publication ID |
ORI5672 |
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treatment provided by |
Thomas (2011-12-19 10:45:20, last updated 2024-11-29 10:50:08) |
scientific name |
Carabodes |
status |
comb. n. |
I have made extensive use of the highly valuable manuscript of E. Piffl cataloguing the species of these genera.
The ancient and for a long time the single genus of the family was the type-genus Carabodes C. L. Koch, 1836. Although, by several authors (Berlese, 1910, 1913; Trägardh, 1931; Willmann, 1936; Balogh, 1958) some supraspecific taxa were described until 1965, some of them either proved to be synonymous with or they stood so far from the type-genus that it was rather unlikely that a greater number of the older Carabodes species would be ranked into the new genera.
But the situation changed, when erecting the genus Austrocarabodes Hammer (1966: 62) included in it only his new species and a few older ones originally described in the genus Carabodes . Many of the earlier combinations with Carabodes were wrong, as were also misconceived some with Austrocarabodes , therefore, our present-day knowledge spurs us to compile a catalogue of species for both genera. The lists of the other genera will be published at a later date.
The subsequent list includes all the taxa originally described into this genus, which either still belong here today or not. The literature is restricted only to the most reliable and most important references. I always considered a reference to be useful if it gave a new combination, a new morphological feature, a note to zoogeography or to the ecology of the species.
The italicized names refer to species which do not belong here today. These names are followed with reference to the new combination:
Carabodes C. L. Koch, 1836
Carabodes C. L. Koch, 1836:3, 15
Neocepheus Willmann, 1936: 433
Flexa Kulijev , 1977: 64 syn. n.
Type-species: Carabodes coriaceus C. L. Koch , 1836
affinis Berlese , 1913: 94, t: VII, fig. 72
Bernini 1970: 402, t: II, figs 3-4, III, 2-3
Bernini 1982: 386
agenjoi Pérez-Iñigó, 1969: 412, figs 7 - 9
albidus Balogh, 1960: 22, figs 23 - 24 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
alveolatus Oudemans , 1915: 194> to Dolicheremaeus comb. n.
angulatus Balogh, 1958: 18 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
apicalis Banks , 1895: 13> to Carabodoides comb. n.
Jacot 1937: 240
Norton 1978: 611
aphanicus Bernini, 1979: 325, figs I: a - c, II: a -b, III: a - f
arduinii Valle , 1955: 12, figs 1, t: I, 2 - 6
Bernini 1982: 387
areolatus Berlese , 1916: 331
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 378, fig. 5
Schweizer 1956: 293, figs 219 a—f
Rajski 1968: 293
Bernini 1970: 403, t: III, 1, 4, IV: 1-3
Bernini 1982: 388
atrichosus Mahunka , 1984: 128, figs 39 - 40
auriculatus sp. n.
australis Balogh et Csiszár, 1963: 474, fig. 29> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
australis boniensis Aoki, 1978: 85, figs 3: a—d > to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
basilewskyi Balogh, 1958: 19
bellus Aoki , 1959: 157, figs 1: a-c
Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1975: 187, fig. 389
berninii Mahunka, 1983: 382, figs 1 - 6
bicolor Balogh, 1958: 18
borhidii Balogh et Mahunka, 1979: 39, figs 4: a—b
bosniae Frank, 1961: 79, figs 1, 2> to Tegeocranellus comb. n.
breviclava Aoki , 1970: 590, figs 16 - 22
brevis Banks , 1896: 77
Norton 1978: 614, fig. 10
canaliculatus C. L. Koch , 1839: 29, 7 ( Nothrus )
Oudemans 1937: 2580, fig. 1109*
* It is almost certain that Willmann's note is correct (see Oudemans), consequently, the species does not belong to the family Carabodidae .
castrii Mahunka, 1966: 379, fig. 12> to minusculus Berlese , 1923 comb. n.
