54.525276, 36.643333: 15 Treatments

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Rhodostrophia terrestraria subsp. terrestraria     Rajaei, Hossein, Hausmann, Axel & Trusch, Robert, 2022, Taxonomic review of the genus Rhodostrophia Hübner, 1823 (Geometridae: Sterrhinae) in Iran, Zootaxa 5118 (1), pp. 1-64 : 18-20 18-20
Synopsia phasidaria subsp. phasidaria   comb. nov.  Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel, Sihvonen, Pasi, Krogmann, Lars & Rajaei, Hossein, 2020, Integrative taxonomic review of the genus Synopsia Hübner, 1825 in the Middle East (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae), Zootaxa 4885 (1), pp. 27-50 : 32-35 32-35
Rhamnus cathartica var. cathartica     Alijanpoor, Behnaz, Khodayari, Hamed, Assadi, Mostafa, Rahiminejad, Mohammadreza & Mehregan, Iraj, 2021, A taxonomic revision of Rhamnus L. and Atadinus Raf. (Rhamnaceae) in Iran, Phytotaxa 521 (3), pp. 127-158 : 131 131
Colletes alborzensis   sp. nov.  Kuhlmann, Michael, 2019, Colletes alborzensis nov. sp., a new bee species from Iran (Hymenoptera, Colletidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 1077-1081 : 1078-1079 1078-1079
Meringopus perexiguus   sp. nov.  Schwarz, Martin, 2020, Zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Meringopus-Arten (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (1), pp. 583-682 : 650-652 650-652
Merodon serrulatus     Gilasian, Ebrahim, Vujić, Ante, Hauser, Martin & Parchami-Araghi, Mehrdad, 2017, New data on the Syrphidae (Diptera) of Iran, with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 4303 (1), pp. 27-50 : 44 44
Osmia (Allosmia)     Müller, Andreas, 2022, Palaearctic Osmia bees of the subgenera Allosmia and Neosmia (Megachilidae Osmiini): biology, taxonomy and key to species, Zootaxa 5188 (3), pp. 201-232 : 202-216 202-216
Cryptocheilus schakuhensis     Egger, Christian Schmid- & Liebig, Wolf-Harald, 2019, New records of Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from northern Iran with description of a new species, Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 1195-1203 : 1198-1199 1198-1199
Thrips trehernei     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 216 216
Neohydatothrips abnormis     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 216 216
Thrips meridionalis     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 215-216 215-216
Euboeus (Pelorinus) gorganicus     Nabozhenko, Maxim V., 2022, A taxonomic review of the genus Euboeus Boieldieu, 1865 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) of the Caucasus, Iran and Turkmenistan, Zootaxa 5159 (4), pp. 451-486 : 455 455
Penthicus flatilatus   sp. nov.  Nabozhenko, Maxim V. & Mofrad, Farhad Eshraghi, 2025, Progress in the knowledge of the genus Penthicus Faldermann, 1836 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Opatrini) of Iraq, Iran and Pakistan with descriptions of 17 new species, Zootaxa 5573 (1), pp. 1-100 : 47-50 47-50
Phlaeothrips coriaceus     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 217 217
Thrips atratus     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 215 215