Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) kazak Triapitsyn

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2013, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Palaearctic region, with notes on extralimital distributions, Zootaxa 3644 (1), pp. 1-178 : 71-73

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3644.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) kazak Triapitsyn

sp. nov.

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) kazak Triapitsyn View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 113–115 View FIGURES 113 – 115 )

Lymaenon View in CoL “A”: Huffaker et al. 1954: 786 –788 (host association, imported from Spain, mass-reared in California and released in the western USA, see “Comments” to G. litoralis ).

Gonatocerus View in CoL “A”: Clausen 1978: 56 (host association, information on releases in California).

? Gonatocerus View in CoL “ Y ”: Clausen 1978: 56 (host association, information on releases in California).

Type material. Holotype female [ ZIN] on slide: RUSSIA. KRASNODARSKIY KRAY , Krasnodar , All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection, 31.viii.2003, V.V. Kostjukov [ UCRC ENT 263623 ]. The holotype lacks 1 fore leg and a pair of wings. Paratypes: same location and collector as the holotype: 16– 17.viii.2001 [1 Ƥ on slide, UCRC]; 31.viii.2003 [2 Ƥ on slides, CNCI, UCRC]. STAVROPOL’SKIY KRAY, Prietokskiy , 12.viii.2003, V.V. Kostjukov [1 Ƥ on slide, UCRC] .

Material examined. SPAIN. CÁDIZ, El Puerto de Santa María, 19.viii.1952, J.K. Holloway (on Heliotropium europaeum [as “ Ex Heliotrope”], Holloway’s “No. 9-4”, University of California, Berkeley ( UCB) quarantine (Albany, California, USA) SR No. 52-29, received 25.viii.1952) [2 Ƥ, 4 3, EMEC] . These specimens, identified by R.L. Doutt as Lymaenon “A”, are uncleared and poorly mounted in gum Damar (Damar balsam medium) under the same coverslip on a slide and therefore are not included in the paratype series. Four females [ EMEC] on 2 slides labeled: “ Spain. Aug. 1952. Emerged in Quarantine, Albany, Calif. Ex various plants. Used in rearing tests on beet leafhopper. J.K. Holloway.” are also excluded from the type series.

Other records. USA. CALIFORNIA, Alameda Co., Albany, UCB insectary/quarantine: 7.i.1953, G.L. Finney (insectary culture of Lymaenon “A” from eggs of Neoaliturus ( Circulifer) tenellus ( Baker) [as Circulifer tenellus ( Baker) ] on sugar beet) [23 Ƥ, EMEC]; 31.vii.1953 (“ Lymaenon “ A ” 1st generation on C. tenellus ”) [3 Ƥ, EMEC]; 31.vii.1953 (“ Lymaenon “A” Insectary stock”) [2 Ƥ, EMEC]; 27.i.1954, G.L. Finney (insectary culture of Lymaenon “A” from eggs of N. tenellus on sugar beet) [31 Ƥ, 2 3, EMEC]; originally from: SPAIN. [According to the unpublished quarantine records at UCB (Kent M. Daane, personal communication), the originators of the successfully established colonies of Lymaenon sp. “A” and “B” ( Huffaker et al. 1954) were collected by J.K. Holloway in Spain likely in various localities during 1952 and 1953 (the host was N. tenellus on various plant material) and received in UCB quarantine under several Shipper/Receiver (SR) numbers, but the exact localities and collecting dates for the original stocks of these colonies are now impossible to figure out].

Description. FEMALE (type material only). Body length (dry-mounted paratypes measured before being slide-mounted) about 700 µm. Head and mesosoma brown to dark brown, gaster and appendages mostly brown.

Antenna ( Fig. 113 View FIGURES 113 – 115 ) with radicle 0.31–0.33× total length of scape, rest of scape 3.2–3.4× as long as wide, faintly sculptured; pedicel longer than F1; F1, F2 and F4 subequal in length and a little shorter than other funicle segments, F8 usually the longest and broadest funicle segment (subequal to F7 when the latter bears 2 mps); mps on F6 (usually 0, rarely 1 on one antenna), F7 (usually 1, sometimes 2) and F8 (2); clava with 8 mps, 2.7–3.3× as long as wide, about as long as combined length of F6–F8 or a little shorter when F7 bears 2 mps.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 114 View FIGURES 113 – 115 ). Propodeum with submedian lines rather close to each other. Fore wing ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 113 – 115 ) 3.2–3.3× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.29–0.34× maximum wing width; disc with a slight brownish tinge, mostly bare behind submarginal vein except behind its apex and setose elsewhere although somewhat a little sparser between marginal vein and cubital row of setae. Hind wing ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 113 – 115 ) 20–21× as long as wide; disc unevenly setose and with a slight brownish tinge; longest marginal seta 2.5–2.8× maximum wing width.