Bernini 1970: 404 (= minusculus syn. n.)
celisi Balogh, 1958: 19 (> to Trichocarabodes )
Balogh 1961: 276, t. 15: 1-2
Hammer 1966: 62
cellularis Balogh, 1962: 425, figs 17 - 18 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
cephalotes C. L. Koch , 1836: 3, 16** (species inquirenda)
Oudemans 1937: 2632, fig. 1136
** It is almost certain that it does not belong to the genus Carabodes , nor even to the family Carabodidae .
chirstlus sp. n.
clavata Jacot , 1938: 13 ( gibbiceps clavata ) stat. n.
coriaceus C. L. Koch , 1836: 15
Michael 1884: 316, t: XX, 1-8, XXII, 11 ( Tegeocranus )
Oudemans 1937: 2640, fig. 1141
Sellnick und Forsslund, 1953: 381, fig. 7
Rajski 1968: 292
Bernini 1970: t: VIII, 3-4
Pérez-Iñigó 1971: 281, fig. 16
Mahunka 1986: 117, figs 13-15, 84
coronatus Mahunka , 1986: 117, figs 127 - 132
costulatus Balogh, 1958: 17 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Balogh 1960: 92, figs 6 - 8
Hammer 1966: 62
cynocephalus (C. L. Koch, 1839): 30, 8 (species inquirenda)*
Oudemans 1937: 2646, fig. 1142
* The combination of Willmann and Oudemans is rather uncertain. Considering the shape of the legs, it rather belongs to the groups of Oppoidea.
davisi Balogh et Mahunka, 1969: 46, figs 23 - 25> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
depilatus Balogh et Mahunka, 1969: 46, fig. 26> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
dissimilis Bernini , 1976: 30, fig. X: a -b, XI: a -b
dorsalis Banks , 1896: 77 (> to Nanhermannia )
Jacot 1937: 238, fig. 5
Norton 1978: 611
dubius Kulijev , 1968: 91, figs 7: a -c
Kulijev 1977: 66, figs 1: 1-6, 2: 1-3 (Flexa)
ensifer Sellnick , 1931: 717, figs 20 - 21> to Austrocarabodes
Hammer 1966: 59 (> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.)
excellens Balogh et Mahunka, 1969: 46, figs 27 - 29
falcatus Jacot , 1937: 365, fig. 15
femoralis (Nicolet, 1855): 466, fig. 9: 2 ( Tegeocranus )
Michael 1884: 318, t: XX, 9
Hull 1914: 282
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 386, fig. 10
Bernini 1970: 404, t: X, 3-4, XI, 3-4, XX, 1
flagellifer Mihelcic , 1967: 517, figs 1: a-f
flavus (Ewing, 1918)**
** Cepheus flavus Ewing , 1918: Woolley (1957: 113, figs 1 - 2) erroneously placed it in the genus Carabodes . I think that it belongs to the family Cepheidae .
forsslundi Sellnick , 1953: 383, fig. 9> to ornatus Storkan , 1925
Rajski 1968: 297 (syn. with ornatus )
fraterculus Balogh, 1963: 38, figs 6 - 7 (> to Gymnobodes )
Balogh 1965: 59, t: 9, fig. 7
gibbiceps Berlese, 1916: 330
globiger Balogh, 1970: 38, fig. 7
grandjeani Bernini , 1977: 144, figs 1 - 3
Bernini 1982: 389
granosus Sellnick , 1959: 118, fig. 4a
granulatus Banks , 1895: 129
Norton, 1978: 614, fig. 11
haradai Aoki , 1978: 83, figs 2: a -d> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
heimi (Oudemans, 1903): 312, figs 1 - 3 ( Cepheus )
Pérez-Iñigó, 1971: 284 (syn. with labyrinthicus )
hispanicus Perez-Inigo , 1966: 351, figs 1: a—b, 2: a -e
Pérez-Iñigó 1971: 284
humeratus Berlese, 1913: 94, t: VII, 73 (> to Yoshiobodes )
Balogh 1970: 299 ( Austrocarabodes )
hummelincki (Willmann, 1936): 433, t: 14, figs 3 - 5 ( Neocepheus )
hungaricus Balogh, 1943: 66, t: XII, 5 - 6
Bernini 1981: 27, figs 1-8
imperfectus Sellnick, 1959: 119, fig. 4b ( imperfecta sic!) (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
intermedius Willmann, 1951: 169, fig. 11
Schweizer 1956: 295, figs 222: a -c
irmayi Balogh et Mahunka, 1969: 47, figs 32 - 33 (> to Yoshiobodes )
Mahunka 1986: 109
jamaicaensis Woolley , 1967: 103, figs 1 - 2
kusseri J. Balogh et P. Balogh, 1983: 307, figs 4: a - g
labyrynthicus (Michael, 1879): 249, t: 11 ( Tegeocranus )
Michael 1884: 319, figs t: XXI, 1-8, XXII, 3
Hammer 1952: 42, fig. 62
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 387, fig. 12
Schweizer 1956: 294, figs 221: a - c
Rajski 1968: 294
Pérez-Iñigó 1971: 287, figs 19-20
lepidus Aoki , 1978: 81, figs 1: a -d (> to Austrocarabodes )
Aoki 1982: 175
longisetosus Kulijev, 1968: fig. 8 ( tenuis longisetosus )
Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1975: 185
lounsburyi Berlese , 1910: 216 [ Carabodes (Carabocepheus) lounsburyi ]
Balogh 1965: 59
Mahunka 1986: 132, figs 147 - 151
longulus Balogh, 1958: 19 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
longulus Willmann, 1944
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 373 (as nom. nud.)
