Metallyticus Westwood, 1835

Schwarz, Christian J. & Konopik, Oliver, 2014, An annotated checklist of the praYing mantises (Mantodea) of Borneo, including the results of the 2008 scientific expedition to Lanjak Entimau Wildlife SanctuarY, Sarawak, Zootaxa 3797 (1), pp. 130-168 : 134

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Plazi (2016-04-12 00:48:11, last updated 2022-01-30 07:45:48)

scientific name

Metallyticus Westwood, 1835


Metallyticus Westwood, 1835

= Metalleutica Burmeister, 1838

Members of this lineage are bark-dwellers. Five species occur in Borneo.

Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835 §

= M. splendidus var. viridi-auratus Westwood, 1889

Distribution. S India, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Maluku Islands ( Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008).

Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching ( Wieland 2008; SMSM), Limbang ( SMSM), Mt. Matang ( SMSM); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu ( Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Pontianac ( Wieland 2008), Poeloe Island ( SMNK, specimen listed as M. violaceus in Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus violaceus ( Burmeister, 1838)

Metalleutica violacea Burmeister, 1838

= Metalleutica vitripennis Burmeister, 1838

= Mantis chalybea Audinet-Serville, 1839

= Metallyticus splendidus var. purpureus Westwood, 1889

Distribution. India (Kerala), Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Mindanao (Werner 1922, 1923, Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008).

Bornean records. Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898, Wieland 2008); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu ( Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Mahakkam River ( Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus semiaeneus Westwood, 1889

Distribution. Sarawak ( Shelford 1903, Wieland 2008).

Bornean localities. Sarawak: Kuching ( SMSM), Mt. Matang ( SMSM).

Metallyticus fallax Giglio-Tos, 1917

Distribution. Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917, Wieland 2008).

Metallyticus pallipes Giglio-Tos, 1917

Distribution. Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917).

Remarks. somewhat enigmatic species, no data available since original description.

Fam. Amorphoscelidae Stål, 1877 1

Burmeister, H. (1838) Fangheuschrecken. Mantodea. In: Handbuch der Entomologie. Zweiter Band. Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Halfte; vulgo Orthoptera). Enslin, Berlin, pp. 517 - 552.

Ehrmann, R. (2002) Mantodea - Gottesanbeterinnen der Welt. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Munster, 519 pp.

Shelford, R. W. C. (1903) Bionomical notes on some Bornean Mantidae. Zoologist, 7 (4), 293 - 304.

Stal, C. (1877) Systema Mantodeorum. Essai d'une systematisation nouvelle des Mantodees. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar, 4 (10), 1 - 91, 1 pl.

Westwood, J. O. (1835) Insectorum arachnoidumque novorum decades duo. Zoological Journal, 5, 440 - 453, pl. 22.

Westwood, J. O. (1889) Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Gurney & Jackson, London, 54 + III pp., 14 pls.

Wieland, F. (2008) The genus Metallyticus reviewed (Insecta: Mantodea). Species, Phylogeny and Evolution, 1 (3), 147 - 170.


Sarawak Museum


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkunde Karlsruhe (State Museum of Natural History)









