8.7903, 49.16754: 10 Treatments

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Aphanogmus kretschmanni   sp. nov.  Moser, Marina, Ulmer, Jonah M., Kamp, Thomas Van De, Vasilița, Cristina, Renninger, Maura, Mikó, István & Krogmann, Lars, 2023, Surprising morphological diversity in ceraphronid wasps revealed by a distinctive new species of Aphanogmus (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 864 (1), pp. 146-166 : 150-159 150-159
Stigmella mespilicola     van Nieukerken, Erik J. & Robrecht, Dieter, 2025, Stigmella species on the Wild Service Tree, Torminalis glaberrima, confused, overlooked and found again (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae), Nota Lepidopterologica 48, pp. 29-67 : 29-67 29-67
Smicromyrme (Smicromyrme) burgeri   sp. nov.  Schmid-Egger, Christian & Schmidt, Stefan, 2021, Unexpected diversity in Central European Vespoidea (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Myrmosidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae, Thynnidae, Vespidae), with description of two species of Smicromyrme Thomson, 1870, ZooKeys 1062, pp. 49-72 : 49 49
Formica rufibarbis     Seifert, B. & Schultz, R., 2009, A taxonomic revision of the Formica rufibarbis Fabricius, 1793 group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Myrmecologische Nachrichten 12, pp. 255-272 : 260-261 260-261
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Camponotus figaro     Seifert, Bernhard, 2019, A taxonomic revision of the members of the Camponotus lateralis species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Europe, Asia Minor and Caucasia, Soil Organisms 91 (1), pp. 7-32 : 28-29 28-29
Myrmecophilus acervorum     Iorgu, Ionuț Ştefan, Iorgu, Elena Iulia, Stalling, Thomas, Puskás, Gellért, Chobanov, Dragan, Szövényi, Gergely, Moscaliuc, Liviu Aurel, Motoc, Rozalia, Tăuşan, Ioan & Fusu, Lucian, 2023, Ant crickets and their secrets: Myrmecophilus acerŋorum is not always parthenogenetic (Insecta: Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 197 (1), pp. 211-228 : 215 215
Tephritis hendeliana     Korneyev, Severyn V. & Korneyev, Valery A., 2019, Revision of the Old World species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) with a pair of isolated apical spots, Zootaxa 4584 (1), pp. 1-73 : 33-36 33-36
Camptomyia salicicola     Jaschhof, Mathias, 2024, New taxa and new records of Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Germany, European Journal of Taxonomy 953, pp. 1-134 : 47-48 47-48
Porricondyla gemina     Jaschhof, Mathias, 2024, New taxa and new records of Winnertziinae and Porricondylinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Germany, European Journal of Taxonomy 953, pp. 1-134 : 91 91