lunaris Balogh, 1962: 423, figs 15 - 16 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
luteoauratus Hammer, 1972: 25, figs 26: a—b ( luteo-auratus )
Hammer 1973: 17
magnus Kunst , 1961: 169, figs 9: a—b
manganoi Bernini, 1976: 25, figs VIII: a -b, IX: a -c
manifera Hammer, 1977: 30, fig. 19
marginatus (Michael, 1884): 322, t: XXI, 5, XXII, 1 - 2 ( Tegeocranus )
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 382, fig. 8
Rajski 1968: 296
Bernini 1970: 404, t: VI, 3-4, VII, 1-2, VIII, 2
Bernini 1974: 51, figs 1-4
marginepunctatus Trägardh, 1902: 20 (syn. with labyrinthicus )
Trägardh 1910: 515, figs 284-289
Sellnick et Forsslund 1953: 388
microtrichus Mahunka, 1984: 417, figs 78 - 81
minusculus Berlese , 1923: 257
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 388, fig. 13
Mahunka 1966: 379, fig. 12 ( castrii )
Bernini 1970: 404, t: IV, 4-5, V, 1-4
Pérez-Iñigó 1971: 282, figs 17-18
Bernini 1976: 3, figs I: a-h, II: a-j, III: a-j, IV: a-d; 39, 45
montanus Bernini , 1979: 22, figs VII: 1-4, VIII: 1-4, IX: 1-2, X: 1-4
nepos Hull , 1914: 284, t: C, figs 2, 10 (species inquirenda)
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 380, 385
niger Banks , 1895: 12
Norton 1978: 613, figs 3-9
nitens Johnston , 1877: 121*
* On the basis of Piffl's catalogue. I was unable to check it myself.
oblonga Banks , 1895: 13> to Odontocepheus
Johnston 1965: 54
Norton 1978: 613
obsoletus Berlese , 1916: 329
omo Jacot, 1937: 241, figs 7 - 8> to granulatus Banks , 1895
Norton 1978: 615 (proposed synonymy with granulatus )
ornatissimus Hammer, 1966: 58, figs 80 -80a
ornatus Storkan , 1925: 21, fig. 4
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 383, fig. 9 ( forsslundi )
Schweizer 1956: 294, figs 220: a -c ( forsslundi )
Rajski 1968: 297
Bernini 1982: 390
palmifer Berlese, 1904: 27
Bernini 1970: 404, figs 5: e-f
Bernini 1982: 390
papillosus Lucas , 1846: 319, t: 22, fig. 12 (species inquirenda)
Michael 1898: 39
Oudemans, 1937 2647, fig. 1143 ( Oribates )
paraspinosus Kulijev, 1968: 88, fig. 5
Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1975: 185
penicillatus Berlese , 1916: 328
peniculatus Aoki , 1970: 417, figs 47 - 54
pentatrichus Balogh, 1962: 98, figs 12 - 13 (> to Austrocarabodes )
perezinigoi Salinas , 1971: 359, figs 1 - 3
pirinensis Kunst, 1961: 171, figs 10: a -b
pocsi Mahunka, 1983: 409, figs 43 - 47
poggii Bernini, 1976: 34, figs XII: a -e
pontiger Berlese, 1913: 94, t: VI, 67
Bernini 1970: 407, t: VI, 1-2, VII, 3-4, VIII, 1
pulcher Bernini , 1976: 21, figs VI: a-b, VII: a
problematicus Mahunka , 1985: 317, figs 54 - 59
quadrangulus Bernini, 1979: 9, figs I: 1-4, II: 1-5, III: 1-3, IV: 1-4, V: 1-4, VI: 1-4
radiatus Berlese , 1916: 328
reticulatus Berlese , 1913: 95, t: VII, 74 ( coriaceus v. reticulatus )
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 379, fig. 6
Bernini 1970: 409, t: IX, 1-5
Oudemans 1915: 194> to Brasiella comb. n.