Metasoma ( Fig. 114 View FIGURES 113 – 115 ). Gaster longer than mesosoma. Petiole about 2× as wide as long. Ovipositor occupying about 0.7× length of gaster, not or at most barely exserted beyond its apex; ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 1.2–1.4:1.

Measurements (µm) of the holotype. Body 769; mesosoma 264; petiole 21; gaster 351; ovipositor 264. Antenna: radicle 43; rest of scape 94; pedicel 45; F1 25; F2 24; F3 30; F4 26; F5 32; F6 33; F7 36; F8 39; clava 118. Fore wing 702:215; longest marginal seta 73. Hind wing 561:27; longest marginal seta 76.

MALE (non-type specimens from El Puerto de Santa María, Spain). Similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features such as antenna and genitalia; fore wing 2.9–3.0× as long as wide. Also known as voucher specimens of Lymaenon “A” from the culture in California, USA of Spain origin ( Huffaker et al. 1954).

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus kazak is similar to G. thyrides and specimens of G. litoralis that lack mps on F5 of the female antenna. Gonatocerus kazak differs from both by having only 8 mps on the clava (10 mps in the latter two species). See also the diagnosis of G. karlik .

Etymology. The species name (a noun in apposition) is that of a cossack (“ kazak ” in Russian). Kuban cossacks live in the Krasnodar region (Krasnodarskiy kray) of Russia where most of specimens of the type series of this new species were collected.

Host. Neoaliturus (Circulifer) tenellus ( Baker) [as Circulifer tenellus ( Baker) ] ( Cicadellidae ) ( Huffaker et al. 1954) [as Lymaenon “A”].

Comments. Specimens from one R.L. Doutt's slide containing 7 females and 1 male were soaked off in absolute ethanol, cleared in 10% KOH, and remounted onto individual slides thus making possible to count mps on the clava (8 in all the specimens); they are also identical in every other regard to the specimens of the type series of G. kazak .

According to Clausen (1978), 127,810 individuals of Gonatocerus “A” originating from Spain were released in the beet-growing areas of California during 1953–1955 and its field recoveries were made during the latter part of the season of release, but they apparently did not persist, and thus the species did not become established there (see also “Comments” to G. litoralis ).

The following specimens also may possibly belong to this species: EGYPT. GIZA, Giza,? v.1954, C.B. Huffaker, “on Chenopodium sp. at Pyramids”, emerged 4.vi.1954 at UCB quarantine (Albany, California, USA, SR # 54-17), presumed host N. tenellus [1 Ƥ, EMEC]. USA. CALIFORNIA, Alameda Co., Albany, University of California, Berkeley (UCB) quarantine laboratory (progeny on N. tenellus eggs on sugar beet): 4.vi.1954 (“ Lymaenon “ Y ” progeny on C. tenellus 54-11 Yachech to insectary 6/4/54 ”) [10 Ƥ, 6 3, EMEC]; 22.vi.1954, J. Nakata ( Lymaenon “ Y ”) [11 Ƥ, 4 3, EMEC] – originally from: MOROCCO. SOUSS-MASSA-DRAÂ, Agadir, Yachech [according to the unpublished quarantine records at UCB, SR No. 54-11 referred to the material reared by C.B. Huffaker from eggs of C. tenellus on various plants in Agadir’s section of Yachech and received in UCB quarantine 10.v.1954].


Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute


USA, California, Riverside, University of California


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology


USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


University of California, Riverside


Canadian National Collection Insects


University of California at Berkeley


Essig Museum of Entomology














Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) kazak Triapitsyn

Triapitsyn, Serguei V. 2013


Clausen 1978: 56


Clausen 1978: 56


Huffaker 1954: 786
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