Carex firmula
Ridley, Rhonda & Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro, 2022, Incipient insular differentiation of Carex firmula (Cyperaceae, former genus Uncinia) in the Juan Fernández archipelago (Chile), Phytotaxa 533 (5), pp. 267-286
: 279
279 |
Carex firmula subsp. tenuis
Ridley, Rhonda & Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro, 2022, Incipient insular differentiation of Carex firmula (Cyperaceae, former genus Uncinia) in the Juan Fernández archipelago (Chile), Phytotaxa 533 (5), pp. 267-286
: 279-281
279-281 |
Carex firmula subsp. firmula
Ridley, Rhonda & Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro, 2022, Incipient insular differentiation of Carex firmula (Cyperaceae, former genus Uncinia) in the Juan Fernández archipelago (Chile), Phytotaxa 533 (5), pp. 267-286
: 279
279 |