117.183334, -31.316668: 10 Treatments

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Daviesia microphylla     Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Daviesia smithiorum     Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Daviesia cunderdin     Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Poecilipta harveyi   sp. nov.  Raven, Robert J., 2015, & lt; strong & gt; A revision of ant-mimicking spiders of the family Corinnidae (Araneae) in the Western Pacific & lt; / strong & gt;, Zootaxa 3958 (1), pp. 1-258 : 213-215 213-215
Artoria incrassata   sp. nov.  Do Prado, André W., Baptista, Renner Luiz Cerqueira & Framenau, Volker W., 2024, Taxonomy of the wolf spider genus Artoria in Western Australia (Araneae, Lycosidae, Artoriinae), Zootaxa 5547 (1), pp. 1-81 : 37-41 37-41
Daviesia nudiflora subsp. amplectens     Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Barraina occidentalis   sp. nov.  Richardson, Barry J., 2022, Additions to the euophryine jumping spider fauna (Araneae: Salticidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 5141 (3), pp. 249-269 : 257-259 257-259
Artoria inversa   sp. nov.  Do Prado, André W., Baptista, Renner Luiz Cerqueira & Framenau, Volker W., 2024, Taxonomy of the wolf spider genus Artoria in Western Australia (Araneae, Lycosidae, Artoriinae), Zootaxa 5547 (1), pp. 1-81 : 41-43 41-43
Daviesia nudiflora subsp. drummondii     Crisp, Michael D., Cayzer, Lindy, Chandler, Gregory T. & Cook, Lyn G., 2017, A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae), Phytotaxa 300 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Calamanthus montanellus subsp. leakei     LeCroy, M., 2008, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 7. Passeriformes: Sylviidae, Muscicapidae, Platysteiridae, Maluridae, Acanthizidae, Monarchidae, Rhipiduridae, And Petroicidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 313 (1), pp. 1-287 : 144-145 144-145