pl. 22.

Westwood, J. O. (1889) Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Gurney & Jackson, London, 54 + III pp., 14 pls.

Wieland, F. (2008) The genus Metallyticus reviewed (Insecta: Mantodea). Species, Phylogeny and Evolution, 1 (3), 147 - 170.









