Grandidierella bonnieroides
Appadoo, C & Myers, A. A., 2004, Corophiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Mauritius, Records of the Australian Museum 56 (3), pp. 331-362
: 353-354
353-354 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Al-Kandari, Manal, Polikarpov, Igor, Nithyanandan, Manickam, Al-Yamani, Faiza & Grintsov, Vladimir, 2023, An annotated checklist of the Amphipoda (Crustacea) of Kuwait, north-western Arabian Gulf, Zootaxa 5351 (1), pp. 1-36
: 12
12 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Iaciofano, Davide, Mancini, Emanuele, Lubinevsky, Hadas & Brutto, Sabrina Lo, 2024, The amphipod fauna assemblage along the Mediterranean Israeli coast, a spatiotemporal overview, Ecologica Montenegrina 80, pp. 244-272
: 251
251 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Myers, Alan A., Sreepada, Rayadurga A. & Sanaye, Sushant V., 2019, A new species of Grandidierella Coutière, 1904, G. nioensis sp. nov. (Amphipoda, Aoridae), from the east coast of India, Zootaxa 4544 (1), pp. 119-124
: 123
123 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Myers, Alan A. & Nithyanandan, Manickam, 2016, The Amphipoda of Sea City, Kuwait. — The Senticaudata (Crustacea), Zootaxa 4072 (4), pp. 401-429
: 408
408 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Brutto, Sabrina Lo, Iaciofano, Davide, Lubinevsky, Hadas & Galil, Bella S., 2016, Grandidierella bonnieroides Stephensen, 1948 (Amphipoda, Aoridae) — first record of an established population in the Mediterranean Sea, Zootaxa 4092 (4), pp. 518-528
: 521-525
521-525 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Myers, Alan, 2004, Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the family Aoridae (Corophiidea) from Rodrigues, Indian Ocean, Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 3123-3135
: 3133-3134
3133-3134 |
Grandidierella bonnieroides
Thacker, Dimple, Patel, Krupal, Myers, Alan, Guerra-García, José M., Zeidler, Wolfgang & Trivedi, Jigneshkumar, 2023, Annotated Checklist of Marine Amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of India, Zootaxa 5340 (1), pp. 1-90
: 57
57 |