Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878

Smith, Gideon F., 2024, The taxonomy and nomenclature associated with Kalanchoe adelae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), Phytotaxa 663 (1), pp. 33-40 : 34-36

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.663.1.4



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scientific name

Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878


Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878 View in CoL , 882).

Type:—[ COMORO ISLANDS. Grande Comore], undated, likely July 1886, [Mr L. J. H.] Humblot 1570 (lectotype Herb. P barcodeP00431000 [image of the specimen accessible online at http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/p/ p00431000]), here designated as lectotype ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Homotypic synonym:— Bryophyllum adelae (Raym.-Hamet) Berger (1930: 412).

Heterotypic synonym:— Kalanchoe floribunda Tulasne (1857: 150) , non [ K. floribunda ] Wight & Walker-Arnot (1834: 359), nom. illeg. ( Turland et al. 2018: Art. 53.1).

Type:—[ COMORO ISLANDS.] Iles Comores, Angazija, 1847–1852, M. [Louis-Hyacinthe] Boivin s.n. (lectotype Herb. P barcode P 00431004 [image of the specimen accessible online at http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/p/ p00431004]), designated by Smith & Figueiredo (2023b: 280) ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Nomenclatural notes on the type of Kalanchoe adelae :—When treating K. adelae , the only material that Hamet (1908: 26) cited was “[ M. [Mr] Humblot, no 1570!]”, “ Madagascar ” [sic, it should have been “ Comoro Islands ”]. At least four specimens that were all collected by [ L. J. H.] Humblot under his collecting number “ 1570 ”, as cited by Hamet (1908: 26), exist at Herb. P.

These four specimens —all of them syntypes (see Turland et al. 2018: Art. 9.6 and Note 1 under Art. 40)—were mounted on four different sheets. These specimens can be identified as follows with reference to the various labels attached to them:

1. A printed label headed “Herbier E. Drake” that was stamped “Humblot. – COMORES ” and completed by hand as “1570 Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” with the date “ juillet 1886 ” added in the same handwriting. An undated, handwritten determinavit slip that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. non W. et Arn” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen that lacks leaves.] Herb. P barcode P 00430999.

2. A printed label headed “ HERB. MUS. PARIS ” that was completed by hand as “ No 1570 Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet [.] R. Hamet determinavit[.] M. Humblot”. A small piece of paper attached to the specimen carries the handwritten number “1570”. A handwritten determinavit slip dated 2 February 1923 that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. (non W. et Arn.)” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen with leaves, as well as, presumably, plant fragments enclosed in a folded paper capsule.] Herb. P barcode P 00431000.

3. A printed label headed “Herbier E. Drake” that was stamped “Humblot. – COMORES ” and completed by hand as “ Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” with the date “ juillet 1886 ” added in the same handwriting. The number “1570” handwritten on a small piece of paper is attached to the specimen. A handwritten determinavit slip dated February 1933 that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet = K. floribunda Tul. (non W. et Arn.)” is also attached to the mounting board. [Leaf material only is attached to the mounting board.] Herb. P barcode P 00431001.

4. A printed label of which the heading is obscured by leaf material, stating “ Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” and signed by R. Hamet, with “ Madagascar ” [crossed out] and replaced by “Grande Comore”. The number “1570” handwritten on a small piece of paper is attached to the specimen. An undated, handwritten determinavit slip that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. non W. et Arn.” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen with a few leaves.] Herb. P barcode P 00431002.

Dorr (1997: 128) recorded that the herbarium of Emmanuel Drake del Castillo (1855–1904) includes collections made by, inter alia, Humblot, which explains the printed labels headed “Herbier E. Drake” attached to some of the Humblot specimens. Other Humblot specimens were apparently sent directly to Herb. P. Drake’s contributions to the taxonomy of Kalanchoe were treated in Smith & Figueiredo (2022: 158–165).

The four accessions enumerated as “1.” to “4.”, above, were all clearly given the number [ L. J. H.] Humblot] 1570 and all four qualify as original material because they were obviously available to Raymond-Hamet at Herb. P well before he published the name K. adelae in 1907 and treated the species in 1908.

Of these four specimens the [ L. J. H.] Humblot 1570 specimen—the most complete one—that can be identified as Herb. P barcode P 00431000 is designated here as the lectotype of the name K. adelae ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Descoings (2003: 144) stated that the “ T: ” of the name K. adelae is “ Comoro Islands (Boivin s.n. [ P])”. This attempted typification of the name K. adelae on non-Humblot material was not effective. The abbreviation “ T: ” is defined simply as “(nomenclatural) type” in Eggli (2003: X). Rather, the specimen [Louis-Hyacinthe] Boivin s.n. is the lectotype of the name K. floribunda Tulasne (1857: 150) , non [ K. floribunda ] Wight & Walker-Arnot (1834: 359), nom. illeg.

Taxonomic note:—The name K. adelae is in use for an accepted species.


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Helsinki


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Muskingum College


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878

Smith, Gideon F. 2024

Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878

Hamet, R. 1907: 878
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