Oudemans 1917: 55, figs 96 - 97
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 79, fig. 6 ( Chaunoproctus )
Balogh 1970: 311, figs 54-55
rimosus Aoki , 1959: 159, figs 2a -d
Aoki 1970: 417, figs 44-46
rugosior Berlese , 1916: 327 ( femoralis var. rugosior )
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 387, fig. 11 ( femoralis rugosior )
Rajski 1968: 294 ( femoralis rugosior )
Bernini 1970: 410, t: X, 1, XI, 1-2, XII, 2
Bernini 1982: 392
schatzi Bernini , 1976: 16, figs V: a -b
Schweizer 1956: 295, fig. 223 ( minusculus )
schwartzi Balogh et Mahunka, 1969: 47, figs 32 - 33 (> to Austrocarabodes )
scopulae Kulijev, 1968: 90, fig. 7
Kulijev 1977: 66, figs 3: 1-3 ( Flexa )
scymnus Hull, 1914: 282, t: C, 1, 12 (species inquirenda)
sordidus Balogh, 1958: 18 (> to Austrocarabodes )
Hammer 1966: 62
strinovichi Balogh et Mahunka, 1978: 40, figs 24 - 27
spinosus Storkan , 1925: 20, fig. 3 (species inquirenda)
subalpinus Thor , 1937: 293
subarcticus Trägardh, 1902: 21 ( elongatus var. subarcticus )
Rajski 1968: 298
Sellnick und Forsslund 1953: 375, fig. 4
subnudus Balogh, 1963: 36, figs 4 - 5> to Gymnobodes comb. n.
szentivanyi Balogh et Mahunka, 1967: 43, figs 9 - 10> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
taprobanae Oudemans , 1915: 194> to? Fenichelia comb. n.
Oudemans, 1917: 57, figs 98 - 107
teneriffensis Perez-Inigo , 1976: 98, figs 15 - 16
tenuis Forsslund , 1953: 373, figs 2 - 3
Forsslund 1943: 190 nom. nud.
Willmann 1944:* ( longulus Willmann nom. nud.)
Rajski 1968: 299
Hammer 1977: 30
* I have not seen the publication.
travei Balogh et Csiszár, 1963: 474, fig. 26> to Austrocarabodes comb. n.
tridactylus Trägardh, 1907: 29**
** On the basis of Piffl's catalogue.
trigonosternum Pérez-Iñigó, 1976: 96, figs 12 - 14
tsushimaensis Aoki , 1970: 415, figs 38 - 43 ( rimosus tsushimaensis ) stat. n.
variabilis Hammer , 1966: 58, fig. 81
vermiculatus Berlese , 1916: 330
Bernini 1970: 402
verrucatus Trägardh, 1931: 589, figs 66 - 75> to? Austrocarabodes comb. n. *
* On the basis of the figure, it definitely possesses more than 10 notogastral setae, though, as far as its habitus is concerned, a relationship with Diplobodes - Kalloia is more probable. Further research is necessary.
willmanni Bernini , 1975: 455, figs I: a -c, II: a -h, III: a -e
Pérez-Iñigó 1971: 282, figs 17-18
Bernini 1976: 21
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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SubOrder |
Oribatida |
Family |
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