Carupa ohashii
Huang, Yu-Hsuan & Shih, Hsi-Te, 2021, Chthonius rhodochelatus Hadzi 1933, Zoological Studies 60 (60), pp. 1-45
: 7-11
7-11 |
Stenobrachius ohashii
sp. nov.
Schwarzhans, Werner, Ohe, Fumio, Tsuchiya, Yuki & Ujihara, Atsushi, 2022, Lanternfish otoliths (Myctophidae, Teleostei) from the Miocene of Japan, Zitteliana 96, pp. 103-134
: 103
103 |
new species
Takeda, Masatsune, 1993, A new swimming crab of the genus Carupa from submarine caves in the Ryukyu Islands, Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Series A (Zoology) 19, No. 4, pp. 145-150
: 145
145 |