-77.9154, 39.9957: 10 Treatments

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Nannaria fowleri     Means, Jackson C., Hennen, Derek A. & Marek, Paul E., 2021, A revision of the minor species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae), ZooKeys 1030, pp. 1-180 : 1 1
Tritoxa flexa     Sinclair, Bradley J., Macleod, Alyssa M. & Wheeler, Terry A., 2021, Revision of the Nearctic genus Tritoxa Loew (Diptera: Ulidiidae), Zootaxa 4920 (3), pp. 359-379 : 367-371 367-371
Ourssus minutus     Skvarla, Michael Joseph, Tripodi, Amber, Szalanski, Allen & Dowling, Ashley, 2015, New records of Orussusminutus Middlekauff, 1983 (Hymenoptera: Orussidae) represent a significant western range expansion, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 5793-5793 : 5793 5793
Ourssus minutus     Skvarla, Michael Joseph, Tripodi, Amber, Szalanski, Allen & Dowling, Ashley, 2015, New records of Orussusminutus Middlekauff, 1983 (Hymenoptera: Orussidae) represent a significant western range expansion, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 5793-5793 : 5793 5793
Agrilus amelanchieri     Barringer, Lawrence, 2020, New records of woodboring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) for the eastern United States, Insecta Mundi 746, pp. 1-25 : 3 3
Achradocera barbata     Quevedo, Lucas, Capellari, Renato S. & Lamas, Carlos José E., 2024, Taxonomic revision of Achradocera Becker (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 301-344 : 316-320 316-320
Agrilus audax     Barringer, Lawrence, 2020, New records of woodboring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) for the eastern United States, Insecta Mundi 746, pp. 1-25 : 3 3
Brachys aeruginosus     Barringer, Lawrence, 2020, New records of woodboring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) for the eastern United States, Insecta Mundi 746, pp. 1-25 : 5 5
Agrilus parvus     Barringer, Lawrence, 2020, New records of woodboring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) for the eastern United States, Insecta Mundi 746, pp. 1-25 : 4 4
Agromyza deserta     Lonsdale, Owen, 2021, Manual of North American Agromyzidae (Diptera, Schizophora), with revision of the fauna of the " Delmarva " states, ZooKeys 1051, pp. 1-481 : 1 1