Callmander, Martin W., Keim, Ary P., Heatubun, Charlie D., Homot, Peter & Buerki, Sven, 2016, Lifting the curtain on our knowledge of New Guinean Benstonea (Pandanaceae)

Callmander, Martin W., Keim, Ary P., Heatubun, Charlie D., Homot, Peter & Buerki, Sven, 2016, Lifting the curtain on our knowledge of New Guinean Benstonea (Pandanaceae), Phytotaxa 275 (2), pp. 168-174

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Benstonea eumekes   comb. nov.  170-171
Benstonea odoardoi     170
Benstonea ihuana   comb. nov.  171
Benstonea papuana   nom. nov.  171-173
Benstonea rostellata   comb. nov.  171