Ammophila rubigegen LI & YANG, 1990

Dollfuss, H., 2013, Revision of the Wasps Genus Ammophila KIRBY 1798 (Hymenoptera Apoidea Sphecidae) of the Palearctic Region and India, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1), pp. 383-564 : 479

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5341134


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scientific name

Ammophila rubigegen LI & YANG


Ammophila rubigegen LI & YANG ( Figs 734-746 View Figs 734-752 )

Ammophila rubigegen LI & YANG 1990: 260 , ♀, 3. Holotype: ♀, China: Nei Mongol: Jumgar Banner, Ih Ju League: Mt. Shensan (Beijing Agricultural University ).

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:None.

D e s c r i p t i o n:(LI & YANG 1990: 260, translated from Chinese by Yan Chengjin): " ♀: Body length 16.0 mm. Black; posterior half of gastral petiole, terga I-III, and sterna II-III yellowish red; gastral apex with distinct metallic blue luster; posterior part of tegula and wings pale yellowish brown, veins brown. Clypeus, gena and prosternum with long setae, white to brown; clypeus and lower frons covered with pubescence; pronotal lobe, mesopleuron posteriorly and propodeum posterolaterally covered with dense appressed setae; gastral petiole ventrally without pubescence. Vertex, frons, and clypeus sparsely punctate, without supra-antennal projection, free margin of clypeus emarginate medially, with two lateral teeth. Hindocellar diameter (ODD): postocellar distance (POD): oculocellar distance (OOD): interocular distance at anterior ocellus (IODP): interocular distance at clypeus (IODC) = 1: 1.6: 2.5: 7.7: 6.5. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomeres I: II: III: VIII = 1.1: 4.2: 2: 2: 1.5. Pronotal collar: length: width = 4.8: 7.7, transversely rugose-striate and punctate, with shallow, median furrow, transversely rugose-striate on anterior slope. Scutum coarsely, transversely rugose-striate and punctate, with admedian line; scutellum coarsely, longitudinally striate; metanotum without distinct striae; propodeal enclosure with median carina, surface coarsely, obliquely striate laterally; mesopleuron and mesosternum transversely rugose-striate and punctate. Episternal sulcus present, front of mesosternum usual. Metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum coarsely rugose-striate. Submarginal cell III not petiolate. Foretarsus asymmetrical; hindleg: relative length of tibia: tarsomeres I: II: III = 17.8: 9.5: 5.7: 4.3. Claw simple, with arolia. Length of gastral petiole: terga I: II = 13.2: 21.3: 10.4.

3: Body length 16.0 mm. Similar to female, merely apex of petiole yellowish red; clypeus adjacent to free margin with sparse, long brown setae, head and thorax with long, erect, white setae. Clypeus and lower frons covered with appressed setae. Free margin of clypeus emarginate medially; ODD: POD: OOD: IODP: IODC = 1: 1.4: 2: 6.5: 3.9. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomeres I: II: III: IX = 1.1: 3.5: 2.3: 2.4: 1.7. Pronotal collar: length: width = 4: 7.4, without distinct admedian line; metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum without distinct sculpture; hindleg: relative length of tibia: tarsomeres I: II: III = 17.5: 9: 5.3: 4. Length of gastral petiole: terga I: II = 15: 13.8: 10.4. Genitalia with penis valves ( Figs 744, 745 View Figs 734-752 ), volsella ( Fig. 740 View Figs 734-752 ) and gonostyle ( Fig. 746 View Figs 734-752 ).

R e l a t i o n s h i p s: This new species is related to A. gegen TSUNEKI (1971) , but the latter can be easely distinguished by the different sculpture pattern of the thorax, black petiole and a different shape of male genitalia."

G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: China (Nei Mongol).














Ammophila rubigegen LI & YANG

Dollfuss, H. 2013

Ammophila rubigegen

LI & YANG 1990: 260
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